You know, for all the comments (not in this thread) that "so and so" is not the "2nd/3rd/whatever" best team in the nation, UCONN squeaked by a ND squad without 2 starters including their NPOY candidate. How do you think UCONN would have done without Stewie and Tuck in the game vs. ND?
I think UCONN is not as "good" as fans wanted to think (we aren't light years ahead of everyone else this year), and other teams, even though they play the game differently, aren't as far behind as we thought at the start of the year...
I also just want to add that certain teams are a horrible matchup for UCONN (OSU this year and Duke every year for example). For us, ND is a really hard match up. I think it's fair to say that you can't look at the MOV of any game when 2 rivals play the same opponent and say "we are that much better because we beat them by more"...
They were up by 20 in the 4th quarter... UConn didn't squeak by. Yeah they coasted a bit and ND hit some more three's to cut it to 10, but the game wasn't in doubt after the 3rd quarter.
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