OU Prez Boren... | Page 3 | The Boneyard

OU Prez Boren...

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Mar 30, 2012
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I deal in reality. If Uconn were the most qualified school to be in a P5 conference, they would be in one today.

Exactly. Similarly, if the Sun were the brightest object in the sky, it would be in the sky. But right now it is night. Therefore the sun will not rise tomorrow.


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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Where is the evidence of conferences wanting Uconn in? If they did, Uconn would be in. Was Uconn listed and discussed? Sure. Wanted? No. And don't give me the ACC history and how BC blocked Uconn. They did not. Jacobs said that there were ACC BB coaches aligned against Uconn too. My opinion is that BC has limited sway in any ACC discussion. It is the NC schools/Clemson/FSU cartel that carries all of the force in the ACC. Just like OSU/MI in the B1G and UT and OK in the B12. Until the power brokers see Uconn as a worthy FB addition or the P5 decide that 14 to 16 teams is the new best size, Uconn is just the back up date for the prom.
I live in 06029 and hope I never meet you. For the 4000th time, Def'n felippo said BC didn't want UCONN in the league and the ACC thought it was odd but went with it and invited Pitt/Syralose. This is well documented. The second time around - Clemson and FSU wanted Louisville and the rest of the schools kowtowed out of fear of losing those schools. No matter how many people Calhoun pissed off in the ACC, Blumenthal's lawsuit and BC's actions did more to hurt UCONN than anything else.

Also, people forget that Miami was an automatic no due to the lawsuit as well. Shalalala hated us and vowed to never play us again. SO votes against us were BC, Miami, Syracuse and then Clemson and Fla St that wanted Southern team(Louisville) which by the way, has no academic fit whatsoever.

If we were AAU, the Big Ten would have already added us. The ACC is the only conference that is close by and now we are at the point where the Big 12 has to do something or break up. DO we fit culturally with them, no. But that is the last bus for us until something breaks.
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Sep 21, 2011
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Let's hope Mr. Boren didn't see the disgrace known as tonight's UConn basketball game while we were in his backyard.
Aug 26, 2011
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Take the time to read this...it's a good piece on Boren and where he wants the B-12 to go.

>>Boren wants the Big 12 to expand to 12 teams, he wants the league to fold Texas’ Longhorn Network and other third-tier properties into a Big 12 Network, and he wants a conference championship game. All at once, in that order, and immediately.<<

>>“We have been, as a group, looking at expansion, discussing expansion, and we have had outside consultants helping us look at what schools are the possible best fit,” Boren said. “So there are more than two out there that could be a good fit. There may be six or seven, and we could pick from that group the right two. We have to be very careful. We don’t want to go out and get Okefenokee A&M or something just to have a name.

“We’ll look at the fan base, we’ll look at the size of their programs, we’ll look at the academics of the institutions. We’ll look at them comprehensively as to which is the best fit. And also we’ll consider geography to a certain degree.”<<

No pulling punches...
Sep 21, 2011
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“We have been, as a group, looking at expansion, discussing expansion, and we have had outside consultants helping us look at what schools are the possible best fit,” Boren said. “So there are more than two out there that could be a good fit. There may be six or seven, and we could pick from that group the right two. We have to be very careful. We don’t want to go out and get Okefenokee A&M or something just to have a name.

“We’ll look at the fan base, we’ll look at the size of their programs, we’ll look at the academics of the institutions. We’ll look at them comprehensively as to which is the best fit. And also we’ll consider geography to a certain degree.”

Fan base - hopefully not just football
academics - we're in good shape
geography - whoops
Dec 25, 2011
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I'm confident that significant realignment is imminent. FSU and Clemson do not at all fit in with the rest of the ACC and I could certainly see them jumping ship and joining the SEC to be in a more competitive football conference. This whole OU and Texas thing will boil over eventually as well, with teams joining the Big Ten and PAC 12. We'll fit into the puzzle somewhere at that point.

Though rumor has it the folks in Gainesville would block any attempt by FSU to join the SEC, Florida at least is large enough to support two SEC teams (Texas is, too). South Carolina is not. No chance Clemson is going to the SEC.
Dec 25, 2011
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I think that if the ACC would have gone with an ACC North vs an ACC South...UConn would be in the ACC right now.

The very southern football schools have never built any relationship with the northeastern programs in the Atlantic division and are not supporters of further moves northeast without division realignment...and it has become clear that division realignment is not happening.

U Miami is the odd-ball out of the southern ACC schools. They have strong ties to the Northeast in terms of recruiting, their overall student population, and all of the Northeastern immigrants now residing in South Florida.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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U Miami is the odd-ball out of the southern ACC schools. They have strong ties to the Northeast in terms of recruiting, their overall student population, and all of the Northeastern immigrants now residing in South Florida.

As the saying goes, the further south you travel in Florida, the further north you end up. Or something like that.
Dec 25, 2011
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You have me confused with someone else. I have no idea what you're responding to about who is irrelevant or what not.

Finally, the BC block didn't matter in 2013. BC did speak up to block UConn again. Remember, as the Louisville AD said, UConn was "penned in" as a new member. So they were wanted twice. BC again spoke up against them, and there were indeed words of anger at BC from Virginia and UNC's AD at the time. But it was also clear that Clemson, FSU and perhaps others didn't want UConn.

So, this is twice that the ACC had prepared to admit UConn, in 2011, and in 2013, and both times others came in and blocked it. BC in 2011, and FSU/Clemson w/ BC in 2013.

In retrospect, UConn's vote into the ACC in 2013 was dead before it began. The ACC had 11 voting members at the time of the vote and 3 non-voting members in Pitt, Syracuse, and ND. While it requires a 2/3 vote (7 yes votes in the ACC's case in 2013) to accept a new ember, no conference is going to embarrass itself with a close vote on expansion. Thus, the final vote will always be unanimous. Before the vote even took place, BC, Miami, Clemson, and FSU were already opposed to UConn's entry into the ACC for a range of reasons. While they could not vote, Syracuse came out against UConn (see Boeheim 's remarks) while Pitt would do whatever BC and Syracuse wanted because of a life debt they incurred by getting into the ACC in the prior Big E raid. Thus, with 1/3 fully against UConn plus at last 2 of the 3 new members against, the ACC sought the sexier, safer, short-term choice in Louisville that everyone could 'agree' to or at least not disagree with. Was UConn too self-assured that it would get into the ACC? Yes. Did Louisville do an excellent job of marketing itself into the ACC to replace Maryland? Yes. Did it really make a difference for UConn in the end? No.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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In retrospect, UConn's vote into the ACC in 2013 was dead before it began. The ACC had 11 voting members at the time of the vote and 3 non-voting members in Pitt, Syracuse, and ND. While it requires a 2/3 vote (7 yes votes in the ACC's case in 2013) to accept a new ember, no conference is going to embarrass itself with a close vote on expansion. Thus, the final vote will always be unanimous. Before the vote even took place, BC, Miami, Clemson, and FSU were already opposed to UConn's entry into the ACC for a range of reasons. While they could not vote, Syracuse came out against UConn (see Boeheim 's remarks) while Pitt would do whatever BC and Syracuse wanted because of a life debt they incurred by getting into the ACC in the prior Big E raid. Thus, with 1/3 fully against UConn plus at last 2 of the 3 new members against, the ACC sought the sexier, safer, short-term choice in Louisville that everyone could 'agree' to or at least not disagree with. Was UConn too self-assured that it would get into the ACC? Yes. Did Louisville do an excellent job of marketing itself into the ACC to replace Maryland? Yes. Did it really make a difference for UConn in the end? No.
Was UConn a non-starter for the Big 12? Yes. Did geography make it ridiculous for the Big 12 to even consider UConn? Yes. Was UConn a bad fit culturally? Yes. Were 6 other institutions all considered better more logical choices? Yes. Did UConn end up being one of the top mentioned choices by the time of the NCAA Conference Championship vote? Yes.

Never under estimate the value a strong lobbying/marketing effort.
Oct 13, 2012
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Was UConn a non-starter for the Big 12? Yes. Did geography make it ridiculous for the Big 12 to even consider UConn? Yes. Was UConn a bad fit culturally? Yes. Were 6 other institutions all considered better more logical choices? Yes. Did UConn end up being one of the top mentioned choices by the time of the NCAA Conference Championship vote? Yes.

Never under estimate the value a strong lobbying/marketing effort.
The more I've thought about it, UConn actually adds the most value to the Big 12 out of any of the P5 conferences. They're the conference that's most worried about TV sets since they don't have their own network, and they're already strong enough in football that they don't necessarily care as much as, say, the ACC if an expansion candidate brings a ton of football pedigree.

A few months ago UConn to the Big 12 seemed absurd, but not anymore.

My point is it's more than just the lobbying/marketing effort, as helpful as that's been.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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The more I've thought about it, UConn actually adds the most value to the Big 12 out of any of the P5 conferences. They're the conference that's most worried about TV sets since they don't have their own network, and they're already strong enough in football that they don't necessarily care as much as, say, the ACC if an expansion candidate brings a ton of football pedigree.

A few months ago UConn to the Big 12 seemed absurd, but not anymore.

My point is it's more than just the lobbying/marketing effort, as helpful as that's been.
I agree, but it was the lobbying/marketing is what made all that known generally.

It's not enough to have strengths, you have to let people know them. I don't think we did that as well with the last ACC opening but we used that effort successfully, overcoming many difficulties, with the Big 12. You need the metrics but you also need to self-promote, in an intelligent and effective way. I think that is a lesson that we've learned institutionally.
Aug 26, 2011
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Let's hope Mr. Boren didn't see the disgrace known as tonight's UConn basketball game while we were in his backyard.

So you think the CR landscape changes with every game? There is angst all over UConn country because there a lot of fans who care.
Oct 8, 2014
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Trotter's take on OU's position:

Big 12 mailbag: Conference championship game, David Boren, expansion

4:33 PM ET

Jake TrotterESPN Staff Writer 




In this week's Big 12 Twitter mailbag, we discuss the pending conference championship game, Oklahoma president David Boren, possible expansion, potential sleepers next year and who would play Bram Kohlhausen, Gary Patterson and yours truly in a movie.

As this week proved, there's really no offseason in college football, is there?

On to the 'bag:


Charlie Schreck@charleschreck

‪@Jake_Trotter‪ Does the Big 12 want a c'ship to gain leverage in expansion or do they actually think it's a good idea after round robin?

11:04 AM - 15 Jan 2016


Trotter: How does a championship game give the Big 12 more leverage than it already has with those schools looking to make a move up? As the only Power 5 conference that has shown any interest in expanding via a Group of 5 member, the Big 12 already has all the leverage in that regard. Adding a championship game is really just about whether it gives the Big 12 a better path to the playoff. That's it.



‪@Jake_Trotter‪ is expansion dead in the water due to the new deregulation? #big12mailbag

10:57 AM - 15 Jan 2016

‪1 1 like

Trotter: I think Boren is going to make sure that doesn't happen. Just hours after the deregulation vote carried, he issued a statement to the Oklahoma Daily student newspaper and to ESPN.com saying the Big 12 won't resolve, in his words, its "disadvantage" until it gets back to 12 members. Boren carries a powerful voice within the Big 12 leadership. And as long as he's pushing for expansion, it won't be dead in the water.



‪@Jake_Trotter‪ Intersting comments from Boren in Tulsa paper, particularly regarding GOR & supposed invite from B10, what are your thoughts?

11:01 AM - 15 Jan 2016


Trotter: Boren knows he has leverage. If the Big 12 ever dissolved, Oklahoma would have a Power 5 landing spot somewhere. The same can't definitively be said about everyone else in the Big 12. So Boren can push his agenda, knowing that the other Big 12 members will have to acquiesce or risk Oklahoma bolting, which, in effect, would be the end of the Big 12. With that in mind, Boren is also clearly trying to send a message to Texas. The Longhorns obviously could join any conference they wanted to. But they also wouldn't have it as good as they presently have it in the Big 12, financially. So Texas has something to lose, too, and Boren is attempting to exploit that by getting the Longhorns to come to the table on his agenda, which, as he has stated, includes expansion and the formation of a conference network on top of adding the championship game.


Perry Bacalis@perrybacalis

‪@Jake_Trotter‪ where does @CSUFootball stand in the Big 12 expansion race? Denver TV market, Ag school, $250M 41K seat stadium, bridge to BYU

11:01 AM - 15 Jan 2016


Trotter: If the Big 12 ever decided that BYU was the answer, Colorado State would make some sense. The Rams would expand the Big 12 footprint back into Colorado and give BYU a travel partner. The best bet for Colorado State would be the Big 12 coming around to BYU. Given the other options, the Rams would still probably be a long shot. But at least that would put them in play.


Adam Masters@SniperMasters

‪@Jake_Trotter‪ Which middle-line school do you think has the most potential this next year to contend for the Big 12 title? #big12mailbag

10:56 AM - 15 Jan 2016

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