Okay that’s fair enough, a lot of us (and the media is of course paramount in it) looking for the next “great one” and people are built up with expectations. I wonder to what degree LeBron haters were investing in KD dethroning him
There are still other behaviors like the twitter accounts, the claims that he led on a phony persona his whole time in OKC, the sheer fact that he’s committing Ts and getting ejected to this degree out of nowhere... and I get that he has claimed he never wanted to be famous but damn KD I’m pretty sure everyone was happy with you and treating you well regardless of the exact number of championships you win
The fake twitter account thing is weird. I still haven't decided if I should like him more or less for that.
IIRC, he's always picked up a lot of T's, no? I never really got the sense KD's temperament was one of a martyr even when he was being portrayed as one, but I think it's definitely fair to say he grows more ornery by the year.
Despite all that, I'd bet his biggest regret is the tweet he sent - "what happened to trying to beat people rather than join them?," or something to that effect - post-LeBron decision in 2010.
Altogether, he simply strikes me as a dude who changes his mind a lot. If I had to guess, I'd say maybe he's on the more mild end of the bipolar spectrum. That would explain the moodiness, the paranoia, and the insecurity. I've never gotten the impression that he has any character issues or deficiencies as a competitor/teammate, I think he'll ultimately just be remembered as another imperfect athlete who you either liked or didn't. Whereas with some players like, I don't know, Damian Lillard, you ask "how could anybody dislike this guy?," Durant is a guy I can understand turning people off, despite the fact that I like him, if that makes sense.