Ray Rice video finally leaked | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Ray Rice video finally leaked

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'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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Wow! I didn't think the Ravens would do that - very big salary cap hit!
Good for them for doing the right thing.
Aug 28, 2011
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Nobody has the right to put their hands on anyone else, regardless of gender. That's not an opinion, or victim blaming, it's a fact. But so what? She gave him a minor slap in the face, he responded by knocking her out and dragging her around on the floor. He should be in jail. He should have been suspended for a minimum of 8 games and should be losing his current salary for those games, not last year's (which was much less money). Two games is a joke. With that response, Goodell told the NFL community that smoking a joint is a far worse crime than knocking a woman out, and dragging her around without a shred of remorse for what you just did.

What's even worse than Goodell, is a legal system where she has to press charges for him to be arrested for an act of violence that could have ended her life. There was a fight at Spring Weekend a few years ago where one kid punched another and knocked him out. The victim fell, hit his head, and died. That could have been her, and he doesn't get charged with anything? Huh?

and he's been released. Good for the Ravens.
Aug 28, 2011
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ktuck911 said:
I wouldn't put that on Rutgers or anybody but Ray Rice.. He grown manned her. Didn't look like she was drinking at all... Cold cocked her with the left hook... Not cool at all.. Kinda surprised he got off with only 2 games on that one...

X1000. Has nothing to do with Rutgers, has nothing to do with his wife. Has everything to do with Ray Rice.

One question I have to ask though, is why was ray rice cut, and not the many other women beaters in sports? Because there is a video of it? The fact the 49ers allowed Ray McDonald to play this week is shameful.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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Why isn't he at the very least banned for the year? He should be banned for life for that despicable act


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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My question.

Yesterday, the Ravens knew that Ray Rice knocked his wife unconscious. Two game suspension.

Today, the Ravens 'saw' Ray Rice knock his wife unconscious and were so outraged that they released him immediately.

Um, what in the holy f--- did they think Ray Rice knocking his wife unconscious looked like? Were they suddenly surprised at how brutal a huge dude punching a woman unconscious looked like?!

Zero credit to the Ravens today. None, nada, zilch.

I only feel badly for Mrs. Rice who not only had to endure an attack, but who know has her future thrown completely into doubt.
Aug 30, 2011
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Wow! I didn't think the Ravens would do that - very big salary cap hit!
Good for them for doing the right thing.
Quite disgustingly, it would probably have been a much harder decision a year ago. But with very little tread left on the tires and a heck of a lot of backlash coming their way if he wasn't released, this should have been a fairly easy decision on their part.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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X1000. Has nothing to do with Rutgers, has nothing to do with his wife. Has everything to do with Ray Rice.

One question I have to ask though, is why was ray rice cut, and not the many other women beaters in sports? Because there is a video of it? The fact the 49ers allowed Ray McDonald to play this week is shameful.

The big difference is proof -
Not defending McDonald in anyway but no proof there - with Ray Rice he has admitted to it and there is video of it.
In McDonalds case he was only arrested at this point - there is only a 'he says she says' version.
Aug 28, 2011
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Wow! I didn't think the Ravens would do that - very big salary cap hit!
Good for them for doing the right thing.

They shouldn't take a salary cap hit for that.

And I'll be shocked if his career is over. He'll "take the year off", "get counseling", "change his ways", and someone in need of a running back will sign him for half the money the Ravens were going to pay him. I hope it's not my favorite team, I'll be done with them.
Aug 26, 2011
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You really should never hit a woman. Ray Rice absolutely deserves to be suspended and fined (and both for more than he ended up receiving).

I just see that little chip she takes at him in the parking lot and think to myself, if I'm dating some roided-up NFL player, I'm not gonna poke that pissed off rattlesnake with a stick like that. Is that ever necessary? So you know it's not like she was just commenting on how much she enjoyed the decor of the venue they were at and dude suddenly saw red. While his ultimate response was unquestionably wrong, I'm just saying there are antecedents to every behavior.

Are you Stephen A. Smith?
Aug 28, 2011
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My question.

Yesterday, the Ravens knew that Ray Rice knocked his wife unconscious. Two game suspension.

Today, the Ravens 'saw' Ray Rice knock his wife unconscious and were so outraged that they released him immediately.

Um, what in the holy f--- did they think Ray Rice knocking his wife unconscious looked like? Were they suddenly surprised at how brutal a huge dude punching a woman unconscious looked like?!

Zero credit to the Ravens today. None, nada, zilch.

I only feel badly for Mrs. Rice who not only had to endure an attack, but who know has her future thrown completely into doubt.

Post of the day
Aug 30, 2011
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They shouldn't take a salary cap hit for that.

And I'll be shocked if his career is over. He'll "take the year off", "get counseling", "change his ways", and someone in need of a running back will sign him for half the money the Ravens were going to pay him. I hope it's not my favorite team, I'll be done with them.
I wouldn't bet money either way but he just isn't very good anymore and at the point in his career where RBs generally fall off a cliff production-wise. I think there's a pretty decent chance no one ends up thinking he's worth the baggage for marginal production.
Dec 28, 2013
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They shouldn't take a salary cap hit for that.

And I'll be shocked if his career is over. He'll "take the year off", "get counseling", "change his ways", and someone in need of a running back will sign him for half the money the Ravens were going to pay him. I hope it's not my favorite team, I'll be done with them.

He's done. He's been trending down lately anyways. No NFL team will touch him now. There will be better running backs without the baggage
Aug 28, 2011
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I wouldn't bet money either way but he just isn't very good anymore and at the point in his career where RBs generally fall off a cliff production-wise. I think there's a pretty decent chance no one ends up thinking he's worth the baggage for marginal production.
He's done. He's been trending down lately anyways. No NFL team will touch him now. There will be better running backs without the baggage

Maybe you guys are right. But I'd be surprised if he's not in an NFL camp next August.

Mike Vick got another chance, Plaxico Burress too. Not comparing the crimes, just the fact they were out for years, came with baggage, and still got second chances.
Aug 28, 2011
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StevieDude said:
He's done. He's been trending down lately anyways. No NFL team will touch him now. There will be better running backs without the baggage

No team will take on that pr nightmare. He is done. Not only his nfl career, any career in the spotlight.
Aug 28, 2011
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WingU-Conn said:
Maybe you guys are right. But I'd be surprised if he's not in an NFL camp next August.

Mike Vick got another chance, Plaxico Burress too. Not comparing the crimes, just the fact they were out for years, came with baggage, and still got second chances.

The issue is the video. There could be other nfl players who have been arrested for assaulting a woman, but there is no video attached. This guy is toxic. No one will touch him.
Aug 28, 2011
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The issue is the video. There could be other nfl players who have been arrested for assaulting a woman, but there is no video attached. This guy is toxic. No one will touch him.

That's a good point, time will tell.
Aug 30, 2011
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Maybe you guys are right. But I'd be surprised if he's not in an NFL camp next August.

Mike Vick got another chance, Plaxico Burress too. Not comparing the crimes, just the fact they were out for years, came with baggage, and still got second chances.
He'll be 28 before next season starts and already looked old and slow last year. RB is a position that has very short careers and Plax and Vick played very different positions.
Aug 26, 2011
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The really scary part is that Rice will probably blame the Mrs for his failing career. I wouldn't want to be in her shoes at all.
Apr 25, 2014
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He'll be 28 before next season starts and already looked old and slow last year. RB is a position that has very short careers and Plax and Vick played very different positions.

And Plax's crime was having an unregistered gun, something many people plead out of without incident. It's not remotely comparable to punching a woman unconscious.


Really Popular Poster
Aug 28, 2011
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The most grotesque part of the video isn't even the punch itself, its his blatant lack of immediate remorse at the sight of his unconscious fiance's body and the way he handles her after the fact. It rules out that the act was something impulsive, emotionally charged. That would have been worthy of everyone's ire in and of itself. But to go beyond that and just act completely nonplussed that he had just decked out the most important person in his life and to kick her after the fact, that's what take him into truly despicable territory. He goes from that deserves to be locked up to scum of the earth.
Aug 28, 2011
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He'll be 28 before next season starts and already looked old and slow last year. RB is a position that has very short careers and Plax and Vick played very different positions.

He'll also be coming off a year off, which can do wonders to help the body recover. He'll also have zero leverage due to this age and past.

He went from 5 years, $40 million, to 0 years, 0 million.

There are 31 teams (not counting the Ravens). One of them might be willing to sign him to the minimum contract hoping that his production outweighs his cost. And if he turned into a spokesman against domestic violence, who ran for 1500 yards and 20 TDs, while playing for the league minimum, I think a lot of owners could live with that. I'm almost positive Jerry Jones could.

Honestly, I don't have a dog in this fight (no Vick pun intended). I don't care if he never plays another down. You guys might be right, I was just speculating as to the nature of the NFL. Like Fishy said, the only difference between yesterday and today is the video. Not releasing him was a business decision, releasing him now, is a business decision. Whatever happens to his career will be based on cost and value. How much does he cost, and what value can he bring?
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