Pope Cut by Chicago | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Pope Cut by Chicago

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Apr 1, 2013
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msf22b: I also like to hear what other players have to say after they leave. But from there - then I like to evaluate the player vs. what they say. Kind of like "take the next step." For me, its not just interesting what they say but imo how I evaluate what they are saying. For example, I don't agree entirely with your assertion "she finally started to reach her potential." Her "potential" was that of a top ten recruit. From what I have seen from her game, she can never achieve that top ten status. With her attitude of calling opposing players and potential teammates (maybe overseas?) "pampered" imo she might be as far away from "reaching her potential" as she was as a freshman.

This is what I find interesting. Like when Tenn in 2000 tried to tighten their defense by getting in the passing lanes in attempt to get steals, which they were so adept in the Holdsclaw era. UCONN made them pay dearly with backdoor cuts in 2000 Finals. The more they tried to pressure the ball and the passing lanes, the worse it became, more like quicksand for them. IMO the more Pope focuses on calling other players "pampered," and if she focuses on being a star rather than a role player, the more she will be mired in her own quicksand.


Aug 30, 2011
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Obviously, team chemistry at Baylor was an issue. Consider this...at one time UConn was in the running for Pope...glad she decided on Rutgers and not UConn.
Ain't that the truth.:)


RIP, Alex
Aug 26, 2011
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...and handles it with no class. Maybe she should have worked on her jumper more.

"I got sent home today by Chicago Sky. In all honesty I am neither disappointed or punctured by their decision. I really am more relieved. It only took 4 days to get a feel of what things were going to be about, I controlled what I could, but things were already panned out. God blessed me with being drafted, despite red shirting, playing in a one man band for three years etc. thanks to everyone who showed love towards the opportunity! It really meant a lot. Just because Im not playing on the Chicago Sky this season don't mean I won't play overseas and if God see the perfect fit WNBA next season. I would rather have it his way & not forced. Honestly I'm glad it didn't work. I don't mind playing with highly pampered players that the media has already chosen but I endured playing in a box with BG for 3 years I don't see true growth in my own game with it all over again at Chicago with Della Don. I'd rather be in a position where I feel like a irreplaceable asset. Good opportunity but better is sure to come!!! Thanks for the positivity! And watch my video lol bye I'm coming home to make home to some gym of whatever city Im in....overseas will be here before I know it."

Very disappointing attitude but not too surprising. I bet she was a handful to coach.
Nothing like burning two bridges at once. Very immature response to the situation. If you're a marginal WNBA player, you better be a really good chemistry/locker room kind of presence on a team. This kind of public statement does not bode well for being such a resource.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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Nothing like burning two bridges at once. Very immature response to the situation. If you're a marginal WNBA player, you better be a really good chemistry/locker room kind of presence on a team. This kind of public statement does not bode well for being such a resource.

Exactly. Who is likely to call her in for a look see, if a public slamming may be the end of it. Very immature. Self defeating.


Windy City Kitty
Aug 26, 2011
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In a funny sort of way, I find her comments refreshing.
Finally, a kid, rightly or wrongly is telling us what the reality of the experience was for her.

You all may recall, a few seasons ago, I became interested in what Lauren and Michala really felt about sitting on the bench until deep garbage time.
At the time, all you could get from them was how much they loved the experience.

Then they left for other opportunities.

What the kid's and their family's really think is a deep, dark secret, hidden in the platitudes that one is require to mouth what with University managed thought police always at hand.

Here's a kid who calls it the way she sees it and Trash informs us that her feelings may not have been unique.

Even if she sounds selfish to some, I admire the attitude that lets us get closer to the real game.

And I reject the concept that she played "selfish" this season. Played a tough power forward and first-class garbage collector, what every team requires.

I beg to differ here. If a student/athlete chooses to leave their team for other opportunities, I think most people hope itworks out for them. If any UConn player vented the way Pope did, they would cause countless hard feelings with their coaches, teammates and fans. It would also cause problems in the team they went to, as no one would trust them, or their discretion.

What you call "the Uconn managed thought police" may in fact be young women exercising discretion and maturity for their own protection.

I think you don't want to "be closer to the real game." You want dirt. And you want it in copious amounts.

The UCWBB team is not a reality show for your benefit. They are people with feelings,families, team mates and college/future pro careers to protect. They KNOW everyone is interested in their every quoted word. And ready to pounce, given the opportunity. Watch Real Housewives or Big Brother or some show like that to satisfy your supposed "need to know".


Lone Starlet
Oct 12, 2011
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I think Lauren and Michaela are perfect examples of leaving a situation that wasn't working for them, but with class. They probably did have a great experience, just not one with a lot of playing time. Why do we really want to hear them say, "It sucked sitting on the end of the bench?" Well, duh. What are we going to get out of that? I find Pope's comments very telling about the chemistry problems that were evident this season with the Baylor team, but I didn't need her to say those things to realize that. Nor is it my business.


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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There are a lot of good points in this thread. I don't want to think that the quotes "define" Brooklyn, and I don't think they are a basis for a comprehensive discussion of Baylor's team chemistry.

What can be said is that her style of play at Rutgers was indicative of a player that didn't want to be a roll player. Known especially for wild dribbling drives to the basket that excited the fans but were bad ideas. At the time, RU fans discussed whether she was being selfish or just didn't know the play book and couldn't figure out what else to do. Technically, we don't know the answer to that either, but the weight of evidence is pointing one way.
Aug 26, 2011
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There are a lot of good points in this thread. I don't want to think that the quotes "define" Brooklyn, and I don't think they are a basis for a comprehensive discussion of Baylor's team chemistry.

What can be said is that her style of play at Rutgers was indicative of a player that didn't want to be a roll player. Known especially for wild dribbling drives to the basket that excited the fans but were bad ideas. At the time, RU fans discussed whether she was being selfish or just didn't know the play book and couldn't figure out what else to do. Technically, we don't know the answer to that either, but the weight of evidence is pointing one way.

Rutger's has a playbook?!? I had no idea.


Aug 27, 2011
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Watch Real Housewives or Big Brother or some show like that to satisfy your supposed "need to know".

What can be said is that her style of play at Rutgers was indicative of a player that didn't want to be a roll player. Known especially for wild dribbling drives to the basket that excited the fans but were bad ideas. At the time, RU fans discussed whether she was being selfish or just didn't know the play book and couldn't figure out what else to do. Technically, we don't know the answer to that either, but the weight of evidence is pointing one way.

I don't recall paying attention to Pope at Rutgers, bur she certainly didn't play as described above this season. If anything, she was an extremely disciplined position player; perhaps better coaching, perhaps some coaching period.

I never watch reality TV, hate the stuff.
But I also hate the stream of politically correct blabberings that we regularly hear from athletes, even coaches of all sports at all levels.
If you think about it, nothing much is ever learned from these pronouncements.
They were speaking of it on ESPN radio (thoughtfully beamed by Sirius Sat, down to my corner of Guatemala).
NBA coaches speak of "them wanting it more than us." Poppycock!

And then every once in a while, someone says something that is truly informative and gives one insight into what (in this case), the young ladies actually feel.

And I'm really interested in developing some understanding into the nitty-gritty of how these superb athletes think and relate (well short of any over the top silliness).

Every once in a while, we get some interesting bits to chew on…the video of some of the girls taking on a bunch of male music-biz types comes to mind; Stewie's admission that she had to keep moving around and stop thinking.
But for the few honest moments, there are the endless platitudes.

I worried most of the season about Morgan and her relationship to the staff; never really heard a word, except for the Geno quote about why she wasn't playing like she did in early practice as the best post player on the team.

And then when she almost won the overtime ND game by herself, I thought for sure she would be more counted on but she wasn't…until the NCAA's. I don't think any of us know what was going on and never will.

So here's a kid who says that her life at Baylor was less than a dream and that she never really had a chance at Chicago.

She can be a fine basketballer, but not quite up to the level required…most likely.

But her mini tantrum brings us closer to the reality of the game, gives us some insights and I for one appreciate that.
Aug 26, 2011
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But her mini tantrum brings us closer to the reality of the game, gives us some insights and I for one appreciate that.

Actually, I brings us closer to her reality, which may or may not reflect actual reality.


Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't recall paying attention to Pope at Rutgers, bur she certainly didn't play as described above this season. If anything, she was an extremely disciplined position player; perhaps better coaching, perhaps some coaching period.

She can be a fine basketballer, but not quite up to the level required…most likely.

But her mini tantrum brings us closer to the reality of the game, gives us some insights and I for one appreciate that.
As to the first point, I will grant she seemed to play better positional BB this season, I think she saw a chance to contribute and knew that was the only way she was going to do it. Her first 2 seasons at Baylor, and sporadically this season, she would exhibit similar undisciplined behaviors as were noted at Rutgers and they were commented on the RU board every time someone would bring up her departure as a black mark against Viv.

I agree that she can be a contributor on a basketball team, but she hasn't shown herself as a star thus far.

As to her tantrum, I agree with the comment above, it is her view of things. Not necessarily the reality.

I think you need to recognize your talents. Simmons that left RU wanted more minutes and to be a starter. She achieved her wish and had a decent season - at Alabama, which didn't make their conference tournament and lost their coach at the end of the season. Perhaps in the A10 or a non-power conference she might have been a star. But you need to be realistic to achieve your dream, I believe, and in Simmons' case I truly hope she is happy, and feel bad that she lost her coach.
Apr 1, 2013
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So here's a kid who says that her life at Baylor was less than a dream and that she never really had a chance at Chicago.

And here is a kid that also called other players she was competing against and potential teammates “pampered.”
Aug 24, 2011
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I don't know what it would be like to work hard for so many years to achieve something and then have that taken away from me in a matter of days.

Huh? What'd I miss?
Aug 24, 2011
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Please, everyone, try to stick with known facts. Speculating on a player's motivation/feelings for the last four years based on one Facebook post is just wrong.

If this is indeed a Facebook post, then I wonder if we should even be discussing. Kids definitely need to learn that what they post can come back to bite them, but I think of Facebook as closer to private than, say, twitter, which clearly is public.


Lone Starlet
Oct 12, 2011
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Her Facebook page might be public, or it could be her "official" page for her fans. Regardless, posting something like that on social media makes it more public then, say, a private email.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I stumbled upon this by accident. It's pretty hilarious watching the internet psychologists.

God forbid someone is honest... And good job by the posters helping to ensure players aren't honest in the future by condemning someone for pretty innocuous comments.
Apr 1, 2013
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And good job by the posters helping to ensure players aren't honest in the future by condemning someone for pretty innocuous comments.

So this thread is going to ensure players aren’t honest in the future?
I think it’s hilarious that some of you try to invent things just to be different. Just like the poster that said Pope was reaching her potential. Crazy.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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And good job by the posters helping to ensure players aren't honest in the future by condemning someone for pretty innocuous comments.

So this thread is going to ensure players aren’t honest in the future?
I think it’s hilarious that some of you try to invent things just to be different. Just like the poster that said Pope was reaching her potential. Crazy.

Note the word 'help'. Obviously one dumb thread on a message board doesn't have an impact.
However it's part of a culture that drives players and coaches to not say anything remotely honest or interesting.


RIP, Alex
Aug 26, 2011
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Neither Twitter nor Facebook is private. Realistically, email though ostensibly private, is also dangerous. When you write something, the whole world may eventually read it.

We have had no shortage of poor social media decisions by public figures. I'm inclined to believe it's not going to stop just because it keeps happening and people keep talking about it,

Some people will speak their mind. Geno is one of them, even if he doesn't satisfy msf's (somewhat creepy and obsessive) desire to explain his gameplan for Morgan Tuck on a game-by-game basis. Some people, meanwhile, are inclined to be boring. Just how it is.

In this case, I found Pope's post neither interesting nor refreshing. Instead, she let a setback in her first foray in the professional world result in taking shots at we would-be future employer and her college employer. One could call it honest/interesting, but more than anything, it was stupid.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Yes, it's muffled Geno - and JC - for years.

Yes there are a handful that are outspoken. For every Calhoun there are 150 Randy Edsalls and Derek Jeters whose interesting comments arrive as often as Halley's comet.


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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Some people will speak their mind. Geno is one of them, even if he doesn't satisfy msf's (somewhat creepy and obsessive) desire to explain his gameplan for Morgan Tuck on a game-by-game basis. Some people, meanwhile, are inclined to be boring. Just how it is.
pleassssssssssssssssssssse dont talk him up :(


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Bottom line at UConn. Its discipline, and earn your playtime. Its about team ball. Reading and listening to what is being said I guess some teams don't choose to follow what has been successful for Geno. When you find someone who has won 7 of 14 NCs and you think you have a better way well that's your choice. When you find someone who has done it..imo it only makes sense to copy them. Some will argue that Geno gets the best players. Well copy how he recruits. Some will say well UConn wins every year. Well look back to 80's when UConn couldn't win. Bottom line is Im sure Pope isn't the only one that feels this way. Im sure there are players on other teams that feel similar. Its all about being developed, being disiciplined and being a team player. The ole saying there is no "I" in T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More)


Stats Geek
Aug 25, 2011
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glad UConn backed away from her :rolleyes:

We're just so full of ourselves we might speculate it would have turned out differently, if she had. :) But I guess we'll never know.
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