OT - The Success of Storrs Center | Page 2 | The Boneyard

OT - The Success of Storrs Center

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Aug 26, 2011
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I always thought that a quality or high end sports bar would clean house up there! Especially with parents who are visiting or faculty during the week. Let the kids have it on the weekends!
I also have had a tough time with what is considered "shopping" in Storrs Center. I struggle to call fast food and a walk in clinic shopping. Wondering why there isn't a store like the Gap or Jcrew up there, seems like the perfect demo on campus. One of those Best Buy Expess stores would clean house up there IMO, there's nowhere to go to get electronics or gadgets.

Was visiting Storrs Center Sunday and I had the same thoughts. I was amazed at how it had changed and the campus also. Drove down to Rt 44 to see where the labs, etc was located.
Aug 26, 2011
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I always thought that a quality or high end sports bar would clean house up there! Especially with parents who are visiting or faculty during the week. Let the kids have it on the weekends!
I also have had a tough time with what is considered "shopping" in Storrs Center. I struggle to call fast food and a walk in clinic shopping. Wondering why there isn't a store like the Gap or Jcrew up there, seems like the perfect demo on campus. One of those Best Buy Expess stores would clean house up there IMO, there's nowhere to go to get electronics or gadgets.

GAP and JCrew wouldn't. Purely on demographics, those places would be very nervous in that location ... though, I agree: you'd think that would do well.

I don't get why UConn doesn't have a 12,000 full 25 TV sports bar. Seems unbelievable that hasn't been put in. Go to most any other college town (Maryland, Indiana, Wisconsin, Champaign, Dinkytown (Minnesota)) and you will see at least 3.


Throat's all better now, thanks for asking...
Aug 26, 2011
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All they need is a couple bars. Nicer than Ted's and Huskies.

I went to Ted's once. Once.

I almost lost a sneaker in there because it got stuck in an old beer spill in the floor and came right off my foot. I left and never went back...


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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GAP and JCrew wouldn't. Purely on demographics, those places would be very nervous in that location ... though, I agree: you'd think that would do well.

I don't get why UConn doesn't have a 12,000 full 25 TV sports bar. Seems unbelievable that hasn't been put in. Go to most any other college town (Maryland, Indiana, Wisconsin, Champaign, Dinkytown (Minnesota)) and you will see at least 3.

Lawrence KS had several. UConn could use, at a minimum, a Buffalo Wild Wings. Huskies was more or less a sports bar on game night, back in my day, but LCD TVs didn't exist then.
Aug 26, 2011
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Is getting a license for a bar due to town opposition? Geno got a liquor license,so Call it a grille.

Speaking of sports bars how is Viper doing in Brookfield?
Aug 26, 2011
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Try comparing campus now to 1965. Then it was a dry town and we had to go to The Cove Rest in Coventry and A's and I's in Willi. The Campus Rest did coffee and lunch and Herb's Men's haberdashery took care of men's clothing. Could go on and on, but the changes have been beyond belief since that time.

I have visited numerous times over the years.....but for those who haven't the place is beyond unrecognizable...........except for the Jungle, the Fraternity Quad next door, the Field House, social science and humanities buildings, the churches and the really old buildings.

And I really admire and enjoy the beginnings of collegetown, especially Geno's place. A great addition, something we didn't know we lacked back in the day.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I know in dating myself... Only bars around in the late 80's:
Twisters/Nachos/Thumpers (TNT)
Woody's?????? Not sure
Bidwell Tavern

Yep. And I was around for one pub night in the ROTC hanger and one my sophomore year in the Tower's common/center whatever it was called. Those glass Busch pitchers served us well for several years however.
Drinking in the halls had just been banned and we briefly had the "In Transit" rule, which didn't last long, but generated some great parties.

I think these modern kids miss out, what with cable TV, wifi, smart phones etc. All we had was dart boards and darts, decks of cards, soccer balls/hackey sacks and beer.


Pretentious CR Critic
Sep 12, 2014
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All they need is a couple bars. Nicer than Ted's and Huskies.

They need at least 2 more sports bars. Especially if the Hockey Rink is put down there. Makes ZERO sense that we have 3 bars for 25,000 students. I graduated in 2014 and this is by far my biggest downer with UConn.


Sitting on this Barstool talking like a damn fool
Nov 16, 2012
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Drinking in the halls had just been banned and we briefly had the "In Transit" rule, which didn't last long, but generated some great parties.

I think these modern kids miss out, what with cable TV, wifi, smart phones etc. All we had was dart boards and darts, decks of cards, soccer balls/hackey sacks and beer.
Was the in transit rule the one with the closed container? If so, I think the Grolsch (sp) beers with the closeable top were the perfect way to get around that. I started in 85 and recall going from Hall parties in my freshman year to closed doors when I was leaving.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Yep. And I was around for one pub night in the ROTC hanger and one my sophomore year in the Tower's common/center whatever it was called. Those glass Busch pitchers served us well for several years however.
Drinking in the halls had just been banned and we briefly had the "In Transit" rule, which didn't last long, but generated some great parties.

I think these modern kids miss out, what with cable TV, wifi, smart phones etc. All we had was dart boards and darts, decks of cards, soccer balls/hackey sacks and beer.
Fooseball. Countless hours spent perfecting my roll back to the goalie shot.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Also recall the Add/Drop madhouse in the ROTC building. Fun times!
Ha ha , I haven't thought about that for years.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Was the in transit rule the one with the closed container? If so, I think the Grolsch (sp) beers with the closeable top were the perfect way to get around that. I started in 85 and recall going from Hall parties in my freshman year to closed doors when I was leaving.

No, In Transit was that you could drink in the hall if you were moving from one room to another (or a bathroom I suppose). So we set up different alcohol "stations" in 4-5 rooms and called it an around the world party.

Our genius plan to avoid the keg rule didn't last either. Tapped one in a hatchback parked below the dorm windows in Towers. Filled a bucket, put it in a milk-crate tied up with phone line and hauled it up to the bathroom window on the 4th floor, where it was dispensed into those Busch pitchers. Then they banned them on campus property at all.


Sitting on this Barstool talking like a damn fool
Nov 16, 2012
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I went to Ted's once. Once.

I almost lost a sneaker in there because it got stuck in an old beer spill in the floor and came right off my foot. I left and never went back...
Nice Johnny Dangerously reference, if intended.
True stuff about the muck on the floor, but when your walking distance choices are Ted's and Huskies, for me there was only 1 choice. I hated Huskies (it was the dance music mostly) and loved Ted's. 32 oz Chug-a-mugs when they existed and Cecilia on the Juke Box. Still, for me, one of the great watering holes. I have it up there in my list with The Civic Pub (God rest its soul) and McSorely's in NY.
Aug 27, 2011
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MASSconn said:
They need at least 2 more sports bars. Especially if the Hockey Rink is put down there. Makes ZERO sense that we have 3 bars for 25,000 students. I graduated in 2014 and this is by far my biggest downer with UConn.
Problem is Ted's and huskies are on private property. They lease from the owner of the building. Tense situation if the state decides it wants that strip of property on King hill Rd.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Nice Johnny Dangerously reference, if intended.
True stuff about the muck on the floor, but when your walking distance choices are Ted's and Huskies, for me there was only 1 choice. I hated Huskies (it was the dance music mostly) and loved Ted's. 32 oz Chug-a-mugs when they existed and Cecilia on the Juke Box. Still, for me, one of the great watering holes. I have it up there in my list with The Civic Pub (God rest its soul) and McSorely's in NY.

And honestly, while I would likely feel differently now, back as a college student, standing in 1/8 inch of beer was pretty much normal. Who cared about such things?

I did like Huskies on Reggae night and New Wave night (Wednesdays I think). Great girl turnout on New Wave night. Dance music then was stuff like the Cure...not the crap that was to come.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I think these modern kids miss out, what with cable TV, wifi, smart phones etc. All we had was dart boards and darts, decks of cards, soccer balls/hackey sacks and beer.
up hill both ways in the snow!
No, In Transit was that you could drink in the hall if you were moving from one room to another (or a bathroom I suppose). So we set up different alcohol "stations" in 4-5 rooms and called it an around the world party.
Around the world parties were still going in the 90s. Even though we never heard of the Transit rule. We had a desk in the hallway, charged 5 bucks or whatever for a cup. We had Nigel stand as bouncer. Now Nigel was the nicest, sweetest teddy bear of a Jamaican dude ever, but he was muscular and his head was shaved like Jordan's and he could stand there and glare at people, kind of. So he was the bouncer... not sure what would have happened if he actually had had to bounce someone.
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