POLL: point blank, will this team be better or worse than 2013-14? | The Boneyard

POLL: point blank, will this team be better or worse than 2013-14?

How will the 2013-14 UConn WBB team compare to the 2014-15 team?

  • UConn 2013-14 will be significantly better

    Votes: 11 8.9%
  • UConn 2013-14 will be somewhat better

    Votes: 31 25.0%
  • The 2013-14 and 2014-15 teams will be at just about the same level

    Votes: 45 36.3%
  • UConn 2014-15 will be somewhat better

    Votes: 33 26.6%
  • UConn 2014-15 will be significantly better

    Votes: 4 3.2%

  • Total voters
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RIP, Alex
Aug 26, 2011
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This is a fun poll because you can think about and fully appreciate how great last year's team was while simultaneously getting revved up for what this season's team is getting set to accomplish.

Let's be clear: UConn 2013-14 produced a transcendent season. A 40-0 record, no opponent within 11 points (the "highest lowest" MOV of all time in WCBB), four starters on or guaranteed to be on the Huskies of Honor Wall (with Moriah set to secure her spot as well), an emphatic victory over arch-rival Notre Dame in the NC game, etc...I mean, it doesn't get much better than that.

But could it get much better than that?

Certainly, Wall members Bria and Stefanie are gone, as is Brianna Banks. However, four very talented freshmen have joined the team, while KML, Stewie, MoJeff, Morgan, Saniya, and Kiah, all could very well be equipped to contribute even more than they did last season. Lawlor and Pulido may well be at about the same level, but they're not likely to be at a lower level at any rate.

In short, there are a number of promising new arrivals, and there's room for improvement with many returning players. Will it, in fact, get even better than it did during the glorious 2013-14 season? Vote and discuss...and be excited!

Sluconn Husky

#1 Source of Info
May 22, 2014
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Interesting poll. Lotta guesswork considering all the frosh, but I'll still be curious at the results.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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What do you mean by "better"?

I don't think this year's team (2014/15) will be quite as good, particularly offensively. They may be defensively though. Losing Dolson and Hartley is going to cause some rough spots in our half court offense. However, Stokes playing more, Tuck and having plenty of options for the backcourt could help our defense be better.

The numbers for 2014/15 may turn out to be better (well you can't get better than 40-0, but other numbers). But even so, I think that will be more a reflection of reduced competition this year. The Senior class is fairly weak. Not UCONN's, but nationwide.

By "better", I don't think 2014/15 would beat 2013/14. So I'd say the 2013/14 was better. But my mind could certainly change by the end of the year.
Jul 13, 2013
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Agree with meyers. I would have to give 2013/2014 a slight advantage. This could be overcome by the end of the season depending on how the freshman class plays. They've lost Hartley and Dolson but gained Tuck, the freshman and one more year's experience. Close but right now I have to give last year's team a slight edge.
Sep 9, 2011
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I'm inclined to think that this team will be a bit better, maybe not so much at the beginning of the year but by the time the season ends. This could be subject to change in the event of an injury or two to vital players but without that happening, I'm pumped about this team. There is always a possibility of a loss or a nail bitter kind of game early on that would suggest this team isn't nearly as good as was last years, but by season's end, we should be. By that time the freshmen should be playing more like sophomores, having gained an appreciable amount of experience and comfort into what Geno expects and familiarity with all the nuances of what's expected. As has been mentioned, Moriah and KML and Breanna and Kia along with Morgan all should be optimized in their performances. Morgan will long have shaken off her rust and Kia won't be looking over her shoulders and should be brimming with confidence. I can't imagine what a fine oiled machine this team will be. Just my thoughts!


And That’s The Way It Is
Aug 26, 2011
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Think the team will be better then last years, presuming no injuries. However, doesn't mean they will cut down the nets at the end of the year. I think South Carolina will be significantly improved and might cause this team problems at the end of the year.
Aug 27, 2011
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My thinking right now is that they will be similar in overall strength, but dramatically different in style, particularly on offense. While last year mostly ran through a high-post offense with Dolson at the controls, this year will see a more "traditional" PG-run offense, except that'll be no ordinary PG running things in MoJetts. I suspect opponent Ds will be left dazzled and dizzy on plenty of occasions.

Sluconn Husky

#1 Source of Info
May 22, 2014
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Think the team will be better then last years, presuming no injuries. However, doesn't mean they will cut down the nets at the end of the year. I think South Carolina will be significantly improved and might cause this team problems at the end of the year.

If this team is better than last year's, they will cut down the nets.
Sep 14, 2011
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I could have taken the easy way out and gone with middle option cuz it's really close. But I think this year's squad gets a very slight edge on depth. Of course this assumes no major injuries.
Jan 5, 2013
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The best this year team can do is 39-0, and that's not as good as 40-0 :)


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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This is a fascinating year. The level of competition in the AAC gives the coaching staff the opportunity to experiment with lots of combinations and that includes lots of freshman play time. Tempering that is the need to have a UConn rock hard starting five come tourney time. The temptation of the former is that if it works well we end up with a 9-10 player rotation that runs everyone else out of the building. I think we can have both. :) But I still voted last year's team to be better, because I feel no one will provide the overall smarts on the floor and stabilizing personality of the now purple haired Big Girl.
Nov 27, 2012
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The 2014/15 will be much better. Differences will be healthy Morgan, healthy KML, emerging Kiah and Saniya, better Moriah and Stewie and at least one or maybe two freshman stepping up. And, to answer your poll for next year in advance.... 2015/16 will be the best UCONN team to date.

45 TO GO


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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I'm with Meyers and a few of the others above! We will be tough to beat ovviously. Defensively a nightmare. Offensively, losing Dolson and Hartley who understood the 2 and the pt gd position and who was also excellent in defending the passing lanes, we lose alot of talent, smarts and experience. I am looking forward to this season alot! And I also see the possibility of us being formidable opponent to our 2013-14 team by seasons end- possibly! Go Huskies!!!!!!
Aug 27, 2011
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I give the edge to last year's team. The only way this team can be as good is if both Kiah and Morgan have great seasons. I used to say that because of the loss of Stef, but as I rewatch games of the past two years I can't help notice what a rally starter Bria was. Several times in tough games she was the one that started the "patented UCONN spurt".
Aug 26, 2011
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A full season of healthy KML and Tuck, improved versions of MoJet, Stewart and Stokes and a confident Chong could make up for losing two great players in Dolson and Hartley. I voted just about the same level.
Nov 24, 2011
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This is fun. I mean we are purely guessing right now, so I will play along. I believe that the 2014-15 team will be better than our '13-14 team. Like anything, you get better with time, so will be the case with the current team. I see potential chances for us to take advantage of match-ups that we will face this season. Kia Nurse is going to be a another solid player wearing a UConn uniform.
May 28, 2014
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Losing 2 players the quality of Hartley and Dolson is not easy to overcome, but if this years team can stay healthy, they have great potential.

The Big 3 a year better, the return of Tuck, the sophomore leap (hopefully) of Chong and an influx of talented freshman, equates to a very high ceiling for this club, as long as the injury/illness bug doesn't bite.


Aug 24, 2011
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I think if metaphorically the 2 teams were to play, it would be closer than people think. Stewie and MoJett a year older, KML and Tuck 100% healthy, and a much improved Chong not to mention Stokes' superior athleticism and defense - I think this year's team would actually win. Also, last year we played basically 6 players. This year he can easily go 8 deep.

No one can "replace" the leadership of Hartley or Dolson, but Bria was not a great shooter and while she had a huge heart and competitive fire, I think replacing her scoring and defense will actually be somewhat easy. We've heard comments about how much improved Chong is. We saw how incredible Nurse looks. Williams is going to be special. As for replacing Dolson, in my opinion, Stokes is inferior on the offensive end, but superior on the defensive end. I honestly think it's a wash.

So not only do I think this year's team will be slightly better, but the margins will be larger over top teams because they lost more than we did in general, and we got better freshmen than they did.


And That’s The Way It Is
Aug 26, 2011
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South Carolina returns all five starters and add a great recruiting class. They're the one team that did not have any significant losses and match up well with UConn with their recruiting class. That's why I think South Carolina might give UConn some trouble at year end.

I think if metaphorically the 2 teams were to play, it would be closer than people think. Stewie and MoJett a year older, KML and Tuck 100% healthy, and a much improved Chong not to mention Stokes' superior athleticism and defense - I think this year's team would actually win. Also, last year we played basically 6 players. This year he can easily go 8 deep.

No one can "replace" the leadership of Hartley or Dolson, but Bria was not a great shooter and while she had a huge heart and competitive fire, I think replacing her scoring and defense will actually be somewhat easy. We've heard comments about how much improved Chong is. We saw how incredible Nurse looks. Williams is going to be special. As for replacing Dolson, in my opinion, Stokes is inferior on the offensive end, but superior on the defensive end. I honestly think it's a wash.

So not only do I think this year's team will be slightly better, but the margins will be larger over top teams because they lost more than we did in general, and we got better freshmen than they did.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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Last year's team was good, but there were off-games and weak performances, as there will be this season. Stef's leadership, versatility, size, and personality will be missed. So will Bria's aggressiveness and clutch play. I think we start out younger and probably not quite as good as last March/April. But I think this team is better by April 2015.

Stewie is the best player in the country and is stronger, more experienced, and better. A 15/8/5/4 game for her will be ho-hum.

Kaleena will be better than we have seen her. More versatile but still with the golden touch.

Moriah will be the most dominant 5'7" player ever.

Kiah is arguably the best defender and rebounder in the nation.

Saniya looks great, and Kia has the game of a 22-year-old.

Morgan is a top 15 player when the rust comes off. Ask Geno.

If you think no one has an answer for Stewie or Jewell Loyd, watch Gabby. It's the same with her. A matchup nightmare.

I predict that this will be the best defensive team in history. When Kia is on the floor, we'll have at least 4 lock-down defenders. And the 3-point shooting will be better than last year--Kaleena, Stewie, Moriah, Saniya, Morgan, Kia, and Courtney.
Apr 1, 2013
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South Carolina returns all five starters and add a great recruiting class. They're the one team that did not have any significant losses and match up well with UConn with their recruiting class. That's why I think South Carolina might give UConn some trouble at year end.

I don't agree USC matches up well with UCONN. They got bounced by UNC for a reason - UNC (very inexpereinced) beat them twice. The USC coach said she needed help in the scoring department. They are going to have to rely on Wilson to score quite a bit vs us- and she is way too young to have thathuge of an impact if they meet us in the ff. In a reg season sure I suppose. But Other than Stewart we have seen DT and Maya - have huge problems in the ff. Tina Charles had it in the E8. Until I see it- I don't believe she can surpass DT and Maya. I give them little shot to beat us in the NCAA's.


Aug 24, 2011
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South Carolina returns all five starters and add a great recruiting class. They're the one team that did not have any significant losses and match up well with UConn with their recruiting class. That's why I think South Carolina might give UConn some trouble at year end.
Disagree IMHO. SC was overrated last year. Many single digit victories against really average teams. Just a horrible schedule - played one top 10 team the entire season. "Squeaked" past the 16 and 8 seeds in the NCAA's and flamed out in the sweet 16. They matchup well vs. UCONN at the 2 and 5 spots. That's about it. At the 1,3 and 4 spots, UCONN blows them away.
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