Slightly OT: UNLV Starting QB quits after 3 games, plans to transfer for more NIL money (Merged) | Page 7 | The Boneyard

Slightly OT: UNLV Starting QB quits after 3 games, plans to transfer for more NIL money (Merged)

Mar 4, 2014
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There is probably much more to this story which may have already came out since I last checked but this is how the big issues get exposed and addressed. A lot here doesn't make sense:
  • A coach promised the money but the school isn't allowed to pay players
  • The kid's side approached the head coach about the NIL deal and payments and the coach said sorry, no. Did they even bring it to the collective, alumni or donors?
  • UNLV is on verge of being ranked for first time in history and is at a pivotal point in choosing between the MWC and PAC. This looks very bad for UNLV
  • Friends of UNLV collective claim they weren't involved in any way with Sluka and if that is the case, why not?
  • Given the season UNLC is having, it seems they would have tried to work a solution. Otherwise, maybe it was Sluka's intention to leave to accept another offer he already has in a P4 conference. Maybe he was only getting $12k and someone told him hold on, you can get 10 times that with another school


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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It is more likely than not in my opinion that the assistant coach made a monetary promise that wasn't upheld.

It hurts the kid for sure, he's out $97K. But it is going to absolutely screw UNLV in the next portal. Good luck convincing anyone that you're good for your offer. Even if you are, they may not even want to start the conversation...
Sep 11, 2011
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The agent, who seems inept--wasn't on top of this kid's deal-which led to the "misunderstanding". I don't blame the kid for ending his season. Keeping his eligibility will make his next season's NIL compensation at another school worth much more based on his performance and results at UNLV. Why should he give up the chance to make significant money by continuing to play for the team he perceives as having cheated him? I'll bet his teammates back him, too. He's exposing defects in the system and taking a stand.
This is the reason why after Merrimack, when folks were pushing for Fagnano to start vs Duke, that Mora had to start Evers. He had made certain commitments to him. And he's paying him more than the UNLV kid thinks he was promised. Sitting in the stands at Duke I mused to some savvy Duke fans whether due to our offensive struggles Mora might insert Fagnano for the 2nd half. I was told no way. "If UConn did that, the word would spread and we'd get many fewer portal transfers to UConn."

It's a wild world out there but it also has the promise to be very beneficial for us. Look how many undervalued MAC and FCS players are showcasing their talent and their value at the higher level of FBS. Look at us. There were two players on Wisconsin's roster, Nick Evers and Skyler Bell, multi star HS players who were either backups or down on the depth chart. Evers never got the chance at QB and Bell was not the top target he thought he should be. Both were unable to showcase their talents there. UConn has given them the platform to do just that. The NFL scouts can see talent at UConn just as easily as at any other school. And if promises are kept at UConn, the word spreads. We'll have a chance to pluck some gems from future portals. And if Mora proves adept at grabbing the right ones, and we raise the dollars to be competitive, we could take this program to a whole new level a lot sooner than any of the BIG 12 or ACC naysayers think.
With enough money anything is possible in this crazy world of NIL and the portal. I agree that we could benefit from all the chaos if we become known as a program that resurrects players' careers, lines their pockets with cash and pays for good coaches.
Mar 4, 2014
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The agent, who seems inept--wasn't on top of this kid's deal-which led to the "misunderstanding". I don't blame the kid for ending his season. Keeping his eligibility will make his next season's NIL compensation at another school worth much more based on his performance and results at UNLV. Why should he give up the chance to make significant money by continuing to play for the team he perceives as having cheated him? I'll bet his teammates back him, too. He's exposing defects in the system and taking a stand.
This is the reason why after Merrimack, when folks were pushing for Fagnano to start vs Duke, that Mora had to start Evers. He had made certain commitments to him. And he's paying him more than the UNLV kid thinks he was promised. Sitting in the stands at Duke I mused to some savvy Duke fans whether due to our offensive struggles Mora might insert Fagnano for the 2nd half. I was told no way. "If UConn did that, the word would spread and we'd get many fewer portal transfers to UConn."

It's a wild world out there but it also has the promise to be very beneficial for us. Look how many undervalued MAC and FCS players are showcasing their talent and their value at the higher level of FBS. Look at us. There were two players on Wisconsin's roster, Nick Evers and Skyler Bell, multi star HS players who were either backups or down on the depth chart. Evers never got the chance at QB and Bell was not the top target he thought he should be. Both were unable to showcase their talents there. UConn has given them the platform to do just that. The NFL scouts can see talent at UConn just as easily as at any other school. And if promises are kept at UConn, the word spreads. We'll have a chance to pluck some gems from future portals. And if Mora proves adept at grabbing the right ones, and we raise the dollars to be competitive, we could take this program to a whole new level a lot sooner than any of the BIG 12 or ACC naysayers think.
Exactly. With hard work and some luck, go out and find the football versions of Cam Spencer and Tristen Newton before they are identified by other programs and it won't even cost that much in NIL money. Some may ultimately leave after 1 or 2 years for more money but the right kids with the right attitudes will help build the program.
Aug 24, 2011
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1. I doubt it, but when did a lawyer ever stretch the truth.
2. Hitting the road was the cleanest approach. Would you take this verbal only he said/he said case on contingency, or require a nice fat retainer?

If what was said was true and he got later and much bigger offers then he is the honorable guy by sticking with his agreement with UNLV and got stuck in the you know where. If he did get later and higher offers of NIL the grapevine will confirm and bolster his creds and he'll be in demand next year.
I don’t disagree with your conclusion if his story is totally correct. I just doubt that it is.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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And the school/coaches can't pay the players directly, soooo what's the play here Mr. Cromartie? Dude just rubber stamped a big red flag on his client's forehead.
Actually, he just publicly acknowledged that he is incompetent. There is enough "stank" on this for all involved. I think that Skula, UNLV, it's coaches, it's collective, it's athletic department and Cromartie will all reek of it.

I doubt that Skula had never mentioned this to anyone and then one day decided to walk away. I'm sure that the coaching staff was well aware of the promise, or at least the kids belief that their was a promise and were likely yessing the kid to death to get him through the season.

It's an ugly set of facts but when you decide to have third parties compensate "student athletes" without a framework and just organically evolve, it's not surprising that there's some ugliness along the way. The ultimate responsibility for this mess falls on the NCAA and Emmert for refusing to take any leadership whatsoever on this issue.
Aug 27, 2011
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It is more likely than not in my opinion that the assistant coach made a monetary promise that wasn't upheld.

It hurts the kid for sure, he's out $97K. But it is going to absolutely screw UNLV in the next portal. Good luck convincing anyone that you're good for your offer. Even if you are, they may not even want to start the conversation...

That’s my issue. Find the money and make this right. Even if it is wrong. Sometimes cheap is expensive.
Aug 30, 2011
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It is more likely than not in my opinion that the assistant coach made a monetary promise that wasn't upheld.

It hurts the kid for sure, he's out $97K. But it is going to absolutely screw UNLV in the next portal. Good luck convincing anyone that you're good for your offer. Even if you are, they may not even want to start the conversation...
This. The negative press alone on this is worth far more than $100k. Even if the HC didn’t know his OC was going around making six figure offers, if that is true, it’s ultimately on the HC for creating or allowing that culture. Horrible look for the coaching staff there.


Oh yes, UConn IS a BB blueblood!
Aug 25, 2023
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Regarding Sluka's agent, Cromartie, apparently he's not registered as an agent in Nevada. This is a crappy situation.
Matthew Sluka's NIL fallout with UNLV raises questions about agent's unregistered status in Nevada

"Cromartie is with the agency Equity Sports, which represents numerous NFL players, most notably Patrick Mahomes. The 33-year-old is a former Wisconsin football player and cousin of former NFL stars Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie and Antonio Cromartie.

Cromartie's status as an unregistered agent in the state of Nevada is yet another wrinkle to the story that rocked college football on Wednesday, a war of words and leaks between each side that could threaten to get ugly."
Nov 30, 2013
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This has all been completely screwed in my, not so educated on the topic opinion. I thought the original intent for NIL money was for the athlete to be able to us their name image and likeness to make some extra cash before they graduated. I hate how it's basically now just schools offering kids money to play. I was all for it for the kids to make money on endorsement deals, selling jersery's and autographs and stuff like that, but this is basically what caused SMU to get the death penalty. Give them back those wins.
Aug 26, 2011
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"NIL revenue came up short..., pay me. Team is off to a 3-0 start...., pay me"
When there is no more money to light a match"- 'Good fellas (sort of)

That said, don't write checks with your mouth....

That said don‘t accept verbals

Only a handful of people know what really happened


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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That’s my issue. Find the money and make this right. Even if it is wrong. Sometimes cheap is expensive.
If that's the strategy, and for &100K, I think it is the smart move, the time to do that was before the kid publicly indicated he was leaving the program.

I wonder if the assistant coach who purportedly offered Skyla $100,000 to move to UNLV overreached and was not authorized to make that offer (translation: he was just talking out his ass when he offered the kid 100 grand). Having overstepped, he might not have communicated the promise to the head coach, the school, or the boosters. So we're left with a kid waiting for $100,000 that he's been promised, a coach who had no authority to make the promise denying it to everyone else and a group of boosters who are entirely clueless that the promise was made.

That seems to be the best fit to the facts. I can't see a school knowingly, making offers that they're not going to keep. I can't see a kid suddenly deciding that he's worth more in the free market and manufacturing a narrative that he was promised $100,000, unless he actually was. I absolutely can see some Coach talking out his butt, realizing he's dug one hell of a hole for himself, going turtle and hoping for the best.
Aug 24, 2011
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This has all been completely screwed in my, not so educated on the topic opinion. I thought the original intent for NIL money was for the athlete to be able to us their name image and likeness to make some extra cash before they graduated. I hate how it's basically now just schools offering kids money to play. I was all for it for the kids to make money on endorsement deals, selling jersery's and autographs and stuff like that, but this is basically what caused SMU to get the death penalty. Give them back those wins.

You make a perfectly valid point. That said, it was perfectly clear from the onset that NIL would be used as a pure pay-to-play system. I don't think there is any real oversite on this and, even if there was, I'm not sure what enforcement would be. At this point I believe the NCAA is toothless.

That young people were going to be hurt by this was also inevitable. A kid hears from a coach that they are going to receive $100,000 and I think most would readily accept that as a commitment. More experienced people would know to ask if the individual providing the commitment has the authority to do so. Do most 19-20 year olds know that - I doubt it.

As for Cromartie, he should be immediately fired. I am willing to speculate that Sluka and his measly 100 grand wasn't worth too much of his attention. I hope Patrick Mahomes calls up that firm and gives them a good earful of WTF!
Nov 30, 2013
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You make a perfectly valid point. That said, it was perfectly clear from the onset that NIL would be used as a pure pay-to-play system. I don't think there is any real oversite on this and, even if there was, I'm not sure what enforcement would be. At this point I believe the NCAA is toothless.

That young people were going to be hurt by this was also inevitable. A kid hears from a coach that they are going to receive $100,000 and I think most would readily accept that as a commitment. More experienced people would know to ask if the individual providing the commitment has the authority to do so. Do most 19-20 year olds know that - I doubt it.

As for Cromartie, he should be immediately fired. I am willing to speculate that Sluka and his measly 100 grand wasn't worth too much of his attention. I hope Patrick Mahomes calls up that firm and gives them a good earful of WTF!
I'd prefer if it was just them making money from endorsements, autographs and things like that. Because Sluka is going to be the norm not the exception moving forward.
Aug 26, 2011
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This. The negative press alone on this is worth far more than $100k. Even if the HC didn’t know his OC was going around making six figure offers, if that is true, it’s ultimately on the HC for creating or allowing that culture. Horrible look for the coaching staff there.
This is what leads me to believe the school in this case. No school that invests in an FBS program - especially one with P4 ambitions - is going to allow that to derail one of its better starts to a season in recent memory. It also leads me to believe that the program doesn't think the kid is all that good.
Sep 16, 2011
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How exactly does the paying of players work and are there any guard rails at all? My buddy seems to think that SEC schools getting $100 million per year in TV money doesn't have an impact on NIL/paying players because that money can't be used.

I know they're using that money to pay players but does the NCAA have any language where they can pretend that isn't happening?


Exiled in Pittsburgh
Mar 23, 2012
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Apologies if this was asked and answered already, but I skipped over the last 4 pages...

Can UNLV rescind Sluka's scholly, or pro-rate it to 25%?
May 30, 2018
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This is what leads me to believe the school in this case. No school that invests in an FBS program - especially one with P4 ambitions - is going to allow that to derail one of its better starts to a season in recent memory. It also leads me to believe that the program doesn't think the kid is all that good.
Ross Tucker has an interesting take on this subject on today's Dan Patrick show. He believes that UNLV didn't think that Sluka would actually leave. He also stated that this is not the first time that schools have stiffed athletes on promised payments, but most players just accept it. He also believes that Sluka could command .5M to over a 1M in NIL money from another school.

But I agree it is hard to believe that UNLV didn't just pay the 100K to prevent the derailment of their season. Also, a good chance that their coach Barry Odom leaves for greener pastures next season.
Oct 31, 2023
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How exactly does the paying of players work and are there any guard rails at all? My buddy seems to think that SEC schools getting $100 million per year in TV money doesn't have an impact on NIL/paying players because that money can't be used.

I know they're using that money to pay players but does the NCAA have any language where they can pretend that isn't happening?
There are currently no guard rails. Coaching staff "offer" and NIL collectives deliver with payments or a contract or nothing at all. It's pay for play in reality, but they pretend it's not whenever it's convenient. From what I've read, it's very common for portal players not to get what they've been verbally offered. I'm not a lawyer but I'm guessing they can get away with it because the coaching staff doesn't have legal ties to the NIL collective. It's rotten and UNLV looks really bad coming out of this IMO. The headlines make it seem like Sluka is the bad actor here but if you dig a little, UNLV and its collective are the rotten ones. JMHO but I'm right. ;)
Feb 14, 2013
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Apologies if this was asked and answered already, but I skipped over the last 4 pages...

Can UNLV rescind Sluka's scholly, or pro-rate it to 25%?
My understanding is no. Same goes for any other player that quits mid-season. Players have up and quit before NIL was a thing.

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