Damn I love the internet. It's like two dudes are walking down the street, they exchange words, they strip to Borat thongs, they wrestle in a muddy puddle for 15 minutes, then they get up and go home.
Dude 1 makes a simple point - I want something other than charcoal for slow cooking/smoking.
Dude 2 comes back with - You want charcoal and you don't understand that smoking is a slow process.
Beautiful stuff there.
Deepster - particularly liked the "eat at Applebees" at the end. Nice touch. Nothing is quite as effective when you are arguing a position as finishing with, "and if you don't agree with my opinion on smoking meat, then you have the culinary sophistication of the average Jerry Springer guest."
By the way, Temery - I raise and slaughter my own animals and my buddy has an electric smoker that we use to smoke the bacons and, really, it's some of the best bacon I've ever had, and I've eaten a piggish amount of bacon. So you can get really good results with an electric smoker. I guess I'll meet you at Applebees.