Phil Knight calls it right at PSU | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Phil Knight calls it right at PSU

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Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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You guys are sorely mistaken if you think the coverage has been accurate or comprehensive. There is absolutely no evidence in play indicating anyone on staff knew anything prior to the event reported by McQueary. Pleas that people should have known are nonsense in situations of this type and statements that i would have taken action are crap.

Don't trust anything you have heard from the talking heads on ESPN, it is based only on presumption and not facts. Joe has already had McQeary confirm several aspects of his testimony in the arraignment hearings for Curley and Schultz. The grand Jury record will confirm that Joe did follow up twice with the AD, McQeary already confirmed that Joe followed up with him to check he had been contacted.

Joe did everything correctly under the PA law and more. Once passed up the chain reporters are taught to leave the situation alone. Investigators don't want people mucking up their work. As a trained mandated reporter under the PA law I can tell you that is fact. Emotions ran the initial responses absolutely stupid things were reported as fact. If you want to blame anyone blame Ray Gricar the DA who had the best evidence of anyone in the mid 90s and chose not to prosecute a case that even in losing would have warned the community.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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The proper authority, when a grown man is raping a child, is the police.
Yes, but there are under the law dictated means by which it is to be reported and that was followed by Joe and McQueary even in ignorance. Hate the law which by the way is essentially the same as the CT law but don't blame folks for complying with it.
Aug 26, 2011
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Someone a lot wiser than me(dad) told me a long time ago, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". It makes UConn fans look cheap when they pick at the carcass of a dead man so why don't you just let the guy rest in peace and start aiming your concern at the guy who was actually responsible for all this.

Where do you draw the line? Should we respect all of the dead? Pol Pot? Hitler? Stalin?

Clearly, Joe Pa is none of these people. But simply being in the ground does not make one immune to criticism. Nor does it wash away the sins of the past. I refuse to believe people are above responsibility simply because they did not directly molest people. Sometimes, standing by and doing nothing is a crime in itself. And I'm not going to applaud those who did nothing simply because they no longer draw breath.


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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Where do you draw the line? Should we respect all of the dead? Pol Pot? Hitler? Stalin?

Clearly, Joe Pa is none of these people. But simply being in the ground does not make one immune to criticism. Nor does it wash away the sins of the past. I refuse to believe people are above responsibility simply because they did not directly molest people. Sometimes, standing by and doing nothing is a crime in itself. And I'm not going to applaud those who did nothing simply because they no longer draw breath.

Who said he did nothing?

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Aug 26, 2011
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Joe followed the law is not quite accurate or sufficient.

Mandatory reporters in Pennsylvania are people that work with children. It is quite logical that they report things to others in the child support hierarchy (who are obligated to report the situation to the appropriate investigative authorities) - thereby not jeopardizing their relationship with the child or putting themselves at risk while ensuring that it is addressed. That statutory policy in no way governs the behavior of adults in other environments.

This case gives precisely the reason why non-mandated reporters have different moral obligations. In this case Paterno reported the situation to two people neither trained nor obligated by law to report the situation. And once he knew that no investigation occurred - he knew after all that no police or protective services staff came to question him or his staff as complainants or potential witnesses - why didn't he then make sure it was reported to appropriate enforcement staff. "I didn't know" is not good enough for someone in his position.
Aug 27, 2011
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It seems to me since some posters who do not have any inside information about what really happened when Joe Pa reported to his superiors, spew their prejudiced opinions. Here goes my also un-informed take. Joe Pa reported to the proper authorities and they threw him under the bus to protect the Holy name of Penn State. They are the ones who should be held accountable.

I love how you chastise us for spewing our prejudiced and uninformed opinions and in the very next sentence spew your own prejudiced and uninformed opinion.

Can you please tell me where JoePa went to the police? This isn't a matter of an uninformed, prejudiced opinion. This is documented in court records. When did Joe go to the police?
Sep 16, 2011
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I don't pretend to know everything about the situation, but if JoPa had ANY idea that Sandusky was molesting the boys, then he was morally, and probably legally, obligated to do something about it. IF it's true that JoPa knew, then he deserves all the vitriol and tarnishing of his record that is to come.

sadly, we may never know everything since he's gone now, and while he did great things for PSU while there, it's a huge black mark against him that will tarnish his legacy forever.


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't pretend to know everything about the situation, but if JoPa had ANY idea that Sandusky was molesting the boys, then he was morally, and probably legally, obligated to do something about it. IF it's true that JoPa knew, then he deserves all the vitriol and tarnishing of his record that is to come.

sadly, we may never know everything since he's gone now, and while he did great things for PSU while there, it's a huge black mark against him that will tarnish his legacy forever.

Maybe to people not living in PA or non alums of Penn State.

You'd be surprised that not everyone feels the same way as some on this board does.

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Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I love how you chastise us for spewing our prejudiced and uninformed opinions and in the very next sentence spew your own prejudiced and uninformed opinion.

Can you please tell me where JoePa went to the police? This isn't a matter of an uninformed, prejudiced opinion. This is documented in court records. When did Joe go to the police?

The jurisdictional structure is and was that the campus police are the state sanctioned law enforcement agency for University Park (the campus) it is essentially its own town (and larger that most towns in CT). The surrounding land is under the jurisdiction of the township.of State College and the State College police dept.

In the eyes of Pennsylvania, they are equal and distinct.

The VP indicted for perjury was the defacto police commissioner for University Park. So, the police were notified and more than once. If your standard of notification is calling 911, well, you're wrong.

And if you didn't know that the campus police were the real police, then imagine what else you might not know.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
Aug 27, 2011
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I thought he was a POS for failing to protect children when he had the opportunity. That does not change simply because he's dead. I am legally bound to report any instance of child or elder abuse that I see, else I will be arrested and charged with a crime. Alas, I don't need a law to tell me that it's the right thing to do. Simple failure to adequately protect those who could not protect themselves is horrendous. End of story.

Chin Diesel

The timing could not possibly be worse
Aug 24, 2011
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Well, the good news is that if Joe Pa had a moral obligation to do more than he did, he is now having his day/week/eternity in court.
Aug 26, 2011
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The VP indicted for perjury was the defacto police commissioner for University Park. So, the police were notified and more than once. If your standard of notification is calling 911, well, you're wrong.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

That is false. The VP indicted for perjury was an administrator that the police chief reported to for administrative purposes. He was not a law enforcement official by training or function. In my town the police chief reports to the first selectman - that does not make the first selectman the de facto police commissioner, just an administrator for things like budgets.
Aug 27, 2011
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The jurisdictional structure is and was that the campus police are the state sanctioned law enforcement agency for University Park (the campus) it is essentially its own town (and larger that most towns in CT). The surrounding land is under the jurisdiction of the township.of State College and the State College police dept.

In the eyes of Pennsylvania, they are equal and distinct.

The VP indicted for perjury was the defacto police commissioner for University Park. So, the police were notified and more than once. If your standard of notification is calling 911, well, you're wrong.

And if you didn't know that the campus police were the real police, then imagine what else you might not know.

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You are wrong. Schultz was not a law enforcement official. This is like you becoming aware of a child being raped and reporting it to the mayor of your town. Would you consider that notifying the police?


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I thought he was a POS for failing to protect children when he had the opportunity. That does not change simply because he's dead. I am legally bound to report any instance of child or elder abuse that I see, else I will be arrested and charged with a crime. Alas, I don't need a law to tell me that it's the right thing to do. Simple failure to adequately protect those who could not protect themselves is horrendous. End of story.

So glad you've come along to end the story. Please tell us exactly how you would have interfered with what was presumably an ongoing investigation.

On second thought, don't. A man dead of lung cancer is now apparently good news.

Lord, I hate the raging mob. Perhaps the mods should lock this thread for everybody's sanity.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
Aug 24, 2011
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You guys are sorely mistaken if you think the coverage has been accurate or comprehensive. There is absolutely no evidence in play indicating anyone on staff knew anything prior to the event reported by McQueary. Pleas that people should have known are nonsense in situations of this type and statements that i would have taken action are crap.

Don't trust anything you have heard from the talking heads on ESPN, it is based only on presumption and not facts. Joe has already had McQeary confirm several aspects of his testimony in the arraignment hearings for Curley and Schultz. The grand Jury record will confirm that Joe did follow up twice with the AD, McQeary already confirmed that Joe followed up with him to check he had been contacted.

Joe did everything correctly under the PA law and more. Once passed up the chain reporters are taught to leave the situation alone. Investigators don't want people mucking up their work. As a trained mandated reporter under the PA law I can tell you that is fact. Emotions ran the initial responses absolutely stupid things were reported as fact. If you want to blame anyone blame Ray Gricar the DA who had the best evidence of anyone in the mid 90s and chose not to prosecute a case that even in losing would have warned the community.

Answer me this: Why the hell did Jerry Sandusky retire at the age of 55, when he was on track to possibly be the next head coach of Penn State? Are you insinuating that those on the staff at Penn State believed that their top assistant decided to retire simply because he wanted to hang 'em up? Sandusky made numerous references to suspicious behavior around children in his book, which came out in 2001, prior to the incident witnessed by McQeary.

Also, why on earth did JoePa allow Jerry Sandusky to bring kids to a practice in 2007, years after he had been barred from taking kids on campus?
Aug 27, 2011
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That is false. The VP indicted for perjury was an administrator that the police chief reported to for administrative purposes. He was not a law enforcement official by training or function. In my town the police chief reports to the first selectman - that does not make the first selectman the de facto police commissioner, just an administrator for things like budgets.

If he didn't know that Schultz was not the police, can you imagine what else he does not know?
Aug 31, 2011
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This is why the law is set up in a way to protect the accused. the lynch mob has been assembled, pitchforks at the ready, and the fire set just beneath the stake. If any of us knew the facts this might be different - but we don't. The only fact we know is that we don't know. Let the process play out and let the facts surface. And then you can judge. Then again, this is the day of the internet - so, anyone w/a keyboard and a random thought, please post it - by doing so, it makes it fact.
Aug 26, 2011
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So glad you've come along to end the story. Please tell us exactly how you would have interfered with what was presumably an ongoing investigation.

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One more time. Paterno knew there was no investigation. Among the first witnesses to be questioned are the complainants. Joe might not have been on top of things as much as he once was, but you can be absolutely sure he knew that no investigators came to question him or anyone on his staff.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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If he didn't know that Schultz was not the police, can you imagine what else he does not know?

A municipality can be organized in multitude of configurations. Just cause your town operates differently, doesn't make what I said incorrect. But, don't take my word for it. Ask the States Attorney who said Joe complied with the law

The reporting is not the question with regards to Joe. It was the follow up. It is a question I very much want answered. We simply don't know at this time and I won't pile on not knowing. But your mileage may vary.

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Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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One more time. Paterno knew there was no investigation. Among the first witnesses to be questioned are the complainants. Joe might not have been on top of things as much as he once was, but you can be absolutely sure he knew that no investigators came to question him or anyone on his staff.

The facts do not support your thesis.

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Aug 24, 2011
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the real story in this thread is that isn't icebear a womens board poster that hated "winning" last year. you costed the womens team a ship! i remember some 1 told me he is a priest. is that true? if so that changed the way i read the op....
Aug 27, 2011
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A municipality can be organized in multitude of configurations. Just cause your town operates differently, doesn't make what I said incorrect. But, don't take my word for it. Ask the States Attorney who said Joe complied with the law

The reporting is not the question with regards to Joe. It was the follow up. It is a question I very much want answered. We simply don't know at this time and I won't pile on not knowing. But your mileage may vary.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

Who said Joe didn't follow the law? That's never been in question and I honestly haven't heard one person say he broke the law. Heck of a strawman you built there though.

Also tired of the sanctimonious accusations by some here. This thread was started by someone praising Phil Knight for what I considered to be hideous comments. Don't blame those who disagree for responding.

FWIW, I took no joy in Paterno passing. All I believe is what Joe himself said in his last interview.....he should've done more. I really wish Joe left Sandusky in a bloody pool on the steps of the police station 10 years ago. But, he didn't. The rest, unfortunately, is history.
Aug 24, 2011
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The facts do not support your thesis.

Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk

Actually, they support neither of you, but there's more than enough circumstantial evidence to back his version of events. The best defense of Paterno appears to be that others were equally or more culpable. From my perspective, that's not enough.

Sometimes, the mob is right. This is one of those times.
Dec 13, 2011
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It seems to me since some posters who do not have any inside information about what really happened when Joe Pa reported to his superiors, spew their prejudiced opinions. Here goes my also un-informed take. Joe Pa reported to the proper authorities and they threw him under the bus to protect the Holy name of Penn State. They are the ones who should be held accountable.

1000% AGREED!
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