Dunn, Iverson and Chukwu, last 3 years, best players in ct. Where are they now? We didn't get any of them ! But we got excuses. Dunn we didn't need, but now were desperately trying to get a point guard. Iverson was a bad student, but he 's eligible and the pf we got Facey is not. Chukwu we didn't go after early enough because he wasn't good enough but we went after a 2 star center from Fl, Brimah, while Chukwu is now a 4 star center from ? CT But of course we have excuses, it's not like we lost them to Kentucky or Duke, schools we almost always lose players to. Now we lose them to pc, S hall ect. Pc couldn't beat SYR, NCST, OKST, for players but they beat us. Gtown has 5 sf/pf , we have 1, they get P White! We were elite, not anymore. We might have had Iverson and chuckwu and Dunn instead we have Brimah and Facey ( not eligible ). Wolf, Fab Melo similar arrests, Melo's was worse, he didn't miss a game, Wolf scholarship get's yanked. Player already on the team, gone. Nobody good coming in (bigs). It's not like any one is impressed with this move,SYR is where we want to be, NC is not getting thrown out of ACC for scandals , they want to win, and they do, people are ok with it. We are having a hard time getting players and keeping them . Just saying.