In addition to those mentioned in the on-target-as-always posts herein by CT TRAN, there are some others who earned points this time toward the Boneyard Fearless Forecaster Championship for post-season 2017 prescient predictions:
CHONGMASTER and GRAD 1990 also made the cut for scores by being only three off the exact MOV. A number of other stalwart and faithful participants were just a hair behind, and I hate drawing the line, but gotta be drawn somewhere, and them's the rules.
All in all, the pendulum swung this time toward a much more optimistic slant by our participants, who must have been quite impressed by the UCLA game. Very well done, swamping MASSEY. Nice to see that large number of newbies joining in AND accumulating points already for the Fearless Forecaster title, where we have a new leader now after the fourth leg has become history. Details in the "RESULTS: B.Y. Fearless Forecaster Championship, Leg 4 Ducks" which will be posted in few minutes.