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OT: Lions vs Cowboys

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Aug 8, 2012
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I hate the whole "butthurt" thing after something like this. To leave alone one some of the reasons, one of the main ones is that it refuses to deal with the person's actual point, and is an even more childish response than it accuses the complaining person to be making.

Your argument shouldn't be "you're upset because you're butthurt." That's stupid. It should be that, "yes, it was a bad call, but the Lions should have gone for it on 4th and were too cowardly, and that's why they lost."

Sans saying that, you look even worse that the person you are criticizing.

As much as I appreciate your attempt to interject reasoning into the thread, that would ultimately remove the amusement.

The childish use of the MEME is certainly fitting as this thread is filled with childish replies. To be honest, if you read through all of mauconnfans posts, one would have a hard time understanding what the actual point is? Romo hatred? Dez hatred? Detroit fan? Giants fan? NFL ratings conspiracy?

I agree that the call/no-call is a head-scratcher, but the frustration and focus on things that are beyond ones control can best be described as Generalized Butthurt Syndrome. It typically lasts no more than a day or two. Heck if it wasn't for GBS, someone might actually have to give Dallas credit for winning the game.

joober jones

Finally Non-Fat Guy
Nov 2, 2011
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Your coach has no balls. He's to blame. After the flag he should have said screw it, we're gonna jam it down their throat. Instead, he went with the pathetic "try to draw them off-sides" trick. I knew they were going to lose after that.

I wish I could disagree, but I can't.


In the mix for six
Aug 26, 2011
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That certainly happened...although after Hitchens grabbed his shirt.

There were something like 4 penalties on that play (including the Dez thing) and none of them were called.

Which is why it's stupid to whine about this. Either team could've had a flag thrown on them, and they'd have had a right to be pissed if their guy got flagged but the other didn't.

Probably the fairest thing that could've happened would've been to have offsetting penalties and replay the 3rd down, but pretending that only one side committed a penalty is homerish.
Aug 26, 2011
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At least speaking for myself, what was bothersome wasn't that there were missed calls on the play (there were multiple, and at least one dead-ball foul immediately afterwards), but that the entire protocol was botched so egregiously. Let's run through the entire sequence of events:

1. Play unfolds, flag is thrown on what is perceived to be a pass interference by most impartial bystanders (Buck, Aikman, and Perreira all agreed that it was the right call).

2. Dez Bryant immediately charges the field to protest the call, an obvious unsportsmanlike conduct that goes either unnoticed or ignored.

3. The time period in which the officials are presumably supposed to collaborate amongst themselves and overturn the call or confirm it to the head official (who then would announce the call to everybody) elapses.

4. The pass interference call is announced to the crowd, which would seem to indicate the call being made official, and then inexplicably changed just moments later.

Getting the call wrong is one thing. Butchering the procedure to that degree is just a really bad look to the league, to the point that it actually looks shady (I thought the game was otherwise officiated fairly, so I doubt a fix was in, more than likely there was a lapse in communication between guys who don't usually work together). This isn't human error, it's guys who, for at least that game, were really bad at their job. Suspending the guilty parties for the remainder of the postseason seems like a fair punishment.


In the mix for six
Aug 26, 2011
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At least speaking for myself, what was bothersome wasn't that there were missed calls on the play (there were multiple, and at least one dead-ball foul immediately afterwards), but that the entire protocol was botched so egregiously. Let's run through the entire sequence of events:

1. Play unfolds, flag is thrown on what is perceived to be a pass interference by most impartial bystanders (Buck, Aikman, and Perreira all agreed that it was the right call).

2. Dez Bryant immediately charges the field to protest the call, an obvious unsportsmanlike conduct that goes either unnoticed or ignored.

3. The time period in which the officials are presumably supposed to collaborate amongst themselves and overturn the call or confirm it to the head official (who then would announce the call to everybody) elapses.

4. The pass interference call is announced to the crowd, which would seem to indicate the call being made official, and then inexplicably changed just moments later.

Getting the call wrong is one thing. Butchering the procedure to that degree is just a really bad look to the league, to the point that it actually looks shady (I thought the game was otherwise officiated fairly, so I doubt a fix was in, more than likely there was a lapse in communication between guys who don't usually work together). This isn't human error, it's guys who, for at least that game, were really bad at their job. Suspending the guilty parties for the remainder of the postseason seems like a fair punishment.

Morell made the call before the refs got together to talk about the call. Keeping in mind that none of these refs worked together all season, is it really that surprising that the communication was poor? Not to say that the refs handled the situation well, but I'm sick of hearing that the fix is in for the cowboys by the tinfoil hat crew. I know you didn't say that, but it wasn't in the least bit shady, especially since the cowboys had calls go against them in the 1st half.
Aug 26, 2011
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Morell made the call before the refs got together to talk about the call. Keeping in mind that none of these refs worked together all season, is it really that surprising that the communication was poor? Not to say that the refs handled the situation well, but I'm sick of hearing that the fix is in for the cowboys by the tinfoil hat crew. I know you didn't say that, but it wasn't in the least bit shady, especially since the cowboys had calls go against them in the 1st half.

The "fix" wasn't in Rico most know that's crazy - they got handed a really bad call and the Lions were somewhat robbed. And you would have to look at it from the Lions side too because if you want to find something every play you can , especially against the other team. #77 on the Cowboys pulled people down 3-4 times without a call, so I am sure the Lions fans could find a few too and say they were screwed even prior. There is only one call that was significant and we are talking about it. The rest is just football. The Cowboys got the best of the deal and handled it well, made plays. The Lions on the other hand gagged, stopped playing the way they got ahead. The defense hardly blitzed coming down the stretch, which amazed me because Romo looked awful under pressure but they sent 3, maybe 4 at the most the last couple of possessions. And they didn't go for the 1st down after the debacle by the refs - coaches make their make at times like that and Caldwell had his chance and blew it. Parcels, Bellichek no way they punt - no way!


In the mix for six
Aug 26, 2011
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There's a pretty clear angle out there that shows Pettigrew grabbed the facemask of Hitchens on the same play, so I'm not buying that the Cowboys were handed a gift. Agreed on your other points, although the pressure in the first half came from the Lions only sending 4 or 5 on the rush, just disguising who was coming - in the 2nd half, we handled it better. Bottomline, Caldwell didn't have the stones to go for it 4th and 1, and Garrett did, and that's what really turned the tide IMO.
Dec 25, 2011
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'Nuff said. They apologized to the Lions. Not going to help but they blew it, in a big way. An extra Christmas gift for the 'Boys now let's see what they do with it.

They also admit that the refs blew the Personal Foul call in Bryant, too. Blowing two big penalties on the same play against the same team is mind boggling. Completely changed the game. Still, it is over. This ref team should never see the field again.

Favorite line though was the following:

"Blandino was also asked about his presence on a Cowboys party bus in August and perceptions that he is biased toward owner Jerry Jones' team.

He said the bus incident is something that "happened," but it has nothing to do with how Sunday's game was officiated.
"People can believe what they want to believe, but one thing had nothing to do with the other," he said."

I wonder if Gov. Christie was on the bus too taking down his home address for future 'traffic studies' should certain calls go against the Cowboys.
Jun 11, 2013
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They also admit that the refs blew the Personal Foul call in Bryant, too. Blowing two big penalties on the same play against the same team is mind boggling. Completely changed the game. Still, it is over. This ref team should never see the field again.

Favorite line though was the following:

"Blandino was also asked about his presence on a Cowboys party bus in August and perceptions that he is biased toward owner Jerry Jones' team.

He said the bus incident is something that "happened," but it has nothing to do with how Sunday's game was officiated.
"People can believe what they want to believe, but one thing had nothing to do with the other," he said."

I wonder if Gov. Christie was on the bus too taking down his home address for future 'traffic studies' should certain calls go against the Cowboys.

Blandino didn't make or retract the DPI call and was not near the play, it was the head linesmen. Morelli was the idiot that screwed it up. But I'm sure Blandino used his super referee powers he acquired on that bus to make that punt go 10 yards, cause the two sacks of Stafford, have Witten catch that ball on that fourth and six play for a conversion and have the Cowboys complete two other third down conversions on that same drive.
There were 125 offensive plays between Dallas and Detroit, and the Cowboys were the better team, even with a missed 41-yard field goal. They converted more third downs, plus two fourth downs, and turned the ball over fewer times. Detroit had a chance to bury Dallas early in the second half and didn’t. There was 8:25 left in the game after that call. I copied a little of Greg Bedard there.
Yep, although they had plenty of chances to do something about it the Lions were victims of a conspiracy. I get it.
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Dec 25, 2011
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Blandino didn't make or retract the DPI call and was not near the play, it was the head linesmen. Morelli was the idiot that screwed it up. But I'm sure Blandino used his super referee powers he acquired on that bus to make that punt go 10 yards, cause the two sacks of Stafford, have Witten catch that ball on that fourth and six play for a conversion and have the Cowboys complete two other third down conversions on that same drive.
There were 125 offensive plays between Dallas and Detroit, and the Cowboys were the better team, even with a missed 41-yard field goal. They converted more third downs, plus two fourth downs, and turned the ball over fewer times. Detroit had a chance to bury Dallas early in the second half and didn’t. There was 8:25 left in the game after that call. I copied a little of Greg Bedard there.
Yep, although they had plenty of chances to do something about it the Lions were victims of a conspiracy. I get it.

I did not say conspiracy at all outside of my dig against my home state Governor. The same politician who overturned a state law in 2012 that allows the Governor ONLY to accept 'gifts.' Such as these to attend NFL playoff games 1,500 miles away flying a private jet though NJ taxpayers still have to pay for his security detail so that he could kiss GOP PAC donors for his likely presidential campaign.
All I said is that the refs royally screwed-up this entire play and should never ref a NFL playoff game again. The NFL has to start making refs accountable for their on-field performance just like everyone else.

As for the game itself. It needed to be decided on the field by the players and coaches, not inept referees. The best case for Dallas if the rules were followed, the contact between Hitchens and Pettigrew on the pass would have offset; but the dead ball PF penalty on Bryant would have counted and it would have been Detroit 1st down at the Dallas 31 instead of 4th and 1 at the Dallas 46. Big difference, especially as the following drive was the game winning one for Dallas. From the Dallas 31, conservatively, Detroit would have taken 2+ minutes to run 3 plays without a 1st down and kicked a field goal from about 35 yards out (Detroit already hit a 39 field goal earlier in the game). Dallas would then had had the ball with about 6 minutes left down by 6 and needs a TD (more pressure that just a field goal to tie) from their 20 (3 of Detroit’s kick-offs resulted in touchback, 1 was a squib kick end the 1st half & 1 was returned to the 20, thus assuming from the 20). Plenty of time to score; but, a whole different scenario. Of course, if the both penalties were applied, it would have been Detroit with the ball and a first down at about the Dallas 15 (PI to the 29 plus the PF ½ the distance). Under that scenario, likely looking at a Detroit TD instead of a Field Goal with Dallas getting the ball back down by 10 with 6 minutes left.

Could have the Cowboys still won under either scenario? Yes. But, we will never know because the refs screwed-up so badly thus the conspiracy theories.
Aug 26, 2011
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Blandino didn't make or retract the DPI call and was not near the play, it was the head linesmen. Morelli was the idiot that screwed it up. But I'm sure Blandino used his super referee powers he acquired on that bus to make that punt go 10 yards, cause the two sacks of Stafford, have Witten catch that ball on that fourth and six play for a conversion and have the Cowboys complete two other third down conversions on that same drive.
There were 125 offensive plays between Dallas and Detroit, and the Cowboys were the better team, even with a missed 41-yard field goal. They converted more third downs, plus two fourth downs, and turned the ball over fewer times. Detroit had a chance to bury Dallas early in the second half and didn’t. There was 8:25 left in the game after that call. I copied a little of Greg Bedard there.
Yep, although they had plenty of chances to do something about it the Lions were victims of a conspiracy. I get it.

No conspiracy. Incompetence.

But with a DPI or a Personal Foul on Dez, the Lions are further in the field, have another first down (and third down conversion), and likely score a FG (up 6) or a TD (up 10). They also kick off, so Dallas doesn't have the same field position from the shanked punt.

Those missed calls absolutely played a role in the outcome. That's beyond a doubt.

BUT Detroit still could have won after it, but screwed up.
Sep 16, 2014
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If I were a Detroit fan I would be beyond furious at not only that, but the number of times the Dallas O line was allowed to tackle guys before they could get to Romo with no call. Saw at least 3 of those. The announcers even commented on a couple. I just don't know how you pick up a flag after you've talked about, announced it and moved the ball. The announcers and rules expert were all astonished.

I don't know if there's a conspiracy theory or just really bad officiating, but in either case, Detroit was robbed of a chance to settle it 11 on 11.

I am not saying that was the wright call to pick up the flag, but just wanted to show how bad the officiating was on both sides... like the call for running into the kicker was called on Dallas and the Dallas player hardly touch him and the kicker flops to the ground. "Bad Calls on both sides"
Aug 28, 2011
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Blandino didn't make or retract the DPI call ...

Don't bother quoting anything. Blandino addressed the situation on the NFL Network

The alleged unsportsmanlike call is discretionary, not mandatory. The only time having your helmet off is a factor is when you were already on the field of play and you REMOVE your helmet.

And here's a vine of the facemask grab that shows the contact made by Hitchens that was the only thing about the play that would necessitate a pass interference call was to dismount Pedigrew's hand from his facemask.

The bottom line is that bad calls - even if this WAS one - happen. How many times has this come up on this forum regarding the officiating in a UConn game ? Blaming the officials is whining. Get over it.

One thing that Blandino makes clear is that the only one that can pick up the flag is the official that threw it. After consulting with another official with a different view, that's exactly what he did.
Aug 25, 2011
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And here's a vine of the facemask grab that shows the contact made by Hitchens that was the only thing about the play that would necessitate a pass interference call was to dismount Pedigrew's hand from his facemask.

What about the pretty obvious hold on Dallas before the PI? Any mention of that?
Dec 25, 2011
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The alleged unsportsmanlike call is discretionary, not mandatory. The only time having your helmet off is a factor is when you were already on the field of play and you REMOVE your helmet.

Alleged? No, it happened. He was 10 yards deep onto the field, without a helmet, yelling at the referees, on a defensive Dallas play while he plays offense.


I don't know the exact rule; but, in 2013 in a regular season game versus Minnesota at Dallas, Bryant was called for offensive PI and then had a meltdown, took his helmet off and argued with the referees and got immediately flagged for 15 yard PF call. Announcers called it 'automatic' once the helmet came-off. At least Bryant was on the field for the play.


How he did not get flagged in the playoff game makes no sense as running onto the field to argue a call with the ref is a penalty in almost all sports - Red Card in soccer, ejection in baseball, 5 minute major and ejection in hockey, technical foul and ejection in basketball. If the NFL fines Bryant later, the NFL will have admitted that this crew lost complete control of the situation here.
Dec 25, 2011
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NFL fessed up to that one.


Not sure it is the one I saw (it was on the same drive) where I saw Suh, who I feel should have been kicked out of the NFL by now, was in a choke hold. Overall, adds more fuel to the fire. I don't believe in a conspiracy theory here; but the incompetence may have cost Detroit the game. That is not acceptable. The NFL needs to step forward and address the quality of the referees and someone must be held accountable, just like the players are.


In the mix for six
Aug 26, 2011
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NFL fessed up to that one.


Not sure it is the one I saw (it was on the same drive) where I saw Suh, who I feel should have been kicked out of the NFL by now, was in a choke hold. Overall, adds more fuel to the fire. I don't believe in a conspiracy theory here; but the incompetence may have cost Detroit the game. That is not acceptable. The NFL needs to step forward and address the quality of the referees and someone must be held accountable, just like the players are.

Next time you watch an NFL game, pay attention to the battle in the trenches for a few drives. You'll see holding on almost every play.
Dec 25, 2011
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Next time you watch an NFL game, pay attention to the battle in the trenches for a few drives. You'll see holding on almost every play.

Very true; but, if I remember this play correctly, this was a one-arm headlock. Holding would be an understatement.


In the mix for six
Aug 26, 2011
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Very true; but, if I remember this play correctly, this was a one-arm headlock. Holding would be an understatement.

Ok...? That stuff happens all the time and doesn't get called. I guarantee you the lions did the same thing a few times in that game; in fact, one cowboys fan on another board posted a bunch of screencaps of our guys being held. It happens on both sides.
Aug 26, 2011
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Ok...? That stuff happens all the time and doesn't get called. I guarantee you the lions did the same thing a few times in that game; in fact, one cowboys fan on another board posted a bunch of screencaps of our guys being held. It happens on both sides.

Problem is the NFL is only apologizing for these 2 mistakes by the team, no others.

Hey Rico, you're guys are still playing this weekend and my guys aren't. Good luck, nothing you can do about what happened Sunday anyway right? Everything will be forgotten if they come out of GB with a W.
Oct 14, 2013
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If the Lions got robbed it is just deserts for dirty players that are too chicken * to even admit to being on the field thugs!


In the mix for six
Aug 26, 2011
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Problem is the NFL is only apologizing for these 2 mistakes by the team, no others.

Hey Rico, you're guys are still playing this weekend and my guys aren't. Good luck, nothing you can do about what happened Sunday anyway right? Everything will be forgotten if they come out of GB with a W.

The NFL reviewed those two plays because the Lions complained about them. The Cowboys had no reason to complain, obviously, since they won the game.

Yeah bottomline, we had some things break our way with the refs. Either one of those calls could have been made, but weren't. The fact that there are lots of plays where you can say that is my only real point here. There is no conspiracy to help the Cowboys, as evidenced by the NFL's decision to overturn Suh's suspension. Just glad my team came out on top, and hope Sunday's game is a little cleaner, win or lose.
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