SEC Would be a Brilliant Stroke | Page 2 | The Boneyard

SEC Would be a Brilliant Stroke

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Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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Jleves you are wrong. I always combined the two. The APR situation was basically understood before the recruiting sanctions.

Jerome Dyson did more to help the team's future by graduating than many of the great players in the program in the past decade. Admit it.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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I know Dyson is a sore wound for many posters here who basically were very wrong

The only one who has ever been wrong about Dyson is you. You always have been, and always will be, and everyone knows it but you, because you are either too stupid (doubt it) or too stubborn (dingdingding) to see it.

You are wrong.

Admit it. Accept it. Move on with your life. Let your unwavering hatred for a 22 year-old go.


Aug 24, 2011
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i made one comment that was just a simple joke. i come bqck to this thread and guess who is being talked about? lmfao. anyway

to the SEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and beyond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 27, 2011
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no thank you.

I would like the corrupt refs however! :)

but still a big N-O!


Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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UConn to the SEC is the most outrageous suggestion I have heard during this whole fiasco that is conference realignment.


The APR almost wrecked the program. The NCAA sanctions were relatively mild. Your argument was that we were going to get slammed by the NCAA sanctions. You were wrong. Stop trying to appear right by changing your argument after the fact.
That's not an accurate characterization of my position. It was the combined impact. The parameters of the NCAA APR punishment was known prior to the NCAA recruiting sanctions. Hence, I was commenting on the actual impact. The APR situation had been widely reported for those who follow UC MBB well before the recruiting sanction rulings. I don't know why that's so hard for you to comprehend....other than as an escape from being wrong about something again.


It's rumored that Herbst has had conversations with at least 2 SEC schools.
Aug 31, 2011
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So the thread is here no big deal. Nothing would suprise me anymore . Probably would not happen but actually is possible and you could say screw the ACC and BC along with it.
Aug 27, 2011
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It's rumored that Herbst has had conversations with at least 2 SEC schools.
I've had at least two conversations with companies in Cali last week- but it does not mean I am moving to Cali.

The good news- practice starts in 5 days- then we can start defending Bazz for not being Kemba- AD for being raw- ect..... It will be a nice change of pace.
Aug 26, 2011
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Geographically, the SEC & UConn make no sense. The nearest team would be Vandy.


Aug 27, 2011
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That's not an accurate characterization of my position. It was the combined impact. The parameters of the NCAA APR punishment was known prior to the NCAA recruiting sanctions. Hence, I was commenting on the actual impact. The APR situation had been widely reported for those who follow UC MBB well before the recruiting sanction rulings. I don't know why that's so hard for you to comprehend....other than as an escape from being wrong about something again.
You know what, I am quite confident that you actually believe that which makes further discussion unecessary.
Aug 27, 2011
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Look, nothing makes sense and everything does. Who envisioned Pitt and Cuse bolting the way they did? Who thought Drummond and Daniels would be playing for us now? Crazier things than you ever believed are likely to happen with this conference shakeout, so even UCONN to the SEC while not likely is not off the wall. Everyone make their final predictions now. I bet no one is right in 1 year.


I bet I will be right - I am not certain - but the scale is tipping heavily in the SEC direction. As the news today indicates, BC and a couple buddies are blocking us from the ACC. I believe we are already in conversation with Bama and GA. Herbst would like better geography for travel given academics and she is an ACC girl at heart. But, we can do what ESPN did to the brilliant BE Commissioner and turn the tables on them by going to the SEC. The SEC has a TV contract with CBS - so this would really trump Flipper turf thing.

Now what I don't know is if this activity is to strengthen our leverage for getting into the ACC.........or will it get to the point .........where it's about to happen?
Aug 26, 2011
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ZLS44 - Dyson was brought up by another poster in this thread first. I merely responded to his sarcastic tone. I know Dyson is a sore wound for many posters here who basically were very wrong about his impact on the team. Last season provided the contrast to Dyson's post season record - both speak for themselves.

I agree that last season proves Dyson was over-rated. His high motor was negated by his poor decisions. If he was a Senior last we we lose early in both tourneys.


And on the NCAA thing - I had an impeccable source - who proved to be correct. My understanding is there was no precedent to ban us from post season. And while the two formally are not suppose to be factored into the recruiting sanctions decision - they knew the APR situation and did not want us playing with 8 or 9 players. That's not how TV contracts work. They felt a 10 limit would hinder us along with the contact restrictions , etc.

I do think JC is brilliant at finding loopholes - from reading various stories on recruits I think we are often communicating via AAU coaches to players during certain black periods per the sanctions. The Drummond thing was an approach that I bet the NCAA types had not considered.


Addicted to all things UCONN!
Aug 26, 2011
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I think there is less than 0% chance of it happening...but it really did get me thinking.

Listen, the SEC is the best football conference and this is not going to change. They are simply loaded. Is adding a couple more elite football teams really going to increase their power and revenue? I am not sure how much more they can increase it. However, they have a lot of upside on the basketball side.

What if the SEC decided to add Missouri, Kansas, and UConn. The SEC would go from arguably the worst BCS conference in basketball to potentially the best. They would have 3 of the truly elite programs of the past 20 years (UConn, Kansas, Kentucky) with a group of very good teams that are perenial NCAA teams (Florida, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas A&M, Tennessee, etc). The incremental power and revenue they could generate from basketball is probably more that their upside on the football side.

They would end up being THE CONFERENCE FOR ALL SPORTS. Can you imagine the contract they could sign with a network and the SEC Network they could put together? The content they would have would be ridiculous. They would basically dominate all of athletics like they currently do for football only.

I know it isn't going to happen and all that they care about in Birmingham is college football....but that would be huge, bold move that could centralize the power of all sports right there in the SEC.

Again...I know it isn't going to happen....but very interesting to think about!
Aug 26, 2011
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Chief, you at one time said that the penalty was going to be so bad that you would rather have been banned from the post season. It is very childish of me to carry on with this "debate" because I know you won't change your mind, but to me there are few things more frustrating than someone being so off the wall wrong yet thinks everyone else is crazy. This is what that seems like.

The SEC currently has teams that are actually in the south east, play great football and that have rabid fanbases. Why would they add a bad football team from the north east with very little fan support relatively. People from the NE aren't suddenly going to start watching SEC football because of UCONN.


Walker11 - I will try to continue to be off the wall.
- Predicted in July 2010 that we would be better than in 2009/2010 and we would go to Sweet Sixteen.
- Predicted we would win each Tournament game. Called the exact spread on the UK game.
- Said the team culture and work ethic would improve minus JD - it did.
- Even after AD said he was going to Munson - I still said he would be going to UConn in 2011/2012 season
- Was on the money about NCAA penalties.

Walker11, perhaps you may be too young to remember, but just over 3 decades ago; we were in the Yankee Conference. We have won 3 NC's since in Men's BB.

Many of you are needlessly pessimistic. We are actually dealing from strength. We are 1 of the last 2 teams in the NYC market. Both the Big 10 and the SEC have an interest in us. I am told they both want a footprint in that market. As the Big East has found out - there really aren't a lot of unattached colleges out there meeting every criteria.


We are UConn!! 6 >>>1!
Aug 24, 2011
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And I predict people would vote you the most modest guy on the board. Not.
Aug 26, 2011
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I will give you credit in that in that all your optimistic forecasts have turned out correctly. I don't think any one will ever agree with you on your sanctioning projection, but this SEC prediction is surely VERY optimistic so I hope that you are on the money.


We are UConn!! 6 >>>1!
Aug 24, 2011
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I will give you credit in that in that all your optimistic forecasts have turned out correctly. I don't think any one will ever agree with you on your sanctioning projection, but this SEC prediction is surely VERY optimistic so I hope that you are on the money.
His level of conceit is only exceeded by his level of exaggeration. A lot of people predicted the things he's predicted but don't feel it necessary to keep score and make themselves self important. I will gladly retract my statement if UConn ends up in the SEC. My feeling is this will be as much this poster chest pumping without substance as was his proclamation Jamal Coombs-McDaniel was going to be the next great UConn wing.
Aug 28, 2011
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If it does turn out to be four 16 team super conferences, than I think UConn would have a chance at the SEC and would be strongly considered by the Big 10. If the conferences aren't forced to expand to 16, than I don't think either will accept UConn in the next few years. The big 10 may in the future if UConn's academics continue to increase and fan base improves. Here is my observation about the fan base. Feel free to debate me. I obviously have no hard data to back up my opinion on this one. sorry.
I may be making assumptions, but I think there are a higher percent of die hard fans of UConn football that are under 30 years of age than over. Students and recent grads most likely have followed the program closer since it has become nationally recognized. Also, students now come to UConn in part because of both football and basketball. I know more because of basketball, but I personally know that UConn's success in football is also a factor. If the program continues to have success, than the alumni base for football should continue to get stronger. In other words. I don't think alumni that are 30+ years old followed the team/ got attached to the team like current students and recent alumni have. Therefore, as time goes on there should be a much better alumni following. This should lead to better attendance and TV ratings. The same can be said to a lesser degree for basketball. For example, Kentucky has a lot of alumni 50+ who are obsessed with Kentucky basketball and have the money to pay for tickets. It appears UConn does not have the same kind of passionate alumni base. Just look at the maui tournament last year. The crowd consisted of mostly middle age + people who have the money to pay for an expensive vacation. UConn had no fans compared to Kentucky.
Aug 26, 2011
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I would agree that the key to UConn getting into one of the stronger surviving conferences is continued shuffling of schools. We know that UConn is one of the next schools the ACC would want to add if they add anyone, who knows about the Big Ten (the name of the conference is not the B1G), and who knows about the SEC. At this point the only certainty is that the more chaos and realignment that occurs, the better it is for UConn. If things stay as they are now, it isn't good for UConn at all.


We are UConn!! 6 >>>1!
Aug 24, 2011
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I would agree that the key to UConn getting into one of the stronger surviving conferences is continued shuffling of schools. We know that UConn is one of the next schools the ACC would want to add if they add anyone, who knows about the Big Ten (the name of the conference is not the B1G), and who knows about the SEC. At this point the only certainty is that the more chaos and realignment that occurs, the better it is for UConn. If things stay as they are now, it isn't good for UConn at all.
The joke is based on the B12 which has 10 teams and the Big 10 which has 12 teams. So posters on the realignment forum have designated the Big 10 as the B!G for clarification.

There is an argument on the realignment board that the best thing for UConn is that Missouri stays in the B12. That means with the addition of TCU the conference will stay at 10 teams and they won't invite WV or Louisville. If they do invite either team that would most likely be the end of the BCS AQ. And the loss of Louisville would be devastating to the bb side of things.

I'm not sure this is definite if Missouri goes to the SEC. But it is possible.
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