After selling long held mutual funds late Jan-mid Mar, high flyers bought late Mar 2020 as many Americans belately learned of non-flu SARS-2, guaranteeing old energy/oil and MAR, SABR, ALK and AAL breakevens 2 weeks ago, sitting on ship loads of cash may not be the worst situation. Just announced all-cash merger buyouts of 2 companies (GNMK & FLY) involuntarily add more unplanned cash.
Shenanigans-inspired margin call impacts aside, opportunities exist with reasonable LT upside IMHO. Similarly, lesser perceived correlation exists with still oversold UK and current SARS hammered EU (adding more FLGB, DAX and IEUS on dips). Even in the States (bought Medicare-safety LHCG, added to precious metals/coin dealer AMRK booming after recent acquisition and on inflation fears pre-new reports of potentially accepting crypto payments, added to oversold regional bank KRE pre-market below today's low, adding more XLB and XLI infrastructure on bigger dips and federal funding initiatives, and may even buy back in VIAC if it hits 40 or levels out <45). Not day trading, other than some GME in gambling Roth and consistent paying tenants help.