I don't mind someone thinking Pitt will finish that highly - they have a good team. I think the author is taking it on faith that some of their younger* kids will contribute significantly. Not quite sure I see it working out completely - top 20? Sure. Top 5-10? Eh. Early March flameout? Book it.
The one thing I can't get my mind around is leaving Lamb off the conference team. UConn has two players who should be on the preseason first team - Lamb and AO. They want to put AO on the second team? Fine, I won't kill them. Want to skip Lamb? Their MacBooks should be crammed into their colon. At speed.
In any event, duck* 'em. I was unaware that the USA Today was still being printed. I took a gander at their site a sec ago and the lead story was that some chubby chick "scored 10s in the DWTS". I need their hoop opinions less than I need their reports on big girls dancing.
* "Younger" in Pitt terms means that the player doesn't have grandchildren and/or is not receiving a pension from the University of Pittsburgh.