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Rogue One

Dec 25, 2011
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Yeah, I mean if it were up to me, everyone would die. I just don't know if Disney would be willing to go that direction. My dream ending would have Vader in pursuit of the main squad who are on their way to transmit the plans. They all try to slow him down as Jyn runs for her life to transmit the plans. One by one Vader picks them all off, but Jyn is able to send the plans a split second before Vader's saber pierces through her chest. Not gonna happen :(

I believe Disney has confirmed that Vader will be in Rouge One, so it is possible. The character that Forest Whitaker is playing, Saw Gerrera, has a connection to Vader/Anakin from Star Wars Clones as Anakin trained Saw as a guerilla fighter. I can see that being explored in the movie.
Jan 20, 2012
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I believe Disney has confirmed that Vader will be in Rouge One, so it is possible. The character that Forest Whitaker is playing, Saw Gerrera, has a connection to Vader/Anakin from Star Wars Clones as Anakin trained Saw as a guerilla fighter. I can see that being explored in the movie.
Yes Vader will be in R1. They showed an extended trailer at celebration and at the end of it there was an upside down silhouette of Vader with his breathing in the background.

I am so pumped for Saw Guerrera. This will be the first character that they take from an animated series and put into a live action film. It gives me hope for more characters like this in the future as I watched all of the Clone Wars and Rebels. I highly suggest watching BOTH of those series to any big Star Wars fan - they compliment the prequels so well and make the saga as a whole more enjoyable. Some incredible story lines in those shows. A few filler episodes along the way, but in the end it is WELL worth it.


Who wouldn't want to be me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I need to enter here to say the Star Trek reboot kicks this Star Wars reboots' galactic .

We saw the newest SW when it came out and tho I did kinda like the Vader dude and Han, of course, no one else was likeable.

The Trek group crush it and I look forward to the new one when I can get to it.
Jan 20, 2012
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I need to enter here to say the Star Trek reboot kicks this Star Wars reboots' galactic .

We saw the newest SW when it came out and tho I did kinda like the Vader dude and Han, of course, no one else was likeable.

The Trek group crush it and I look forward to the new one when I can get to it.

Sep 21, 2011
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That's the easy explanation regarding Kylo for sure and I'm sort of cool with it, but it's almost too clean and I need to see more. As for having more faith in the Lucasfilm story group...they still need to earn it in my opinion. They have gone a long way towards erasing the memories of the prequel trilogy nonsense, but I'm not ready to let go of my hate, Jedi style, just yet.

Having said all that, I enjoyed the last film tremendously and can't wait to see Rogue One. Donnie Yen is in it for . How can one not be excited about that?
I wouldn't worry about Lucasfilm...Just know this - Rian Johnson is damn good. He directed one of the best episodes of Breaking Bad. Abrams apparently read the script Rian wrote for VIII and was blown away...said he wish he could have directed it.
It's supposed to be darker, which is good. We need that. I liked TFA and I expect this to be even better. Much better.
Jan 20, 2012
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I wouldn't worry about Lucasfilm...Just know this - Rian Johnson is damn good. He directed one of the best episodes of Breaking Bad. Abrams apparently read the script Rian wrote for VIII and was blown away...said he wish he could have directed it.
It's supposed to be darker, which is good. We need that. I liked TFA and I expect this to be even better. Much better.

"My name is ASAC Schrader... and you can go f--- yourself"
Aug 26, 2011
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Is it weird that I am in my 30'snand am more amped for the new season of rebels than R1?
Rogue 1 looks awesome, but if you loved the Zahn books, the idea of Thrawn in Rebels is pretty awesome. Also, the end of that season, with Maul/Vader/Ahsoka/Kanan/Ezra, was pretty awesome.
Dec 25, 2011
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The Zahn books were amazing! Thrawn was an awesome Star Wars villain!

Thrawn and Mara Jade were my favorite two EU characters and Zahn created them both. Fingers crossed that Jade or at least a facsimile of her also makes the crossover.
Aug 26, 2011
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Thrawn and Mara Jade were my favorite two EU characters and Zahn created them both. Fingers crossed that Jade or at least a facsimile of her also makes the crossover.
They're bringing Thrawn in...that means there's a good chance some version of Mara Jade makes an appearance. Maybe not married to Luke or anything, but I could definitely see her as the Emperor's hand.


a.k.a PencilForest
Aug 26, 2011
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Also Zahn is writing a new Thrawn book. maybe I will read a star wars book again. It has been a long time.

BTW just finished the Lando comic and it was actually really good. I would recommend picking it up. The other comics have been so-so. Vader has been better than the others, but Lando is the best of the bunch so far.
Jan 20, 2012
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Is it weird that I am in my 30'snand am more amped for the new season of rebels than R1?
So amped for Rebels S3. Looks amazing. For those who are worried about the story group creating their own version of Thrawn in the new canon - Timothy Zahn actually sat down and worked with Filoni and the story group so that they could have his 'stamp of approval' on the character. I've only read the beginning of Heir to the Empire, so I am not as attached to the EU version of Thrawn as others might be. But it makes me feel much better that Zahn himself is basically encouraging his appearance in Rebels. Makes me feel like he wants what is best for the Star Wars story.

I will definitely read the new Thrawn book when it comes out. Have read a lot of the new canon books recently, and have enjoyed them all. The TFA Novel, Bloodline, Lost Stars, Aftermath, Aftermath: Life Debt, and am currently reading Lords of the Sith. Can't wait for the Ahsoka novel to come out - that is going to be a must read as soon as it's released.
Aug 26, 2011
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Also Zahn is writing a new Thrawn book. maybe I will read a star wars book again. It has been a long time.

BTW just finished the Lando comic and it was actually really good. I would recommend picking it up. The other comics have been so-so. Vader has been better than the others, but Lando is the best of the bunch so far.

I really enjoyed the comics that I have read. The Vader ones with his homicidal droids were great.
Aug 26, 2011
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So amped for Rebels S3. Looks amazing. For those who are worried about the story group creating their own version of Thrawn in the new canon - Timothy Zahn actually sat down and worked with Filoni and the story group so that they could have his 'stamp of approval' on the character. I've only read the beginning of Heir to the Empire, so I am not as attached to the EU version of Thrawn as others might be. But it makes me feel much better that Zahn himself is basically encouraging his appearance in Rebels. Makes me feel like he wants what is best for the Star Wars story.

I will definitely read the new Thrawn book when it comes out. Have read a lot of the new canon books recently, and have enjoyed them all. The TFA Novel, Bloodline, Lost Stars, Aftermath, Aftermath: Life Debt, and am currently reading Lords of the Sith. Can't wait for the Ahsoka novel to come out - that is going to be a must read as soon as it's released.

Heir to the Empire was the only book I read, and it was great.

Michael Stackpole wrote some good ones "Rogue Squadron?" and I liked his books in another series so I might have to pick that up.
Aug 26, 2011
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As if after all these years Han would have never taken the crossbow out for a spin.
Aug 26, 2011
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IRT Rogue One... Am I the only one here who has seen the trailers and feels less than thrilled? It's always hard to tell from a trailer, but this one seems to be missing the right feel to it.

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