OU Prez Boren... | Page 2 | The Boneyard

OU Prez Boren...

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Oct 13, 2012
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I'm confident that significant realignment is imminent. FSU and Clemson do not at all fit in with the rest of the ACC and I could certainly see them jumping ship and joining the SEC to be in a more competitive football conference. This whole OU and Texas thing will boil over eventually as well, with teams joining the Big Ten and PAC 12. We'll fit into the puzzle somewhere at that point.
If FSU and Clemson wanted to leave, I don't think they would've signed a GOR last year or whenever it was. Even if it's not the best football conference, they've proven they can still make the playoff from the ACC and it's a relatively stable conference. Plus from all indications any future additions to the conference have to get their signoff. I think they're probably fairly content.


In the mix for six
Aug 26, 2011
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Now to be serious...how does the GOR for each conference tie into this? Aren't schools from those conferences prohibited from leaving for X years?

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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The LHN situation is what has gummed up the CRA works for the time being. The life (and hopefully the death) of this channel is what will bring TX back to reality. I think TX has campaigned to the sheeple schools of the conference that they could be in a position to poach the ACC in the coming 5 years if the ACC network does not materialize. Their internal argument is that there is no reason to rush on expansion until the ACC situation resolves it self. The question will be, will OU wait around? - I am hoping they won't....and find a home with someone new.

I think only end of the LHN or an OU exit will set in motion meaningful change in the B12.
Sep 17, 2011
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So BC is not irrelevant in the ACC? I thought your opinion was that BC is irrelevant in the ACC. Or are the statements by the fired AD just a figment of his imagination and his self importance?

Its not denial. Its logic based on facts. 75% yes votes required in a 12 team league means 4 were against you. BC and at least 3 others. It could have been more than 4. Jacobs in a column in the last 2 weeks stated that ACC BB coaches lined up against Uconn the last time around too. Or is that just an inconvenient fact that should be ignored too?

It does not matter. The belief of Uconn fans that they have far and away the best qualities to be included in the P5 probably reflects just a little bias. Saying you were in until one person said no just makes no logical sense to me. Because if that were the case, Uconn would be in another P5 conference today if they were the best possible candidate..

I want Uconn in a P5 conference. I want a lot of things personally too. I work hard and plan and sometimes I get them and sometimes I don't. Uconn is not getting in right now for lack of effort. I don't think they were left out last time for lack of effort either. Sometimes things just are and sometimes they are not fair. When that happens to me, I set out to show how the "unjust" and "unfair" decision doesn't matter. As Boyle tweeted, One door closes, another opens.
Aug 26, 2011
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If FSU and Clemson are that unhappy, then join with the top football schools of the B12 and be done with it.

FSU, Clemson, Texas, Texas Tech, Baylor, TCU, Oklahoma, Oklahoma St., add Georgia Tech and Miami, then consider two of West Virginia, Louisville and maybe Virginia Tech.

ACC is reduced to North Carolina, Duke, NC State, Wake Forest, Virginia, BC, Syracuse, Pitt, and either Louisville or Virginia Tech, or maybe both.

ACC then backfills with 3 (or 4 if VT & Louisville go). Candidates: UConn, West Virginia, Cincy, UCF, USF, Memphis, & Temple. Possibly even Houston.

Kansas, Kansas St., Iowa St. are then lost in the wilderness.
May 29, 2015
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The LHN situation is what has gummed up the CRA works for the time being. The life (and hopefully the death) of this channel is what will bring TX back to reality. I think TX has campaigned to the sheeple schools of the conference that they could be in a position to poach the ACC in the coming 5 years if the ACC network does not materialize. Their internal argument is that there is no reason to rush on expansion until the ACC situation resolves it self. The question will be, will OU wait around? - I am hoping they won't....and find a home with someone new.

I think only end of the LHN or an OU exit will set in motion meaningful change in the B12.

Technically the Big 12 could vote to expand without UT's consent. If OU can whip a majority of votes for expansion it may not matter if Texas and their lackey in Lubbock are steadfast against it.

I know the logical response to that would be, well if OU does that can't Texas leave? Sure, but I find it hard to believe another conference is going to give them the sweet deal they have right now with the Big 12 and LHN.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Technically the Big 12 could vote to expand without UT's consent. If OU can whip a majority of votes for expansion it may not matter if Texas and their lackey in Lubbock are steadfast against it.

I know the logical response to that would be, well if OU does that can't Texas leave? Sure, but I find it hard to believe another conference is going to give them the sweet deal they have right now with the Big 12 and LHN.

Yes, agreed - however given the B12 got the compromise position on the title game, I am assuming (big mistake?) that UT has managed to win over the lesser schools on the internal discussion of expansion...for the time being.
Sep 17, 2011
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How's about you go away for a while? One of the absolute dumbest simpleton statement that anti-UConn guy such as yourself can make is "if you were wanted, you'd be in". You don't think western conferences would add BYU? How's about ND? Yesterday's vote sent a clear message: 13 games > 12 games. ND needs to find a conference home soon or they will be at the same disadvantage as the 2014-15 B12.

ALL of the metrics are there supporting UConn is a Power school. More so than many grandfathered in the club.
I deal in reality. If Uconn were the most qualified school to be in a P5 conference, they would be in one today. Saying that ND would be welcomed by any conference is correct. Is Uconn at that level? No. They don't bring the ratings and revenue. ND is the holy grail for any conference. And I agree that they will need to be in a conference sooner rather than later.

BYU, not so sure the PAC wants them but I think the Big 12 would have them higher than Uconn. I think Uconn is the next logical candidate for the ACC and B1G. But until they have to expand, Uconn can't force it. And until you are invited to join the club, you can't belong.

Until a P5 school kicks out a perennial sub-performing member, its like being born wealthy. People don't like you because you did not earn it and you look like a leech. IF, and that is a big IF, a P5 conference ever makes that kind of move, then all heck breaks loose and Uconn ends up on the winning side.
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Aug 26, 2011
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Where is the evidence of conferences wanting Uconn in? If they did, Uconn would be in. Was Uconn listed and discussed? Sure. Wanted? No.
Lol. What a stupid statement. So, no major conferences wanted Rutgers on November 19, 2012, but did on November 20th?

That's the logic of "If a conference wanted a school they would be in already."
May 29, 2015
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Lol. What a stupid statement. So, no major conferences wanted Rutgers on November 19, 2012, but did on November 20th?

That's the logic of "If a conference wanted a school they would be in already."

TBH, you could tell when it started with "I deal in reality" it was going to be a pretty dumb statement.

People who feel the need to tell you they "deal in reality" usually do not.
Mar 4, 2014
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JJ chimes in.

"I would say no, not disappointed," the UConn athletic director said. "But at this point in collegiate athletics, after two decades with a rule in place that you now decide you can have a championship without 12 — now is not the right time to do it."

The American was one of two conferences to vote against the proposal — the ACC was the other — with the Pac-12 not casting a vote. The Power Five votes counted double the other five conferences. Of course, they did. Why? Because they said so.

Manuel cast the vote on behalf of the American and he said UConn agreed "100 percent" with his conference's stance.

"To modify the [12-team, two-division] rule now was not appropriate given the many decisions over the last two decades that have so changed the landscape of college athletics," he said. "It doesn't mean rules can't change, but this was one that had significantly changed the landscape."

UConn's Ticket To Power Five Conference Goes Through New York
Oct 8, 2014
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From the Daily Oklahoman today:

Form a Big 12 Network, and suddenly different schools look much better. Connecticut, for example. An entire state of 3.5 million is gaga over UConn basketball. A Big 12 Network would sell in New England, while providing exposure for the other schools.
Aug 26, 2011
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So BC is not irrelevant in the ACC? I thought your opinion was that BC is irrelevant in the ACC. Or are the statements by the fired AD just a figment of his imagination and his self importance?

Its not denial. Its logic based on facts. 75% yes votes required in a 12 team league means 4 were against you. BC and at least 3 others. It could have been more than 4. Jacobs in a column in the last 2 weeks stated that ACC BB coaches lined up against Uconn the last time around too. Or is that just an inconvenient fact that should be ignored too?

It does not matter. The belief of Uconn fans that they have far and away the best qualities to be included in the P5 probably reflects just a little bias. Saying you were in until one person said no just makes no logical sense to me. Because if that were the case, Uconn would be in another P5 conference today if they were the best possible candidate..

I want Uconn in a P5 conference. I want a lot of things personally too. I work hard and plan and sometimes I get them and sometimes I don't. Uconn is not getting in right now for lack of effort. I don't think they were left out last time for lack of effort either. Sometimes things just are and sometimes they are not fair. When that happens to me, I set out to show how the "unjust" and "unfair" decision doesn't matter. As Boyle tweeted, One door closes, another opens.

You have me confused with someone else. I have no idea what you're responding to about who is irrelevant or what not.

I gave you a link that totally contradicted what you said earlier, and you still counter it.

If you've ever been in a committee vote, you very well know that you are there to protect your school's interests. When someone else signals to you that their school's interests are being encroached and threatened by the topic under discussion, you defer to them. Why? Because you expect the same deference when something threatens your interests. This is just the way committees run. Especially if there is another viable alternative, like Pitt. The article was clear when it quoted people saying that Pitt was very viable as an alternative to UConn, so there was no reason to encroach on BCs interests.

We also know that this was a long held concern by BC. Bob Ryan reported as far back as 2002 that people inside the BC AD were very concerned that UConn would become dominant in New England. This article just takes the temperature of the times as to what was happening in 2011.

In fact, this DeFillippo article wasn't even a surprise to many on this board, since we were following what a Rutgers insider was writing on the Villanova board. Long before this article, he wrote that UConn was the choice but that they were being blocked. For some reason, this was a Villanova-Rutgers argument back in 2011, and the Insider went into detail about it and even named BC as the blocker. We paid it a little attention but in retrospect it was clear the Rutgers insider knew what he was talking about.

Finally, the BC block didn't matter in 2013. BC did speak up to block UConn again. Remember, as the Louisville AD said, UConn was "penned in" as a new member. So they were wanted twice. BC again spoke up against them, and there were indeed words of anger at BC from Virginia and UNC's AD at the time. But it was also clear that Clemson, FSU and perhaps others didn't want UConn.

So, this is twice that the ACC had prepared to admit UConn, in 2011, and in 2013, and both times others came in and blocked it. BC in 2011, and FSU/Clemson w/ BC in 2013.
Mar 4, 2014
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This guy's opinion: "That's why Boren was trying for expansion back to 12 and a CCG. He was basically like - ordering a TV, a fan and a new pillow for the prison cell...but he only got a towel stuffed in a pillowcase (CCG at 10 teams)."

"Realistically, without any crazy shenanigans, a decision on longterm conference affiliation will have to be made in about 5-6 years. The Sooner Sports TV deal will have to be renewed. The last year of that deal should be the '21-'22 school year. So it would have to be renegotiated. And what we do with that negotiation will tell us what we're going to do in the future, as if we went totally with FOX again - we couldn't enter the SEC that way. If we went totally with an ESPN deal - we couldn't enter the B1G, as FOX owns half the Big Ten Network."


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I like that Fishy's view is lining up with Flugar's. Of course, everyone outside of Texas and the hills of West Virginia can see what's going on with Oklahoma.


1972,73 & 98 Boneyard Poster of the Year
Aug 24, 2011
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And until you are invited to join the club, you can't belong..

Congrats on belonging. Maybe some day, you will see your team win a conference game.
Aug 26, 2011
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I would have never believed I'd see this from Tramel's pen/keyboard.

BerryTramel10:47am via twitterfeed
David Boren would like to end The Longhorn Network

>>Form a Big 12 Network, and suddenly different schools look much better. Connecticut, for example. An entire state of 3.5 million is gaga over UConn basketball. A Big 12 Network would sell in New England, while providing exposure for the other schools.

Brigham Young would be an interesting case. BYU TV is a major force — it was on my cable system at the Camelback Inn in Scottsdale — and the Cougars would have to move their athletic content from BYU TV to a Big 12 Network. I have no idea if that appeals to BYU; the current Big 12 system is perfect for the Cougars. But if BYU athletics moved into a Big 12 Network, that would open markets everywhere for the enterprise. BYU has a national following.

The other expansion candidates — Cincinnati, Boise State, Houston, Central Florida, East Carolina, whoever you think of — don’t really register much on the conference-network train.

But Connecticut and Brigham Young would be major additions.<<
Aug 29, 2011
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WHile the Big East was cobbling the bare minimum together out of the pickings of the lot of the division 1A football independants east of the Mississippi - in football out of the carnage that happened when conferences began negotiating their own television deals in the 1990's, in a different part of the country - TWO entire conferences folded - the Big 8 and the SWC - and a couple new conferences started - one of which was the big 12.

Texas and Oklahoma were not in the same conference until 1997. They don't like each other.
Sep 20, 2011
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Quite frankly™, I've read the Oklahoma presidents remarks and I don't completely know what to make of them.

"The Big 12 is disadvantaged when compared to the other conferences in three ways. We do not have at least twelve members, we do not have a conference network, and we do not have a championship game. I think that all three of these disadvantages need to be addressed at the same time. Addressing only one without addressing all three will not be adequate to improve the strength of the conference..."

1) He obviously wants to expand.

2) He wants a championship game. All right - so far, so good.

3) He wants a conference network. Insert sound of brakes screeching and glass breaking. Anyone who thinks Oklahoma and Texas are not holding guns on each other isn't paying enough attention to #3.

Boren wants all three addressed at the same time; the first two are easy enough to deal with, but #3 is a monster.

First, the world that birthed the Big Ten, Pac 12 and SEC Networks appears to be passing. That might actually be somewhat able to be overcome simply because you have well-defined markets - you can sell a Big 12 network in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Iowa, West Virginia and where ever else tornados like to visit. It's not like the ACC where they're subservient in every market, save North Carolina and Virginia.

But what do you do about the Longhorn Network?

I see #3 as a frontal assault on Texas. I think Oklahoma is trying to crack the Longhorn Network or ultimately lay down grounds to bail out of the Big 12. It may become tough for Texas here...the LHN is already blamed for sending A&M to the SEC and other B12 members may stop carrying water for UT if OU is striking a more populist pose in trying to turn the LHN into the B12N.

I would not expect fast action on expansion, but I would expect the OU/Texas relationship to get much worse by February 4th.

Excellent point - two college football blue-bloods are fighting it out with one another tooth-and-nail. Currently, the rift between the two schools couldn't be worse and is evident by the fact that Boren is resorting to the media to gain favor and to cover OU in the event OU bolts. OU is saying to Texas, "expand or we're going to seek greener pastures." Texas is thinking, you can't go anywhere because you're nothing without us and, if you go anywhere, you have to take OK. State and nobody is going to pay more than $25 million each to you and your step child - so kick and scream all you want and we'll see you at the next Big 12 event - hopefully you'll have calmed down at that point. BTW, we're not giving up the longhorn network.

Obviously, ever since A&M and Mizzou left, The BIG 12 has been very unstable - now it's teetering on the brink. This could work out very well for expansion. OU wants more teams and is basically telling everyone they're out without expansion. The rest of the conference knows if OU leaves the conference is dead. My thinking is the rest of the schools will vote with the following priorities; 1) keep the conference together and 2) fine - give Texas whatever they want. With these priorities, the votes would favor expansion.
Aug 27, 2011
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UConn can have all its advantages spelled out to would be suitors, but Geno is right in comparing our conference realignment to holding a ticket for the Oscars. It's similar to what Susan said about gaining admittance to the AAU. "We can have all the metrics and research grants required, but in the end it's like a sorority, they have to want you."


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I deal in reality. If Uconn were the most qualified school to be in a P5 conference, they would be in one today.

You realize that that is circular reasoning right?

(also known as: paradoxical thinking, circular argument, circular cause and consequence, circular definition [form of])

Description: A type of reasoning in which the proposition is supported by the premises, which is supported by the proposition, creating a circle in reasoning where no useful information is being shared. This fallacy is often quite humorous.

Logical Form:

X is true because of Y.

Y is true because of X.
So no, you don't "deal in reality" you spout nonsense. Reading the same valueless statement over and over and over again is just tiresome for the rest of us, so why don't you give it a rest.


"Derp because Derp"​
Aug 13, 2013
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I think that if the ACC would have gone with an ACC North vs an ACC South...UConn would be in the ACC right now.

Neither Clemson nor FSU is wild about having both Syracuse and Boston College on their yearly schedule while only playing in Atlanta once every 12 years. And UConn would have been pushed into the Atlantic division by the UNC, Duke, VT, Virginia, GT contingent.

The very southern football schools have never built any relationship with the northeastern programs in the Atlantic division and are not supporters of further moves northeast without division realignment...and it has become clear that division realignment is not happening.

Many teams do not want to go North-South...all want access to southern and, in particular, Florida recruiting. GT doesn't want to face FSU, Clemson, and Miami every year, etc.
Oct 8, 2014
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From the Iowa State Cyclone Blog, the editor states:

Add brands, not TV sets.

Adding Central Florida and Tulane to pick up Florida and New Orleans eyeballs won’t do anything to the Big 12 other than weaken its already weak perception.

Add BYU, the biggest brand available (Mormons love football). Add Boise State, a known football commodity (Statue of Liberty, Fiesta Bowl, suck it “Big Mouth Boren”).

Hell, I’d throw Cincinnati and UConn into the mix. Basketball means nothing in realignment but again; I’m talking about brands right now. Those are brands.

Or stay at 10. I don’t even care. I just want the league to have long-term security which frankly, I’m not sure is even possible these days.
Sep 21, 2011
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I deal in reality. If Uconn were the most qualified school to be in a P5 conference, they would be in one today.
First, you're an idiot. If you don't think that UConn is one of the top 60 academic/athletic schools that have an FBS football program, you're just dumb. Situations and circumstances have occurred to block schools like UConn and Cincinnati out. It is what it is. Don't act like UConn isn't worthy to have a seat at the table.

Second, when you get a chance, why don't you take some pictures of a car on the Avery lot and let us know how it goes.
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