Madmann , I’m sure you will be hearing from a large number of locals after they saw the newscast who will be offering their help,compasssion and more importantly, expressing their outrage towards your neighbor. I’m guessing they will let the DA know how asinine the charge is and the DA will want this to go away asap.
It’s amazing how uncompassionate people can be even when he new of your wife’s condition. Good people know the difference between right and wrong. Your neighbor is not a good person and he deserves the wrath of bad attention he is getting. Best of luck to you and your wife.
FYI. someone on the Nextdoor sight posted the story with the title "I hope whoever you are that reported this feels ashamed of yourself as a human and neighbor".
So then, many of my neighbors that I have never met have offered to bring meals, walk with my wife, pay any fines and have a community BBQ in honor of my wife".
Many more have commented on what a jerk the guys is.
Here is one comment-Interesting.
So I googled the address, and discovered that on one of my walks, I had happened to stop there to take a cellphone pic of a magnificent sunset. Someone came out of that house and wanted to know what I was doing. (? wasn't it obvious?) I forget the rest of the conversation except that I felt I had to make excuses for having stopped there. ps I am a walking-impaired, great-grandma aged senior.
so some good is coming from this.