Quick Thoughts - Army-UConn game | The Boneyard

Quick Thoughts - Army-UConn game

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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The Good:
  • We won.
  • Sherriffs - what's not to like! Carried the team.
  • Beals! / Noel Thomas!
  • Verducci's play calling and play design - vastly improved others in our recent history.
    • That said, I didn't like the decision to go to RJ on that 3rd in 1 in the late in the game. Too predictable and it had been blown up several times already.
  • Newsome in the second half - way to go running between the tackles. Staying low- playing at a higher speed and falling forward. Delighted to see you make me eat my damning words just one week later.
  • Graham Stewart seemed to have a good game.
The Bad:
  • Obi and Adams - prone to giving up big plays.
  • UConn Dline - thus far after two games I am a little concerned this unit is overrated. They haven't been disruptive and aren't in the backfield. I'm concerned next level teams will keep them tied up.
  • RJ doesn't bring any elusiveness to the running game. He's a bit more like an athletic full back. We should give DeLorenzo and Marriner a look too in the next game.
The Ugly:
  • UConn Oline - wildly inconsistent.
  • Negative plays in general - way too many for the offense.
  • Special teams are a liability. Kicking game is questionable / can't do anything with punt and kick off returns.
Conclusion -
  • This game played out pretty much as anyone would have predicted if you were honest about what you have seen and heard to date. We might win three more games - but only if we take another step forward. Right now, what they are doing is not enough to win against the next level of competition.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
The Good:
  • We won.
  • Sherriffs - what's not to like! Carried the team.
  • Beals! / Noel Thomas!
  • Verducci's play calling and play design - vastly improved others in our recent history.
    • That said, I didn't like the decision to go to RJ on that 3rd in 1 in the late in the game. Too predictable and it had been blown up several times already.
  • Newsome in the second half - way to go running between the tackles. Staying low- playing at a higher speed and falling forward. Delighted to see you make me eat my damning words just one week later.
  • Graham Stewart seemed to have a good game.
The Bad:
  • Obi and Adams - prone to giving up big plays.
  • UConn Dline - thus far after two games I am a little concerned this unit is overrated. They haven't been disruptive and aren't in the backfield. I'm concerned next level teams will keep them tied up.
  • RJ doesn't bring any elusiveness to the running game. He's a bit more like an athletic full back. We should give DeLorenzo and Marriner a look too in the next game.
The Ugly:
  • UConn Oline - wildly inconsistent.
  • Negative plays in general - way too many for the offense.
  • Special teams are a liability. Kicking game is questionable / can't do anything with punt and kick off returns.
Conclusion -
  • This game played out pretty much as anyone would have predicted if you were honest about what you have seen and heard to date. We might win three more games - but only if we take another step forward. Right now, what they are doing is not enough to win against the next level of competition.
Pretty close to my reactions. Really disappointed in trying to run wide so much. Even the announcers picked that up by the 2nd series. Same thing on defense... how can you let them go wide? Glad we won, but it should have been by much more than 5.

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Pretty close to my reactions. Really disappointed in trying to run wide so much. Even the announcers picked that up by the 2nd series. Same thing on defense... how can you let them go wide? Glad we won, but it should have been by much more than 5.

I'd like to see a breakdown of the run plays with respect to which side of the line they had better success running behind. It seemed like inside and counter direct plays were superior to sweeps.
Dec 16, 2013
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Newsome did run well between the tackles but it should be kept in perspective since Army's D-Line averaged 257 pounds.
Jun 3, 2013
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Pretty close to my reactions. Really disappointed in trying to run wide so much. Even the announcers picked that up by the 2nd series. Same thing on defense... how can you let them go wide? Glad we won, but it should have been by much more than 5.

Army must practice defending against Navy's triple option on a daily basis. Trying to run wide was not the best choice and the backs were much more successful finding holes up the middle. Having said that, the team has definitely shown progress. Sure, there's still work to do, but they look a whole lot more competent and disciplined when compared to UConn's recent past.
Sep 3, 2011
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I'm concerned,because if Uconn can't run the ball against Army,how are they gonna do it against Missouri and beyond ? That was not a big defensive line they just went up against.
Aug 30, 2011
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Don't get running Johnson wide. How many TFL did he have? 22pts not enough, it was today but ... tds not fgs.
Not organized again at the end of half. Thomas is a playmaker. Obi is the modern day football version of Norman Bailey. OL is going to have to step up. Need to see the tape.
Aug 26, 2011
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Poor judgement and poor tackling cost us 2 touchdowns. I don't want to read too much into the defense given how Army disrupts normal preparation during the week.

What is most encouraging imo is that we're starting to look like we present problems for teams on offense. We just need to be more consistent but different guys are getting involved. There is no set scripted (doomed) gameplen that we have to abandon at halftime and no QB carousel. This is mostly on Verducci and partly on Shirreffs who have taken over the reigns, improved our gameplan and reduced mistakes and started moving the chains.

A huge challenge on the road next week and we have to brace ourselves for some disappointment. Let's hope we don't just give this one away and make them take it from us.

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This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Army must practice defending against Navy's triple option on a daily basis. Trying to run wide was not the best choice and the backs were much more successful finding holes up the middle. Having said that, the team has definitely shown progress. Sure, there's still work to do, but they look a whole lot more competent and disciplined when compared to UConn's recent past.

At times I believe that...and then I think about Whitmer as QB with this team and conclude we'd be 0-2. The short story for 2015 boils down to Byrant Sherriffs.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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What is most encouraging imo is that we're starting to look like we present problems for teams on offense. We just need to be more consistent but different guys are getting involved. There is no set scripted (doomed) gameplen that we have to abandon at halftime and no QB carousel. This is mostly on Verducci and partly on Shirreffs who have taken over the reigns, improved our gameplan and reduced mistakes and started moving the chains.

Absolutely - no more doomed scripted gameplan written in stone. Verducci isn't a genius yet, but he makes adjustments.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm concerned,because if Uconn can't run the ball against Army,how are they gonna do it against Missouri and beyond ? That was not a big defensive line they just went up against.

I'm not too concerned. Army gave us the pass and they practice all the time against the run. We went off tackle a little too much early when their lateral pursuit is their strength. We didn't go overboard passing to keep them honest in order to avoid turnovers and keep our D off the field. I think the gameplan was strategic and it worked despite some breakdowns on D. I think if Missouri gets pass happy we turn them over but they will have some success regardless. Gonna take our best next week to stay in it but happy with the changes so far.
Aug 26, 2011
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They need to have more discipline with their emotions. Another 15 yarder today for unsportsmanlike like conduct. Whether they agree with the calls or not, they have to realize these are going to be called and just walk back to the huddle. After three 15 yarders in 2 games a lesson should be learned.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Army was 2/8 on third down. That's the ball game right there.

The miscues were too many to be super impressed with the performance. After 2 games they have averted a fan meltdown, won two of the must win games and in general have cut down on the mistakes and improved execution, most of it by the QB.

Still a long way to go back to respectability. Hopefully next week isn't an embarrassment. I'd settle for updates about UCONN making some Boise vs Mizzou. But if Jackson St, can play to the wire maybe next week ends with absolute euphoria.
Jun 3, 2013
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At times I believe that...and then I think about Whitmer as QB with this team and conclude we'd be 0-2. The short story for 2015 boils down to Byrant Sherriffs.

He's a big part of the increase in competence. He was 19/25 today, converted on 3rd downs, threw it away when he needed to, and ran for first downs. . .


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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You stole my thread 4.. you did well but I'm hoping Kevin Nathan reads this.... Please stop with Army being a rival for UConn. First of all you need a map they aren't the closest FBS program to Storrs and if UConn settles at a level where Army is a rival than the program died.
Aug 26, 2011
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Shirrefs is VERY smart with the foootball. He will keep this team in many games with his smarts.

Newsome is making a case for becoming a bigger part of the offense.

Ron Johnson is good on stretch plays. On our first FG, if he turned it up and ran hard on stretch play to right he may have scored, instead he hesitated a,bit and was TFL by the backside pursuit. He is good going north and south and on cut backs off the stretch.

Beals may be star one day. Great hands catches the ball really clean.

Team needs more discipline on D, Obi makes mental mistakes, Stewart makes physical ones.

Saw Vann and Walsh on the field together alot. I,suspect is cause Junior Joseph struggled in pass coverage last week. Overall I think our LBS struggle in that area.
Nov 19, 2011
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The good news? We are 2-0. Matched our win total from last year. Have a nice QB and some good young WR's. And we should have won both games by more than what we did.

The bad news? We should have won both games by more than what we did. Too much lack of focus, sloppy mistakes on too many series and lack of ability to finish off a game. Based on the stats Army should have never gotten the ball back with a chance to win. Yet they did. We should have had a bigger lead than 12-10 at the half. But we didn't. Hopefully that improves. It will have to.


Aug 2, 2012
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You stole my thread 4.. you did well but I'm hoping Kevin Nathan reads this.... Please stop with Army being a rival for UConn. First of all you need a map they aren't the closest FBS program to Storrs and if UConn settles at a level where Army is a rival than the program died.

I agree, Whaler, but Army must feel differently. They've got billboards all over FFld. Cty.
Aug 27, 2011
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The defense was very good. Gave up two big plays otherwise they played great. BS connects on 76% of his passes. When is the last time a QB hit that high of. %. He also had a few timely runs.

The O line had trouble with Kelly who had three sacks.
Overall a solid game and. Very good game plan.
Aug 26, 2011
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Thought th D played well overall. They gave up 2 big plays that resulted in long TD's, both involving mistakes by one or both safeties. Otherwise they looked disciplined.
The O was inconsistent. Our OL is still a long way from good, but they are absolutely much better than last year. I think we get a bit of a wake up call next Saturday. Hoping BS can stay healthy. He took some shots today, so I can't imagine what Mizzou's D will do with him if they get clean looks like Army did.
Aug 26, 2011
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Play calling a ton better, much more fun to watch as they are less obvious. More than likely having a QB for the first time in a long time who can move a little back there while feeling the rush and also looks very confident, gives Verducci and staff more flexibility. Good win, need to finish a couple more drives but they have some growing talent. Thomas and Beals looked really good as well as our Ansonia spark plug.
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