Prayers that everyone is OK. Blessings to all.Posted on the Men's board 2 hours ago that a friend who lives 3/4 of a mile from me in Hamden had a big Oak split her house. Now it is 3 trees, the third one right through her bedroom. She and her toddler live with her mother. Horrible.
I only communicated with her after #1. But given that she posted on Facebook after #3, I'd guess the people inside were okay, but the house is a mess. And we are 15 miles off the coast.Prayers that everyone is OK. Blessings to all.
Try Man-Aquarium...Michael was talking about his 'man cave' a few blocks from Grand Central Station.
Cuomo just held a presser.My "caveman" fears for the New York subways seems to have been picled up by Reuters. It doesn't have to take much of a sailor (that's me) to know that when sea water gets into your electrical system, you're in for a big problem.
Let's see when they can get the system up...a week, two, more? This will be a real test of Bloomberg's management skills.
They're going to have to make this one up as they go along (a transport plan). The lack of power will certainly not help.
i'm waiting for the conference in which they will spill the beans.
Thankfully in Beijing
The anti-Tony.I was thinking all night the water was going to be 10+ ft with the storm surge and my pumps would keep the boat afloat long enough to let the boat float off the jacks, and get blown away, then the batteries would go dead ... the pumps stop, and sink somewhere....
My thoughts exactly. I think those of us in Ellington lucked out. Last year we were without power or heat for one week, this year we never lost it. My main concern were falling trees, especially after reading Phil's post and remembering the trees separating our house from our neighbor's next door. I'm glad this one's over and hope that this does not turn into an annual eventI have thankfully survived without losing power in Ellington. Made it through Irene too. The phantom wet snowstorm of a year ago was far worse.