Why idiotic? In the NBA we often talk about the second group coming off the bench. Imagine that sec ond group being good enough to beat most other teams. For me, the real question is why would a top talent or a good player willingly sign up for such a situation. If you are serious about player development over a 2 year (asuming that players coming into KU will want to leave after 1-2 yr) then their practices must be phenomenal because it is there that they will get real and quality time/coaching- not in games (as games will be blowouts!). I think this is a perfect system for a one-and-done player- you get to play against other AA players in practie and you show the scouts what you can do in games. All of this is anti-NCAA. Welcome to post-NCAA (college) bb, that is, minor league bb. Sad yes. Perhaps they will start a super conf ala. FB and ask the NCAA about paying more to their players.
It's idiotic because it will work for approximately 3 minutes in every game and it will come to an end in about 7-8 games into the season. Let me ask this, Caulley Stein gets into foul trouble first 2 1/2 minutes into the game, you keep him in or does everyone come out with him? Injury, same thing? Playing awful, one guy same thing? Suddenly then Harrison twins are going to be happy with 20 inures after plain 28-35?
Dean Smith did it, it kind of worked but look how many titles he won with all of those great teams. The only reason he is thinking of this and the NBA combine crap is real simple, not enough of his players who he had hoped would leave, left. Period. And he's not a good enough coach to figure out how to make them all happy and you know what, if he just coached them and some of the stars only played 8-12 minutes as they maybe should, there would be a rebellion and how could he explain that to all of these kids and fathers out there that adore Cal for his "ability" to coach kids into the NBA. This is a cover up farce for a guy who was hoping Johnson, Stein, Harrisons and Poythress were GONE and they aren't.
It's actually funny how stupid the media is!