Should Diaco Be Fired Tonight? | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Should Diaco Be Fired Tonight?

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Jan 21, 2016
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Both barrels. This was posted at 9:22PM so roughly halfway through the game. Poster is frustrated and decides to post this duck*ing drivel. That's all this is. It's driven by frustration and the complete lack of any self control or moderation.

Yeah, sure, Diaco is going to get fired after losing by 4 touchdowns in a game UCONN was an underdog by...4 touchdowns.

Since I am original poster, I should respond. It's clear many on this site who defend Diaco are in denial. Unless the season drastically changes, it is going to be a choice to either stay with Diaco and stay in the AAC for many decades, or, find a great coach that gets UConn into the Top 25. Then there will be Big options. I remember some of this same blind loyalty when PP was head coach and criticizing him was a major sin. And there is a very good reason for fans not to go out and buy tickets under the current regime. We hate to see the team fall apart because of awful coaching.
Aug 24, 2011
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Since I am original poster, I should respond. It's clear many on this site who defend Diaco are in denial. Unless the season drastically changes, it is going to be a choice to either stay with Diaco and stay in the AAC for many decades, or, find a great coach that gets UConn into the Top 25. Then there will be Big options. I remember some of this same blind loyalty when PP was head coach and criticizing him was a major sin. And there is a very good reason for fans not to go out and buy tickets under the current regime. We hate to see the team fall apart because of awful coaching.

I never defended Diaco in my post.
Jun 23, 2014
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Whatever you say Chief. Your record on this board is crystal clear for all to see and it's piss poor.

I hate his f$$king avatar. I wish he would hang it on his head. He would have more credibility. Wait a minute no he wouldn't!
Aug 27, 2011
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Diaco may have security for now, but there are other parts of the program that do not and there are changes that can be made in the very near future. While a good portion of the offensive woe falls on BS not being able to accurately throw the ball, Verducci shares an equal level of accountability for some very puzzling offensive decisions in the first three games. At some level, the same goes for the DC if teams continually beat us over the top. Also, the O Line coach has to be held accountable for how craptastic they've performed.

We'll see how Cincinnati goes, but if that's another disaster there needs to be heavy consideration to coaching changes and/or benching BS. It's become abundantly clear defenses know BS is not a threat to throw the ball downfield and his running ability is not good enough to overcome the defenders who spy and read his run game.

I don't know about this. Bryant actually looked much better against Houston than he did against Syracuse, where he tucked and ran without success all afternoon. He threw a lot more against Houston. He missed, but he threw. That's progress. He'll get better. It's hard to adjust immediately from a "run first" QB to a pocket passer. He made progress against Houston. He is learning that this ain't high school. He's not the fastest guy on the field anymore. I thought he looked, like, OK. Missed the TD throws, I get it. But looked better. If he keeps improving we can go bowling. Verducci's play calling wasn't that bad either. Look, we hit on a couple of those calls and its a close game. Things are not that bad.
Aug 27, 2011
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Whatever you say Chief. Your record on this board is crystal clear for all to see and it's piss poor.
Ouch! A few drinks, and this board is beautiful!!


Mora excited than before.
Sep 6, 2011
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This post sucks so bad.
I thought it was the worst post ever until I read your post today (2 days later) on your list choices to replace Diaco. That post sucked even harder.
You should change your user name from LoyalFanCT to Dyson. Your posts never lose suction. choose the Houston game to get steamed up about? Were you seriously even slightly surprised by the outcome? You expected things to "click" against one of the best teams in the country, when we've struggled with the teams we've played?
I'm sure your original and inciteful posts will force the hand of the decision makers to pay a hefty ransom to remove the HC and bring in one of the nation's top prospects just dancing with anticipation to come and lead the Huskies to a National Championship.
Wake up.


Previously pnete
Oct 15, 2014
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Both barrels. This was posted at 9:22PM so roughly halfway through the game. Poster is frustrated and decides to post this duck*ing drivel. That's all this is. It's driven by frustration and the complete lack of any self control or moderation.

Yeah, sure, Diaco is going to get fired after losing by 4 touchdowns in a game UCONN was an underdog by...4 touchdowns.

Why don't you ask yourself one simple question? Why is UConn a 4 touchdown underdog?
You justify Diaco's incompetence by citing his incompetence.


Previously pnete
Oct 15, 2014
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Every time I'm sure that Chief is the worst poster on the board, you make me question that conclusion.
And what did Wart or Bob Diaco do for this state other than suck of tax dollars?

Wart is in the B1G with a fat pay raise. Diaco will soon be an assistant coach somewhere. Houston and Cincy will be in the Big 12.
UConn will have East Carolina as its rival.
Aug 29, 2015
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And what did Wart or Bob Diaco do for this state other than suck of tax dollars?

Wart is in the B1G with a fat pay raise. Diaco will soon be an assistant coach somewhere. Houston and Cincy will be in the Big 12.
UConn will have East Carolina as its rival.
Jan 21, 2016
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This post sucks so bad.
I thought it was the worst post ever until I read your post today (2 days later) on your list choices to replace Diaco. That post sucked even harder.
You should change your user name from LoyalFanCT to Dyson. Your posts never lose suction. choose the Houston game to get steamed up about? Were you seriously even slightly surprised by the outcome? You expected things to "click" against one of the best teams in the country, when we've struggled with the teams we've played?
I'm sure your original and inciteful posts will force the hand of the decision makers to pay a hefty ransom to remove the HC and bring in one of the nation's top prospects just dancing with anticipation to come and lead the Huskies to a National Championship.
Wake up.

It's clear that some of the people on this site are in fantasy land when it comes to how successful college football programs are developed. Look at Houston and Louisville. On the other hand, Bob Diaco could end up being another Paul P. UConn barely won the two games it has won this season.

UConn has the raw talent on its team to be in the top 30. No score in Q1 of Houston game tells me that.

But UConn may end up up the season in the top 90. If so, you have Diaco and his loyal supporters to thank for that.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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What does Boneyard think? Fire Diaco and have Weist take over for the rest of the season?

Most ridiculous post but I understand your frustration. Not happening any time soon unless the players and the school give up on HCBD


Please cancel the program all hope is lost
Apr 19, 2012
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Oh I don't know about the "only". I think most people on the board would take back Orlando, Edsall, Weist, Moorhead, and possibly even Hughes to run this team instead of this idiot...
Or Don brown


BEast mode
Aug 26, 2011
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And what did Wart or Bob Diaco do for this state other than suck of tax dollars?

Wart is in the B1G with a fat pay raise. Diaco will soon be an assistant coach somewhere. Houston and Cincy will be in the Big 12.
UConn will have East Carolina as its rival.

I'd love to hear how innovative you are besides changing the name Warde to Wart. Obviously that pushed the boundaries of your mental capacity.

Tell me please, how many times will you try to vote for Trump?
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