You don't have to believe everything is roses and cherries Glow I'm okay with that. But the negative spin on everything you touch leads me to believe you're not a happy dude. They are better than last year but agreed only on paper. But to be looking at the "what if they don'ts" rather than what could be is ridiculous.
They will rebound the ball better, there is no doubt about that. They will shoot the ball better and for a better percentage overall as a team, no doubt in my mind. Adams will be a great UConn guard but "will be" doesn't" always translate into this year now does it. Instead of saying crap like the "second coming of Christ" you should be pointing out the fact he gets to watch a seasoned veteran in Gibbs and learn as well as not having to be the man immediately. This should help him become comfortable and my conference play or so he may be something really special as just a part of the puzzle. That's what I see. I see a bench with him, Enoch, Facey, Calhoun, Cassell Jr all being pieces at some point of the season. This is potentially a pretty damn good team and with the kids he's bringing in next year along with Larrier who is here, UMass and Amherst MA ain't even on our map!