Glad Geno does not work that way!
I think he is fortunate he doesn't have to. My statement doesn't imply that if circumstances were to change Geno would resort to the tactics that take place in the men's game. It just implies we don't know how he would react if he were coaching under the circumstances that take place in the men's game. Suffice it to say that Geno has had one or two situations where public scrutiny has been critical of what he did.
Every time I drive on the highway, 90% of the drivers pass me. Since I'm doing the speed limit I can only assume that many if not most people break the law and are involved in an activity that increases the risks for their injury or death or their fellow man's injury or death. This is far more serious situation than what is taking place with the Drummond and Bradley, whose treatment is totally within the scope of legality and in which the University is undertaking the necessary steps to insure it is complying with the NCAA rules. It won't attract nearly the outrage or indignation that JC will get because so many of us do it.
It doesn't mean that what takes place in getting Andre into the program has to be acceptable to any of us. That is different than your statement which implied a morally superior individual in Geno than the person he was being compared with. Stick to the distaste of the action as presented by caravaggio. Your simple quip implies the need to elevate someone at the expense of someone else and I'm not sure it was necessary.