OT: T'eo a fraud? | Page 10 | The Boneyard

OT: T'eo a fraud?

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Aug 27, 2011
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The only thing that makes sense is that his grandmother was also his girlfriend.


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Aug 25, 2011
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Cause Deadspin is the end all be all in media right? And this would be the first time the media EVER EVER was incorrect on something? Maybe all of you should not care so much about what you are proclaiming as the downfall of a person you don't even know, but only apparently despise because he plays at Notre Dame. All of you need to get a life.
Deadspin is a media outlet with biases just like all the rest. The difference is they could care less about protecting the image of Teo or Notre Dame, whereas NBC or ESPN balk at running a story like this.
It's not the guy's downfall. In a few months he's going to sign a contract for more money than most of us will make in our career. The prestige that comes with that also brings scrutiny upon your life and day-to-day activities. There were lies told. Those lies were portrayed to the general public as a sad, heartfelt story. So now the general public would like to know the truth. He doesn't have to tell us, but at this point, every media hack from Stockton to South Bend is digging. It's going to come out one way or the other.
Aug 24, 2011
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While I agree 1000% with your statement, do you really believe that there is anyone out there that would actually bring such charges, and put the administration at Notre Dame on the stand?

and if so, do you believe that Notre Dame would not simply set up a fall guy and scapegoat and sweep everything under the rug in true elitist Catholic priesthood manner?

I ask in all seriousness.

The answer to #1 is that Notre Dame is a private school, and does not have the power politically in its state that IU would have. It can't. There have to be plenty of politicians in Indiana that just don't like ND. Whether the AG is one or not, I have no idea.

As to your second question, of course the institution would (if it did something) try to push it down to as low a level of responsibility as possible. Just like PSU did. But no employee is going to take the fall with a criminal prosecution for something they were directed to do. If there is a criminal investigation, these tough guy jocks and wannabees in the athletic department will all fold like three dollar suitcases.
Aug 30, 2011
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Yes. Not sure what your point is. And after watching a season of Amish Mafia (great TV btw) spare me the generalizations about what people of a religion do or don't do (priests and little boys, etc).

You understand that show is complete BS, right? It's about as true as those storage wars or repo shows.
Aug 26, 2011
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For those of you who are rampaging on that he may be gay, someone at ND's rival board said he was "hooking up" with a large number of girls at St Mary's.

Jimmy Serrano, you can't look away because you are attracted to Chris Crocker. :p
Aug 24, 2011
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Yes. Not sure what your point is. And after watching a season of Amish Mafia (great TV btw) spare me the generalizations about what people of a religion do or don't do (priests and little boys, etc).

And since all football players are well educated on the ins and outs of religion, I'm sure nobody ever tried to talk to him about if he got any from this girlfriend out of deference to his religion. College athletes tend to be very respectful of such things.

And if they did...did he say he did it? Did he say he didn't do it? Or did he say he never met her in person? I'm much more interested on what some of his teammates might say than what he says.

If he were a Boston Irish Catholic, I'd say there's no friggin way he could be so naive. That's mainstream northeast, and we are a very cynical, skeptical folk. But Samoan Mormon from Hawaii? That's a *lot* more insular. No, not all Mormons or Hawaiians, but it is more conceivable that one such person from that community could be gullible. Not likely. But possible I guess.

Secondly, know anyone gay? Ask him (or her) if he ever deflected or outright lied about romantic involvement to conceal his orientation? People do it all the time, and they become quite adept at it.
Aug 27, 2011
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You understand that show is complete BS, right? It's about as true as those storage wars or repo shows.

Complete BS? Of course you know that for a fact. So you would say that 100% of Amish people never do drugs / commit any crimes / and behave 100% by the letter of Amish law?

Clearly you have to take all of those shows with a grain of salt. But I'm not buying the "he's Mormon, so of course nobody ever asked him about his sex life"...
Aug 27, 2011
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If he were a Boston Irish Catholic, I'd say there's no friggin way he could be so naive. That's mainstream northeast, and we are a very cynical, skeptical folk. But Samoan Mormon from Hawaii? That's a *lot* more insular. No, not all Mormons or Hawaiians, but it is more conceivable that one such person from that community could be gullible. Not likely. But possible I guess.

Secondly, know anyone gay? Ask him (or her) if he ever deflected or outright lied about romantic involvement to conceal his orientation? People do it all the time, and they become quite adept at it.

Yes, including family members. And of course they lied.

To keep it simple, all I'm saying is this:

He was not / is not being 100% honest about this. Whether he was in it from the beginning or just went along with it as it spiraled out of control, who knows? But to claim he was the victim of an elaborate hoax just doesn't ring true to me. Not one bit.
Aug 24, 2011
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The answer to #1 is that Notre Dame is a private school, and does not have the power politically in its state that IU would have. It can't. There have to be plenty of politicians in Indiana that just don't like ND. Whether the AG is one or not, I have no idea.

As to your second question, of course the institution would (if it did something) try to push it down to as low a level of responsibility as possible. Just like PSU did. But no employee is going to take the fall with a criminal prosecution for something they were directed to do. If there is a criminal investigation, these tough guy jocks and wannabees in the athletic department will all fold like three dollar suitcases.

I have a hard time believing ND is complicit in this given Swarbick's statements yesterday during the presser. He does not strike me as a stupid man and it would be stupid to say the things he did not being near 100% confident that ND and its SID were not complicit.

I think this kid let this thing get away from him and either very consciously or to some level subconsciously did so for his own promotion.

I'm no ND fan and as a Catholic, I think much of the ND schtik is total and utter bull , but it's my strong sense that this one is largely on Teo. That all said, if ND is complicit, Swarbick is a dead man.
Aug 24, 2011
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Yes, including family members. And of course they lied.

To keep it simple, all I'm saying is this:

He was not / is not being 100% honest about this. Whether he was in it from the beginning or just went along with it as it spiraled out of control, who knows? But to claim he was the victim of an elaborate hoax just doesn't ring true to me. Not one bit.

And my conclusion simply takes that one step further. The Notre Dame SID had way, way to much of a role as an intermediary between Tao and the press to not know that this story had swiss cheese size holes in it while they were feeding it to the media to promote their university and football program.

Frankly, I would love to be proven wrong on this. But my instinct tells me otherwise.
Aug 29, 2011
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The answer to #1 is that Notre Dame is a private school, and does not have the power politically in its state that IU would have. It can't. There have to be plenty of politicians in Indiana that just don't like ND. Whether the AG is one or not, I have no idea.

As to your second question, of course the institution would (if it did something) try to push it down to as low a level of responsibility as possible. Just like PSU did. But no employee is going to take the fall with a criminal prosecution for something they were directed to do. If there is a criminal investigation, these tough guy jocks and wannabees in the athletic department will all fold like three dollar suitcases.

I wonder who, if anyone, would actually bring charges. Something about it all, makes me think that this was a very popular college football player, who decided to play some games with social media forums, which is not unusual, but let it get way, too far out of hand. That there was some kind of fraud, and criminal behavior that eventually came out of it? I leave that to the lawyers to decide, and I think you've made it clear that is very likely the case. Was anyone harmed? Don't know. I don't know how a matter would proceed in the courts.

What I do know, is that it's damn interesting to find out who knew what, and how far up the ladder it actually went, because this guy's media personality, was most definitely pushed, to sell the image of Notre Dame, move tickets, increase donations, and make a run at the Heisman trophy, which most definitely would bring further monetary accolades.

More reason to despise Notre Dame, for me.
Aug 30, 2011
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Complete BS? Of course you know that for a fact. So you would say that 100% of Amish people never do drugs / commit any crimes / and behave 100% by the letter of Amish law?

Clearly you have to take all of those shows with a grain of salt. But I'm not buying the "he's Mormon, so of course nobody ever asked him about his sex life"...

How in the hell did you draw all of that from my comment?! The only thing I said is that the show is BS, which by MANY expert accounts, is true. I never said that all Amish people follow every rule of their religion completely or that they don't do anything illegal. The notion of this mafia in the community and a lot of the stuff they portray is 100% false. He's an unbaptized Amish man (doesn't exist), one of the store owners portrayed to have paid "protection money" already came out and said it's BS, the police department they cite in the show does not actually exist, news outlets are having difficulty even getting a comment on this show from Amish or Mennonite communities because they don't like the media attention (so how would they get all these people to participate in a show), and many more things. On top of that, when did I ever say anything to the extent of "he's Mormon, so of course nobody ever asked him about his sex life"?

Aug 27, 2011
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How in the hell did you draw all of that from my comment?! The only thing I said is that the show is BS, which by MANY expert accounts, is true. I never said that all Amish people follow every rule of their religion completely or that they don't do anything illegal. The notion of this mafia in the community and a lot of the stuff they portray is 100% false. He's an unbaptized Amish man (doesn't exist), one of the store owners portrayed to have paid "protection money" already came out and said it's BS, the police department they cite in the show does not actually exist, news outlets are having difficulty even getting a comment on this show from Amish or Mennonite communities because they don't like the media attention (so how would they get all these people to participate in a show), and many more things. On top of that, when did I ever say anything to the extent of "he's Mormon, so of course nobody ever asked him about his sex life"?


The idea that these Amish mafia people would be willingly filmed while participating in criminal activity is almost as absurd as believing Te'o was duped for 3 years.
Aug 27, 2011
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How in the hell did you draw all of that from my comment?! The only thing I said is that the show is BS, which by MANY expert accounts, is true. I never said that all Amish people follow every rule of their religion completely or that they don't do anything illegal. The notion of this mafia in the community and a lot of the stuff they portray is 100% false. He's an unbaptized Amish man (doesn't exist), one of the store owners portrayed to have paid "protection money" already came out and said it's BS, the police department they cite in the show does not actually exist, news outlets are having difficulty even getting a comment on this show from Amish or Mennonite communities because they don't like the media attention (so how would they get all these people to participate in a show), and many more things. On top of that, when did I ever say anything to the extent of "he's Mormon, so of course nobody ever asked him about his sex life"?


Ok. Then your comment was a non sequitur and you missed the point I was trying to make. My Amish Mafia example was directly related to the "Do you know any Mormon's?" question I was asked, insinuating that T'eo couldn't possibly be a bad guy or wouldn't possibly talk about his sex life because he is Mormon. I wasn't trying to debate whether the Amish Mafia is real or not real (I don't care but it IS great TV). I only used that example as one of about a trillion examples of theoretically religious people doing things that are against their religion.
Aug 27, 2011
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Sounds official, we can cross that off the list of possibilities.

He couldn't possibly have hooked up with anyone at St. Marys. They are Catholic. And he is a Mormon. Don't you know any Mormons? :)
Aug 27, 2011
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For those of you who are rampaging on that he may be gay, someone at ND's rival board said he was "hooking up" with a large number of girls at St Mary's.

But then he would have been cheating on his dying girlfriend.
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't know if this was discussed earlier but why did Teo as a Mormon go to ND in the first place? I thought I had heard a different story earlier but now I hear BYU actually pulled his offer after Teo was caught drinking. If this is common knowledge, I missed it, but it doesn't look like he comes to this latest bombshell with clean hands.
Aug 30, 2011
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Ok. Then your comment was a non sequitur and you missed the point I was trying to make. My Amish Mafia example was directly related to the "Do you know any Mormon's?" question I was asked, insinuating that T'eo couldn't possibly be a bad guy or wouldn't possibly talk about his sex life because he is Mormon. I wasn't trying to debate whether the Amish Mafia is real or not real (I don't care but it IS great TV). I only used that example as one of about a trillion examples of theoretically religious people doing things that are against their religion.

It's not a non sequitur, I just responded to one part of your post. You then extrapolated a much, much, much broader point than I ever made. A non sequitur would have been me saying, the show is complete BS, therefore Teo didn't lie.
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't know if this was discussed earlier but why did Teo as a Mormon go to ND in the first place? I thought I had heard a different story earlier but now I hear BYU actually pulled his offer after Teo was caught drinking. If this is common knowledge, I missed it, but it doesn't look like he comes to this latest bombshell with clean hands.

He was a die hard USC fan and up until the day before signing day he was certain he would sign with USC. But after praying about it and apparently getting an answer from God to sign with ND, here we are.
Oct 4, 2011
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