OT: In the "It could be worse department" | Page 3 | The Boneyard

OT: In the "It could be worse department"

Aug 26, 2011
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I don't know them, but I'd guess that not a single guy on the WBB practice team is a D1 level talent and D2 (and maybe even D3) might be pushing it.

You do know that Geno limits what the practice players can do, correct? They are given roles to prepare the team. It isn't a pick up game. Think about that minute, guys who likely could not play college ball must have restrictions on them to play against the best WBB program in the country. Doesn't that really tell you everything you need know about their relative capabilities?

No, it tells something about size and strength. None of the women's male practice players could play Div 1 or Div 2 basketball in my opinion. I do believe some could play Div 3 though. Again, just my opinion having seen a number of practices.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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No, it tells something about size and strength.

Yep and that's the point.

I hate why they have to compare UConn WBB to things other the WBB. That's where they compete. That's where they have excelled. That's the comparison.
Aug 26, 2011
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With Adams and AG in the backcourt next season, I think that "mopey pro style" offense may well look pretty good. We'll see.
I actually am referring to how he seems to treat his players. Like professionals, rather than a traditional college coach, which is what Jim Calhoun was, and a master at it.
Dec 11, 2013
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I stand corrected based on the evidence put forth in response to my comments, the story I linked, plus a conversation with my colleague. I also apologize for the ad hominem attacks. That isn't me. It was a reflexive reaction to what I perceived to be misogyny. I still think it is out there to a certain extent, but I was over the top earlier.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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What a douchie thread. Am I surprised considering the source?
Aug 27, 2011
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I stand corrected based on the evidence put forth in response to my comments, the story I linked, plus a conversation with my colleague. I also apologize for the ad hominem attacks. That isn't me. It was a reflexive reaction to what I perceived to be misogyny. I still think it is out there to a certain extent, but I was over the top earlier.

It's a message board it's all good.
Aug 24, 2011
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The interest among fans is illustrated by the number of posts in each forum here.

Football: 367,636
Men's BB: 635,596
Women's BB: 550,888

There would probably be some P5 schools' internet forums where men's BB is 'above' FB: UK, UNC, Duke, IU, KU. That might be it, though.

I doubt there are any where women's BB and men's BB are above FB.

The lesson is: post more here, I guess?

Game threads tend to be long. There are 12 football games and 30 each for basketball. But yes, the basketball following is larger.
Aug 28, 2011
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I get the idea of preferring certain sports over other ones. Personally I have no interest in basketball. I wouldn't watch the final four if it was being held in my backyard. Other people love it and that's fine too. That said I've been coming here for a few years and I can not grasp the idea that there are people who identify themselves as Uconn Fans but openly root for one sport to succeed and others to fail. That is beyond bizarre. I constantly see references to Uconn Women's Bball Only Fans and have read posts by supposed Men's Bball Fans antagonizing fans on this forum. The whole thing is twisted. To me if I turn on my TV and I see somebody wearing our Blue and White I root for them. I do so even if its a sport I know little about, or worse personally dislike.

Not offering a justification, but a possible explanation.

I root for all of the teams, but many UConn fans (myself included) are not alumni, so they are a fan of a particular team, but not the school. Others feel that the sport they love is being held back by one or more other sports, and show there resentment. CT is extremely divided when it comes to sports allegiances. There are people who love one NY team (Giants, Yankees, Rangers, Knicks) and one Boston team (Patriots, Red Sox, Bruins, Celtics). CT is also the birthplace of the fair weather fan.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I always just think of this as one board. Maybe it's different for those of use who are alumni and who grew up rooting for UConn even before that. Basketball was always more important, because that's what put UConn on the map. Soccer was very important when I was in Storrs. Football was decent, but since it was playing in 1-AA, treated more like a minor league product. Hockey was nothing then, but I'm all innow. Women's hoops road the coattails of the men, and of a great hire in Geno to amazing heights. Baseball has had good teams now and then and has put some guys in MLB.

If the team is a UConn team, I'm a fan. I knew several swimmers and divers and lots of guys who ran track while at UConn, and supported them. A shot-putter even did a Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka leap on me while I was in an old recliner chair sophomore year and smashed it and me to the floor. Would have better with Jimmy, as this guy probably outweighed him by 50 pounds.
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't really understand UConn fans who like one sport and not another, but if you do, I cannot fathom how you'd wish ill upon any UConn sport, even if you don't follow it. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, dummies.
Apr 7, 2015
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I always root for all UConn teams and don't get rooting against any UConn team. But I always get so annoyed when I see that stupid bumper sticker. UConn where the men are men and the women are champions.

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