Not to pick on you in particular, as I think you are in the majority, but...
The idea that Germany is so much better than the USA, as the above comments seem to suggest, is plain wrong. You are absolutely right, the USA has a quality team. The USA plays very good soccer ("in my country they call it 'futbal'"

). They create chances and play with spirit and skill.
Their defense is suspect at times, but otherwise, they are very good. There is a misconception, I think, that the USA is not on the same level as the other "name" teams. I do not buy it. It makes no difference that "there is no USA player good enough to make the German team". It is meaningless. Furthermore, things change. I have seen Costa Rica, Algeria, Iran, Australia, the USA and my eyes tell me a different story. There is a new age of soccer ahead of us.
As for today's game, Cameron screwed up in the beginning and Bradley in the end. I was upset the referee gave 5 minutes of stoppage. It was too much IMO.