Jardine wasn't "allowed to make those" he just made them, with his own hands, not Lamb's, not Bazz;s and not Boats....he stepped up and made those shots......and if youhave the choice of anyone on the court taking those shots, because some IS going to get a shot, it's him. He's a 31% guy and he made them, good for him. They're up 2 at the time remember, better off a hand-in-the-face 3 from the deep corner or a jump hook or take from Fair or Joseph? This team is not AJ's teams or anyone elses they are young so if your expectations are more than they should be after losses to RU, Cincy and ND then sobeit. If they played like they did yesterday in any of those games they win period. That's the point here!!!! Now maybe they grow from this..........