The Only Band that Matters. Awesome stuff. Him and Strummer put out some great stuff. Mix of rough, cigarette voice and high range tenor. I came of age just after the Clash. Saw Big Audio Dynamite at the Augora.
Sad day when Strummer died. Guy was the real deal - sang about stuff that mattered to him. Gotta respect that, like the music or not.
Funny, all this time I was certain you were older than me.
High school teacher turned me on to the Clash sophomore year in Geopolitical Systems class. Saw them open for Who at Shea Stadium the next year (1982--the first of many, many "farewell" tours for Who). Bought the C
ombat Rock album and then worked my way backwards through their catalogue, getting hooked on the
London Calling album, which really has remained in solid rotation ever since. Didn't fully appreciate
Sandinista! for several more years after that though, and didn't get into the Strummer and Jones post-Clash stuff for a while after that. Still love it all, especially as my middle daughter has been a fan for several years now. Was tickled to see a band cover "Magnificent Seven" on St. Patrick's Day this year.