We like big dogs and considered a Newfie. But opted for something 70 lbs less and a bit shorter after learning that there was likely no area of our kitchen counters that would be safe from an interested Newfie.
As far as shedding, our current dog (85 lb great pyrenees/golden retriever mix) is the worst shedder we've ever owned. The thing about serious shedding dogs is not what you see and pick up during routine cleaning, it's where it goes that you're not expecting. Got an event where you need to wear your black wool topcoat that's been in the front closet all summer, seemingly unmolested? Sorry, you'll spent 30 minutes or more de-hairing that baby. Same with your interview suit you just got back from the cleaners last week (keep that in the bag). Have company coming over for dinner? Hey, what's that hair doing in the skillet? And that one. And that one. Crap, it's on the cloth napkins too? Honey, where are the paper napkins? Wear anything with velcro (like a knee brace)? It'll look like it's covered in fuzzy mold.
I'm amazed I don't cough up furballs with the amount of shedding my guy does.. I can't gig Uber or Lyft because there's no possibility of having a fur-less back seat.
Other thing is I wouldn't trust an electric fence. A big dog with momentum can blow right through that, then he'll be sitting in street trying to figure out how to get back in the yard. If you've got a decent sized backyard that's not already fenced, install one. Wooden picket works, 48" or more above ground for pretty much any dog.
I'd also start looking around for a nature area where you can take him for a swim w/o getting arrested for it.
And if you want to know the worst case scenario for a Newfie,
here's one owner's experience.