@Zionn is connected and has a high accuracy rate with his information. And for the most part people want to know what he hears.
The attitude changed for some of us when he reported DHam was leaving the program. I never got the impression that he was doing anything other than informing us what he heard from his insider connection(s).
I feel Zionn's information is a valuable asset for this forum. It's been already stated, but in this case it doesn't hurt to be redundant, that we are only receiving a better percentage of predictability from these people with insider contacts. There are no absolutes. JC (the insider of insiders) thought he had Bill Curly and the rumor is he celebrated only to learn the next day the kid changed his mind and gave a verbal to BCU.
My quibble with Zionn is slightly different than what I've seen. I want him to continue offering us information. But I would suggest he change his approach slightly. The statement "Next" was great for a while, but I feel the time to be that brief has ended. It denotes finality and absoluteness. And even though it is extremely accurate, there are always surprises (positive and negative). Why state absoluteness in a fluid universe? Furthermore we are a group with different sensitivities so why not present information with some equivocation? It doesn't hit the shock button as badly when Zionn or any insider turns out to be wrong. It won't avoid all s&*t storms that we just observed butI believe it will end up more positive than negative.