The pink Tele is one of several parts-built guitars I made and own. There's a fellow who makes age-worn bodies and I have another guy who custom-makes pickups to my liking. Other aged parts were found on eBay. I've probably owned and sold over 150 guitars in my lifetime looking for the "magic axe". It doesn't exist. I've owned a number of pre-CBS Strats and early 60's Les Paul SG's and came to the conclusion it's all in the fingers. There was no magic. Anyway, don't worry about owning a '75 Strat if it works for you. I was living in Ohio back in '74. You could buy a 50's Strat for $450. I bought a '56 for $300 because the seller was desperate to get out of town. Sold it to my brother a long time ago, and he sold it as well. It wasn't a great player. However, it would have covered the cost of one year of my daughter's UCONN education. Who knew? As far as how long I've been playing guitar. Started with Ed Sullivan and The Beatles. Been playing in rock bands ever since. It's not how I make my living but its great therapy!!