Have any of you listened to Calhoun interviews in the last few days? Calhoun is making the "I told you so" circuit. Who is the "you" in Calhoun's "I told you so"? It isn't fans, or the media for that matter. Just about everyone was anywhere from indifferent to excited about Ollie, and willing to at least give him a chance. If you haven't figured it out yet, the "you" in Calhoun's "I told you so" is Warde Manuel.
Yes, Calhoun tried to shove Ollie down Manuel's throat by retiring when he did instead of taking a few months off for the hip injury. It was an "in your face" stunt, but that is the kind of guy Calhoun is. Manuel gave Ollie a 10 month contract which was a passive/aggressive slap in the face to both Calhoun and Ollie. It tied Ollie's hands for recruiting and made him look weak to the entire country by making him dance for his job. It was also stupid and a no win situation for Manuel. If Ollie failed, Calhoun and the basketball alum would have blamed Manuel for undermining Ollie by only giving him a 10 month contract. If Ollie succeeded like he did, they would get to do exactly what they are doing now, which is rub Manuel's nose in it. Manuel can't take credit for Ollie because it wasn't his decision to hire Ollie, it was Calhoun's.
The smart move for Manuel would have been to give Ollie a cheap 3 year deal, and then fire him after 1 or 2 if it wasn't working out. Calhoun couldn't complain at that point, because Ollie would have gotten a fair chance to succeed. Now Manuel has two head coaches that are more powerful than him, one of whom he tried to undermine. Politically, he is in exactly the same spot as Hathaway was in.
If any of you think any of the Calhoun partisans like Manuel, you are deluded. Just read what they are saying about Ollie. How many "I have always believed in you" tweets and quotes have you seen? Dozens? Who do they think DIDN'T believe in Ollie?