@Fishy mignt be surprised at how many of our beloved Casual Fans actually think that.Chief most of the casual fans think we just got there players in 15 days. They don't see the work behind it.
@Fishy mignt be surprised at how many of our beloved Casual Fans actually think that.Chief most of the casual fans think we just got there players in 15 days. They don't see the work behind it.
So how exactly does the "Blaze Pizza" BS factor in when none of these guys actually visited campus?? Do they show them pictures on the Zoom presentation? Or do they just have each recruit visit one of the several HUNDRED other Blaze pizzas around the country that is most convenient to them?? Inquiring minds are desperate to know.@Fishy mignt be surprised at how many of our beloved Casual Fans actually think that.
So how exactly does the "Blaze Pizza" BS factor in when none of these guys actually visited campus?? Do they show them pictures on the Zoom presentation? Or do they just have each recruit visit one of the several HUNDRED other Blaze pizzas around the country that is most convenient to them?? Inquiring minds are desperate to know.
I give Kimani two more seasons, tops.
Do you mean to tell me you can't just go on Amazon, click a few buttons, and order recruits to be delivered to your house in a few days? Millenials think everything should be that easy.Thank your for that blinding glimpse of the obvious.
The tropical rains came as predicted and burst the dam wide open.
Tom Moore is the perfect wingman.I have heard Kenya will be the first to leave for a head coaching job, assuming Tom will stay and retire here with Hurley. Kimani even describes himself as an aau coach that happens to be at UConn (or something to that effect).
So smart, yes - I love it. At the end of the day, the goal is always the number of NBA players and not NCAA championships...the kings of what could have been! Ah! To dream of such aspirations...
If Bouk stays through his Junior year, he might have his name in the rafters. If he doesn't, well...he doesn't. I root for team success, not individual success. Great play shines through regardless of who put the ball in the basket. It probably doesn't matter though, either way, it's likely the season is cut short and the NBA is still a mess headed into 2021, so it's quite likely we get Bouk through Junior year, almost by default.
. John Wooden told him to - get the best players you can. This kid will really help.
What is one of the things you need to accumulate water?I didn't take you for such a casual engineer. Rains don't burst dams. Accumulations of water burst dams.
This is what I was thinking he seems like. Not really sure though.I want him to be like a deandre Daniels slashing type of player
Silly me, you are correct. It is mind-boggling that only the Blaze Pizza in Storrs plays the siren song though. How did we get so lucky??Are you seriously unaware Blaze has a website? Great recruiters use it as a conduit to communicating with recruits. I'm sorry you were gullible to think the Blaze strategy was an end to a means and not a means to the end.
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I see gray on my laptop, but picture on my cell.
Dan Hurley empowers his assistants. If the team wins he will have excellent assistant coaches get HC jobs. Just like JC. Dan Hurley will bring on new assistants and empower them, too. I can foresee a Dan Hurley coaching tree in the future. The Huskies have to win and win big to start that coaching tree and most of us think the team is on the threshold of that type of winning. Keeping my fingers crossed the powers that be can figure how to have a season in January. BTW, feel free to post what they're saying on the Cuse board but I feel they are in our rear view mirror. Always hated and always inferior. It's time to knock Nova off the top of the BE mountain and reclaim our dominance. We need a saying like Beware of Dog or something.
Different types of forces acts on a dam structure such as water pressure, self weight, wave pressure etc. Determination of various forces which acts on the structure is the first step in the design of dams. These forces are considered to act per unit length of the dam. It is the pressure of water that acts perpendicular on the upstream face of the dam.
When the water is stored on the upstream side of a dam there exists a head of water equal to the height up to which the water is stored.
This water enters the pores, fissures, and cracks of the foundation material under pressure. It also enters the joint between the dam and the foundation at the base and the pores of the dam itself.
This water then seeps through and tries to emerge out on the downstream end. The seeping water creates hydraulic gradient between the upstream and downstream side of the dam.
This hydraulic gradient causes vertical upward pressure. The upward pressure is known as uplift which is the second largest external pressure. Uplift reduces the effective weight of the structure and consequently the restoring force is reduced.
Just saying.
Speaking of which, is Dikie V tweeting about us more?The diaper has filled.
With a diaper dandy!
Silly me, you are correct. It is mind-boggling that only the Blaze Pizza in Storrs plays the siren song though. How did we get so lucky??
Tom Moore is the perfect wingman.
He’s had three assistants go on to become head coaches. I certainly don’t see that stopping.