@AmoreCourant: Ryan boatright, KML representing players at groundbreaking podium. #UConnmen
@AmoreCourant: Warde Manuel "this facility is going to be shining example of passion and bright future for UConn"
@AmoreCourant: Susan herbst : "our athletes and coaxes have earned this, they've brought international attention to #uConn "
@AmoreCourant: Kevin Ollie "geno, you're team was a pleasure to watch" #UConnmen #UConnwomen
@AmoreCourant: Ollie: "this building is going to be a landmark" #UConnmen #UConnwomen
@AmoreCourant: Ollie thanks donors for stepping up "at a time of uncertainty. That's when true friends step up" #UConnmen #UConnwomen
@AmoreCourant: Ryan boatright: "means a lot to walk by here and know we will have this one place to call our own" #UConnmen
@AmoreCourant: Geno Auriemma to men's team "win over Syracuse showed heart, character, what this team stood for" #UConnmen #UConnwomen
@AmoreCourant: Geno: "still about the people. Don't think anyone goes anywhere b/c of a building But because we have best people we deserve best facility"
@AmoreCourant: Geno "were in a league of our own dammit and that's where we're going to stay" #UConnwomen #UConnmen
@AmoreCourant: KML " we're so thrilled to have a facility that matches level of greatness uConn basketball has achieved," #UConnmen #UConnwomen