His sinking boat reference can be interpreted so many different ways. Obviously the fans who are negative are going to twist it around to express in favor of how they think. I am sure KO does not mean the ship is really sinking. He is using it as a metaphor, something illusionary. It seems like it is sinking, but it's really not. He wants to call out the people who are making it look like the ship is really sinking because in their eyes they really think it is sinking. And the people who continue to support him will stay on the boat, because they have faith that it really is not sinking and we will be elite again. The rats and scavengers symbolize the nay sayers and the negative bandwagon fans. Aka the cowards that want to always be in the happy place. Sometimes the road gets tough in life. You don't just give up. If it were easy, everyone would be winning left and right. It's the concept of competition and that's what sports is all about. The challenge. And when you overcome a challenge, it's that much more rewarding when reaching the goal. The 2014 championship is a perfect example. All the crap we went through prior to that made that title the most satisfying title ever. "This is what happens when you ban us!". There is always a balance in nature, in the universe, and I truly believe the scales will tip in our favor again.