Roll call: Long timers | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Roll call: Long timers


Who wouldn't want to be me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Got bored with reading sports news on the Courant and ESPN only. I followed some links that led me to @McD s website for UConn hoops. There was a link to the Yard.

I lurked for a week. Needed the right handle. There was one board for both teams. My first thread was "Sexist Pigs of the Boneyard." We ranked our all time hottest Women Huskies. Thread was a hit. I was in!!

Been watching the women since Ferrier and Bascom days.

All-time highlight: Picking up @HuskyNan during a blizzard and meeting up with Wonkster and Nuzzi. Drove to HCC to see UConn beat Tennessee.
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You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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I have lurked here since the early 1990's. Meet many boneyarders at bowl games or Ladies final fours in years past. Just felt that I was a great fan, but wasn't knowledgeable enough to add my two cents.
If you’ve been on the board 20+ years, you know being knowledgeable isn’t a prerequisite to posting, or to presenting yourself as some kind or expert


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Got bored with reading sports news on the Courant and ESPN only. I followed some links that led me to @McD s website for UConn hoops. There was a link to the Yard.

I lurked for a week. Needed the right handle. There was one board for both teams. My first thread was "Sexist Pigs of the Boneyard." We ranked our all time hottest Women Huskies. Thread was a hit. I was in!!

Been watching the women since Ferrier and Bascom days.
You are the first Boneyarder I met in person. You gave me tickets, I think?
Aug 24, 2011
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For every Sybil the Boneyardhad a Bball12525, the one that said “short and slow” Maria would would never play a minute in a meaningful game.
Oh right Bball ...


Who wouldn't want to be me?
Aug 26, 2011
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You are the first Boneyarder I met in person. You gave me tickets, I think?
You must have deserved them. I remember you gave me a video of a game I missed.

Remember the party at TroutBrook Brew House. I think that was the game Diana hit something orange.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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I have had a busy day so missed this thread but... I have been here so long that I remember at least 3 or 4 other "servers" that we were on. I lived in San Diego for 30 years before moving up to LA about 6 years ago, and my handle was "EricSanDiego" back in the day. or ESD if people did not want to type it out.

I asked the mods (thank you!!!) if I could do a one time change of my name to EricLA since at the time, I probably had at least 15,000 posts and did not want to start from scratch if I didn't have to.

I was here back in the days of DoggyDaddy and Icebear not to mention Philster - and I'm sure there were others who no longer post here but who used to contribute back in the day...

I would have chosen EricBeverlyHills, but that's just me. ;)


Aug 24, 2011
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Anyone remember the BY dinner we went to? Maybe a few years in a row. It was in Hartford - the restaurant used to be called Brown Thompson for many years (it was next to G. Fox), but when we went it was called something else. City Steam or something like that? We often said that we needed to get t-shirts made with our BY handles on them because it is impossible to look at someone and guess their BY name.

I've met numerous BY'ers over the years. Too many to list - it's also probable I'd forget some, and I would never want anyone to feel left out. But I will say that @MilfordHusky and I have done some traveling (he's from the east coast and I'm on the west coast so we meet there). Istanbul for the Team USA world championships (off years of Olympics), and we also get together for the BET or regionals depending on which sounds more interesting. We also met up with @UConnCat in Istanbul and she joined my family and Ken for dinner one night in Albany for the regionals that year. Next year we are planning on Australia, so get your tickets ready fellow BY'ers!!

My dad and step mom live in Colchester and have season tickets. He NEVER posts. @billyot is his handle, but he alwasys says "I don't have anything unique or intelligent to add. Pretty sure I read a post from @HuskyNan where she said something like "intelligence is NOT a prerequisite to post on the BY".

I have met @Tonyc too many times to mention and we talk often on the phone as well. I also met @Kibitzer many times as well as his wife and daughter. In fact, she played a little concert for us on her violin many years back. DAMN I'm doing way back in to the memory synapses for this stuff LOL...

We also used to do the BY meetup at halftime for most games, especially the tourneys and the regionals etc. It was a great way to meet people I only knew on the BY by their handles. There are MANY BY'ers I'd love to meet in person as all I know from them is their posting style, temperament, and phraseology (can anyone turn a better phrase than Mr. Malaprop himself - you know who I mean Tony! LOL). If the BY only had auto spell check as well!! :D @HuskyNan wasn't the only one who implored him to use paragraphs!

There are other BY'ers I've gotten grumpy with years past - mostly when I was younger and more prickly myself. I'd actually love to meet them in person and put a name with the BY persona. At this point I think I get along with everyone on the BY and to my knowledge no one has an axe to grind with me either! ;)

The only mod I don't think I've ever met is @Biff , but is there anyone better at roasting a good meme? He did one of me MANY years back when i was all fired up over how poorly UCONN was playing, and I needed to be walked back from the ledge. It was classic.

I've also known @CamrnCrz1974 for many years, meeting when I was living back in San Diego and he was dating someone there, I believe... Credit him for turning me into a Duke fan. Still hasn't gotten me on board with the Duke men's team tho LOL. And our other friend @ucbart for less time, but we chat off board and have threatened to get together for a vacay some place to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting locals!

I have also met several BY'ers down towards San Diego - when we went to see Ice Brady play a few years back. I know i will kick myself later as my brain is fried for the day and i don't recall their handles, but it was so fun to meet and chat and put faces to posts. @CT2SanDiego, @Golden Husky ,@ochoopsfan I think, and I'm forgetting one other? - so sorry!!!

Anyway enough of the trip down memory lane. Have a great night everyone!!
Jan 6, 2014
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Lurker for a long time. Started posting occasionally a few years ago. Don’t post often. Read to keep up on UConn basketball. Definitely been around for over 20 years but am not sure when the journey started.


UCONN Grad class of 1970, living in Brookings OR
Aug 26, 2011
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I recently posted that it took me 20 years to get Tony to make paragraphs (you’re welcome). Anywho, that got me to thinking, who else has been here 20+ years? I personally started here in 1994 when my oldest son was a newborn and I needed a way to talk to grown-ups during the day.

Let me think.
cbiebel from McGraw’s Bench (I know you’re out there)
@ucbart (I think)
who else?

There’s a bunch more that have been here 10+ years. Roll call!
I started around 1990-1991on the Boneyard. Was told about the site on the forum Brett used to/still has. Every once in awhile I get a post from it.
Apr 1, 2013
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I'm in the same boat with UCMIami but I think several years after around 2013 though unsure. I lurked many years prior I think with maybe an occasional post. I used to be very interested in NAN's page of UCONN prospects and who they signed and her comments about them. Prior to that I posted a lot on the old ESPN and Courant boards. I think Fishy and mauconnfan used to post on the Courant board but no longer sure. I met one person from the old courant board- Bob I think, and I met quite a few people on the old espn board one time I think around 2008.


Dedicated Lurker
Sep 14, 2011
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Oh from the AOL days ... does anyone else remember Sybil, that hateful Tenn fan?
I'm still trying to recover from Bballxxx whose mania was 'proving' Maria Conlon shouldn't be on the team.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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I'm still trying to recover from Bballxxx whose mania was 'proving' Maria Conlon shouldn't be on the team.
Got another name to cause nightmares - newbie.

The types of posts that rub people the wrong way these days aren’t new. There are just more posters that make them. But similar posts were on the ‘yard 20+ years ago and may actually have been nastier and far more personal to the players.
Apr 25, 2013
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I came to the Boneyard by chance (2013, that may have been an official date), and stayed despite not posting a lot. In many ways I will confessed that the Boneyard had been teaching me about the Team and, about women's bb in general. I was a student at Uconn when Gamble was first opened, and I have been thrown off the indoor track in the Armory where they played and practiced. In those days an ex-player who I frequent had polite conversation with would plead for me and my friends to stay after running for the game. Often there were the same handful of spectators. The good times came after I left. While working at Ut-Austin I read in the papers that UT would be playing Conn. I went and met CD who remembered me watching the team practice and also remembered asking if I were scouting. A joke I had never forgotten-- me scouting basketball or any other sport.
So, I don't cry when this team loses a game or more because I know the days of leaking ceiling and people like myself who were annoyed because they had to leave the running track and it was too dark outside to run in the streets around Storrs.
Aug 26, 2011
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Too old to remember if it was the "Boneyard" back then, but have been a member at the start, when the forum briefly was hosted by the Hartford Courant and with the future iteration. Am friends with another veteran - "Iron Mike"
Aug 26, 2011
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1997 when I moved out of CT. I found an email list to try to keep up with the team and learned of the Boneyard from that list. (Exactly no one will be surprised to learn UConn women's basketball is not covered in Idaho). Nan, don't you remember how nervous we all were in 2000 and actually broke up into teams to pre-play the Championship game? My role was the ref Sally something. I can't remember the last name.

I don't post much because by the time I have any info it's well known. But I come here at least daily.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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1997 when I moved out of CT. I found an email list to try to keep up with the team and learned of the Boneyard from that list. (Exactly no one will be surprised to learn UConn women's basketball is not covered in Idaho). Nan, don't you remember how nervous we all were in 2000 and actually broke up into teams to pre-play the Championship game? My role was the ref Sally something. I can't remember the last name.

I don't post much because by the time I have any info it's well known. But I come here at least daily.
OMG, you were Sally Bell :eek:

We old timers remember worrying about winning and being intensely nervous before big games. My husband used to roll his eyes at me because I’d be wound up hours before a game, putting on my “lucky” shirt, sitting in the right spot, etc.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I have had a busy day so missed this thread but... I have been here so long that I remember at least 3 or 4 other "servers" that we were on. I lived in San Diego for 30 years before moving up to LA about 6 years ago, and my handle was "EricSanDiego" back in the day. or ESD if people did not want to type it out.

I asked the mods (thank you!!!) if I could do a one time change of my name to EricLA since at the time, I probably had at least 15,000 posts and did not want to start from scratch if I didn't have to.

I was here back in the days of DoggyDaddy and Icebear not to mention Philster - and I'm sure there were others who no longer post here but who used to contribute back in the day...
I remember that change. You had started posting about stuff in LA, or moving to LA?? Anyway I asked you why you were EricSanDiego (I thought it was EricinSanDiego though??) if you were in LA. And presto chango, a couple days later you were EricLA.
Aug 26, 2011
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Got another name to cause nightmares - newbie.

The types of posts that rub people the wrong way these days aren’t new. There are just more posters that make them. But similar posts were on the ‘yard 20+ years ago and may actually have been nastier and far more personal to the players.
That was the player's step-dad who ended up modding a rival team's forum (cough Devil's Den cough).
There was another poster, Oovy, who posted some inside scoops (supposedly from a source in the AD) along with some weirder stuff. A TN fan later claimed Oovy was another UConn player's father.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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That was the player's step-dad who ended up modding a rival team's forum (cough Devil's Den cough).
There was another poster, Oovy, who posted some inside scoops (supposedly from a source in the AD) along with some weirder stuff. A TN fan later claimed Oovy was another UConn player's father.
OMG, I‘m really going to have nightmares tonigh
Aug 29, 2011
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Husky Bill told me about the Boneyard many years ago, sometime in the late 90’s. I still see Eli from time to time. I don’t post often, but did have one well received poem, though not of the Zorro or JS quality.


Dedicated Lurker
Sep 14, 2011
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And a fond nod to the late Lady Vols fan, RobertNAtl, who coined the phrase "ballhog chick" to describe in " that ballhog chick is killing us!"

Wonderful sense of humor and gone way too soon
Aug 26, 2011
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Apparently I didn’t get around to joining until a few years later, but I have been following the Yard since the late 90’s. My UConn basketball roots date to the 70’s when I was in grad school and worked the men’s games as a sort of security guard. My fondest memory is teaming with Biff, JS and Uconn68 to win the Boneyard Open golf tournament.


Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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i remember the Boneyard Classic the year the cart was rolled by (as I recall vaguely) by Team @prankster . I also seem to recall someone (Dove, mebbe) practicing his short iron technique with the flower patch. I hadn't played in about two years, but I figured it would all come back to me; wrong! I was in the foursome wit @Pudge . On the first tee, he put one about 300 yards down the middle; I shanked mine about 30 yards to the left, to the considerable peril of some of those waiting their turn at tee. Not my greatest day on the links, but a lot of fun. I think we were not asked back. Pointedly.

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