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OT: NY Times Piece on Deflategate

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Aug 26, 2011
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The Patriots have to be the unluckiest organization in the history of sports. Twice now, in the span of a decade, they have been punished severely for minor or no crimes simply because it was too easy for the league to succumb to the angry cries of the mob.
Aug 27, 2011
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The Patriot's biggest problem is the bladder of their equipment guy, who needs the company of 25 footballs to take a wiz.
Oct 7, 2011
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Mine is laughable while yours is a joke. To think anyone believes nothing happened and Brady did nothing yet is accepting a 4 game suspension and willing to lose a 1st rounder is beyond ignorant and only Pats fans believe so - ONLY you are the idiots. Imagine that? Oh know you can't because you have a "Nation". LOL funny
I get it now....you don't even read what you post. You said Brady IS guilty because he LOOKS guilty. Where did I say in my post anything other than your definition of what constitutes guilt is quite flawed? Do you even read....wait, CAN you even read? Because you clearly answered my post without reading it.
Aug 26, 2011
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Don't confuse him with facts.....facts don't matter to this idiot. Only thing that matters to him is his deluded narrative...

Who might you be calling an idiot? Just curious gb, let me know it's me I will then proceed to elaborate. Otherwise forget this reply.
Aug 26, 2011
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Just curious. What should they have retracted on the Adrian Peterson issue?

The application of the penalty. It has to coincide with legislated penalties, AND it has to be within the parameters of suspensions to other players. The Ray Rice thing lead them to drop the hammer on Petersen. Isn't it telling to you that Ray Rice got 2 games from the league while Petersen got a year? This is what the judge killed them on.

Not to mention the arbitrator who was an NFL employee. The judge was scathing about that.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm 0 fer nothing - I have no skin in this. Your guy and team is on the hot seat you wait and se what happens. Then you can whine like you all do! LOL

You're chasing your tail now. You're the one who posted that people like to rip Goodell. Given his record, it's obvious why he gets ripped. And why are you changing the subject now. We were talking about idiot Goodell.
Aug 26, 2011
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You're chasing your tail now. You're the one who posted that people like to rip Goodell. Given his record, it's obvious why he gets ripped. And why are you changing the subject now. We were talking about idiot Goodell.

Wait a second I'm chasing nothing I am merely pointing out how Pats fans look for skeletons on someone who would dare say they cheated. WTF are you talking about? Goodelll has his issues but so does anyone who runs a business like the NFL, NBA, MLB etc.. And gb, well he is a dope.;)

As I said I don't need to read reports to see what happened no one does but you guys need a helping hand and some support. The one report is from the same group that said Wells was way off on the Saints bounty stuff too. How did that work out for the HC?

I mean this is an opinion thread, yours is yours mine is, well I'm an idiot because I'm not a Pats fan I guess. I can handle that from upstater I respect him elsewhere. But jokes like gb, I respect nothing and don't need to answer to!
Aug 26, 2011
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So an independent party writes an article critiquing the science behind the wells report, which is then published by the New York times. We have 3 pages of continued vitriol directed at Brady and the Patriots but still no reaction to the article itself. Does this mean the Patriot haters among us stipulate that the objective evidence support Brady's claims?
Aug 26, 2011
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Wait a second I'm chasing nothing I am merely pointing out how Pats fans look for skeletons on someone who would dare say they cheated. WTF are you talking about? Goodelll has his issues but so does anyone who runs a business like the NFL, NBA, MLB etc.. And gb, well he is a dope.;)

As I said I don't need to read reports to see what happened no one does but you guys need a helping hand and some support. The one report is from the same group that said Wells was way off on the Saints bounty stuff too. How did that work out for the HC?

I mean this is an opinion thread, yours is yours mine is, well I'm an idiot because I'm not a Pats fan I guess. I can handle that from upstater I respect him elsewhere. But jokes like gb, I respect nothing and don't need to answer to!

The Patriots HC is fine on Deflategate. He's part of management. As for the players tho, the players in Bountygate all got off when Paul Tagliabue ripped open Roger Goodell's buttocks.

I mean, this is the same guy who stumbles into idiocy year after year, gets his brains beat in year after year, makes idiotic mistakes year after year, gets ripped apart in public by the previous Commish (a highly respected one) year after year, and here Goodell did it again with Deflategate.

Somehow we're not supposed to say this?


"Bark, Bark!"
Oct 26, 2012
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Why Roger Goodell might be in tough spot on Tom Brady suspension

The AEI’s report totally rejects the finding that the footballs used by the Patriots in the AFC championship game had a significant drop in air pressure compared with those used by the Colts. But the truly damning sentence is this one, buried in its erudite phrasings and equations: “The Wells report’s statistical analysis cannot be replicated by performing the analysis as described in the report,” the AEI concludes.

Basically, the math didn’t add up. It’s a standard principle in science: If you can’t replicate a set of results, then there is a problem with it. A flaw or a fraud is at work. Either you made a mistake, or you made it up.

When the AEI analysts looked more closely at how such a mistake could have been made, what they found “astonished” them, says the report’s co-author Stan Veuger. The Wells report “relies on an unorthodox statistical procedure at odds with the methodology the report describes.” Translation: The Wells report said it would use one equation but then used a different (and weird) equation to arrive at its numbers.

“It was really clumsy,” Veuger says. “It’s the kind of mistake you’d see in freshman statistics class...”

Aug 26, 2011
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The comments in the article might as well have been copy and pasted from the boneyard. If a group of people want something to be true, they will overlook anything that does not fit their narrative. It goes both ways of course but remember one thing: every piece of statistical evidence used against the patriots thus far - about fumble rates and ball pressure, whatever - has been proven to be flawed to the point suggesting it has been fraudulent.
Aug 28, 2011
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Mine is laughable while yours is a joke. To think anyone believes nothing happened and Brady did nothing yet is accepting a 4 game suspension and willing to lose a 1st rounder is beyond ignorant and only Pats fans believe so - ONLY you are the idiots. Imagine that? Oh know you can't because you have a "Nation". LOL funny
Here, let me re-write this for you...

If you believe that a ballboy took a dozen footballs into the bathroom, dumped them all on the floor, then added JUST the right amount of air to each one and put them all back into the bag - IN 100 SECONDS.... You are either ignorant or an idiot, or both.
Aug 26, 2011
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Here, let me re-write this for you...

If you believe that a ballboy took a dozen footballs into the bathroom, dumped them all on the floor, then added JUST the right amount of air to each one and put them all back into the bag - IN 100 SECONDS.... You are either ignorant or an idiot, or both.

Hey I know I'm not an idiot but I know anyone believing nothing happened with someone from the Pats is stupid. Welcome aboard FF
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