What would be your strategy buying calls on SENS with a 3-19 strike of either $2.50 or $3? The $2.50 strike is .40 and the $3 dollar strike is .25 (both on the ask if not mistaken). After hours it was trading up to around $2.69 (after the CEO confirmation) so it looks like it will open higher putting the $2.50 in the money or above strike in the first 15 mins of trading.
Any trends on SENS at open Monday would be appreciated. Is a quick pullback putting the $2.50 strike back out of the money in morning trading a good possibility? I was thinking of buying four or five contracts.
I wear the Dexcom G6. It looks like the FDA is scheduled to start review on the Eversense 180 day sensor (approved in Europe as you know) on April 15th. I think CEO has lowered expectations per conference call on when approval should be granted. So under promise over perform could the plan? I need to check short interest. Do you know what it is?
It will be interesting to see how those large stake holders like Smith/Coyle who I think are locked in @.39 c (Smith is) will move with their shares and when (I need to read terms). Partner Ascensia is hiring a bunch of people for marketing purposes like you mentioned with the April target.
Thanks for any info relating to your DD.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Best Always,
Go Huskies!