Every Tom, Dick & Harry have now tasted what a pump is, and hence have moved on to crypto, haha.Are stonks & thus this thread dead?
A slow decline now a big dip in SENS - any of its faithful have deets on why?
Stock market has been garbage this year. Hedge funds still haven’t delivered shares due to shorting stocks like GME, AMC, BB, etc.Are stonks & thus this thread dead?
A slow decline now a big dip in SENS - any of its faithful have deets on why?
I’m guessing and hoping crypto has a year this year like stocks did in 2020. More retail investors are buying crypto, ETFs are being created and the COIN direct listing this week should help bring even more exposure. I love most of my stocks longterm but am more excited by my crypto portfolio right now.Every Tom, Dick & Harry have now tasted what a pump is, and hence have moved on to crypto, haha.
Are stonks & thus this thread dead?
A slow decline now a big dip in SENS - any of its faithful have deets on why?
pro tip: stonks, bonds, commodities, and forex. those last three count, too. here, have a freebie, up only like 33% since new years day, and up a gazillion percent since last year. and to think that some of youse make fun of us slack-jawed loggers...I've been doing well of late. Even today I'm about break even. As I said a few weeks back, I'm currently sitting it wait and see mode. There is almost nothing compelling me to sell this or buy that. The only thing I'm trying to do is find more productive, but very safe uses for cash.
Clearly, GME, AMC, BB, etc are aberrations unreflective of broadly diverse, global stock markets. Similarly,, many a WFA which unreasonably spiked last year, and a few too many hyper-aggressive SPACs do not reflect the entire "stock market".Stock market has been garbage this year. Hedge funds still haven’t delivered shares due to shorting stocks like GME, AMC, BB, etc. There’s like 500 million shares that need to be purchased on AMC. They’re currently trying to drive the price down so when they buy back their shares it’s at less of a loss.
Clearly, GME, AMC, BB, etc are aberrations unreflective of broadly diverse, global stock markets. Similarly,, many a WFA which unreasonably spiked last year, and a few too many hyper-aggressive SPACs do not reflect the entire "stock market".
As others belatedly started buying financials, materials, industrials, semis, select transportations, non-SARS-2 medical equipment, some emerging markets (e.g., VN, IN; less so mainland so far), lg cap value, initially small caps and more mid caps now, the "stock market" has been far from garbage for others. On the contrary, pretty darn good. Timing, selection, breadth of "stock market" perspective and exposure matter.
I finally bought into SENS. My plan is to sell covered calls against my shares for May and June. To risky for July. I am a Type1. August is what I am projecting for FDA approval on the 180 day Eversense CGM. It could happen sooner. I bought when the company locked employees into a $2.58 compensation related purchase price over the course of several years. Also key insiders are now locked in @ $2.58. These indicators are VERY bullish long term.Are stonks & thus this thread dead?
A slow decline now a big dip in SENS - any of its faithful have deets on why?
Likewise, yet I bought NVDA as a LT hold near 2020 lows on April Fool's Day 2020. Up again today, but 2 years is a long time until NVDA's newly promised ARM chips are projected to hit the market. Consequently, yesterday's 5% AMD dip and Lisa Su's leadership prompted adding more AMD for LT hold.NVDA did me a solid today, up 5.62%, but that's because I've been holding it through the down times as well.
JNJ: Overreaction? Reportedly, may have impacted six (6) females b/tw 18-48 years old. After 7 million JNJ SARS-2 innoculations, six (6) potentially related albeit unconfirmed clotting issues. Tragic for 1 family, yet only 1 death. Interestingly, similar clotting concerns exist with females using contraceptives. Additionally, it's unclear whether the purported JNJ clotting risk even matches general risks of other SARS-2 vaccines.
Nonetheless appropriate CDC, FDA and JNJ caution. Anecdotal, yet my wife in the age range experienced no significant issues. Almost sold some MRNA yet resisted on resulting spike, but added more JNJ to LT retirement hold. SARS-2 or not, the US and average global population's not getting younger.
Yup, "appropriate caution" as specifically noted in prior post. 6 youngish women / Seven million total JNJ inoculations in the US ==> Identify if any or rule out any direct relationship, refrain from inoculating any confirmed demographic, potentially re-instate EUA for far larger remainder of population. Yup, the pause makes sense.Yeah but it is also on pause in Europe. They are chasing it down, so the pause makes sense while they do.
unless it's sarcasm, the j+j pause does not make sense, mostly due to unnecessary discomfort it can cause for some who have already taken it. leaving that aside, you may enjoy this narrative for the current equity market.Yup, "appropriate caution" as specifically noted in prior post. 6 youngish women / Seven million total JNJ inoculations in the US ==> Identify if any or rule out any direct relationship, refrain from inoculating any confirmed demographic, potentially re-instate EUA for far larger remainder of population. Yup, the pause makes sense.
Reasonable clinical review, not the least bit sarcastic. However, some people potentially now experiencing what's termed as unnecessary discomfort were likely among many who opted out of MRNA and PFE with their own possible concerns. What will be interesting to learn is how many 18-48 year olds on the pill have entirely ignored reportedly similar clotting side affect notices on their contraceptive packaging.unless it's sarcasm, the j+j pause does not make sense, mostly due to unnecessary discomfort it can cause for some who have already taken it. leaving that aside, you may enjoy this narrative for the current equity market.
Yup, it's not as if Archegos, Melvin, and other institutional investors (possibly even including Wood) and CS, NMR and other PBs have been alone in massive bets of varied risk and may still be exposed to various degrees. Not touching the article's reference to Hwang's cited religious investment inspirations. Upcoming weeks-months may be interesting. Ideally, not too harshly for day traders and LT investors alike and hopefully favorably overall. Reasonably hedged (USD; US & global markets) and less USD-dependent than many Yanks, I sure hope some puts go unexercised.How Bill Hwang of Archegos Capital Lost $20 Billion in Two Days - Bloomberg
and no, it's not 'contained' yet.
Took me a while to get involved but so glad I took your advice last summer and bought $LINK. Have added 5 others along the way and I’m really excited about the future. Thanks again, I owe you a DM soon.If you don’t have even a small % in crypto you are simply missing out.