OT: How do you feel about Peyton Manning? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

OT: How do you feel about Peyton Manning?

How do you feel about Peyton Manning?

  • Love him

    Votes: 21 32.3%
  • Hate the guy

    Votes: 14 21.5%
  • No strong feeling

    Votes: 30 46.2%

  • Total voters
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Aug 26, 2011
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I'm a lifelong Broncos fan, and when Manning first got to Denver I couldn't wait for Sunday every week. The numbers he was putting up were gaudy, we blew everyone out by 2-3 touchdowns at least, and he attracted a lot of quality free agents. Then we got to the playoffs.

And we lost to the Ravens in what I still think was our best chance to win a Super Bowl.
And then the next year it was satisfying to beat the Patriots, but the Seahawks wiped the floor with us.
Then last year we lose in the divisional round to the Colts of all teams. And that was when I wanted the Manning era to end.

He's not a good quarterback anymore. Osweiler is the future, and Manning is getting in the way. After that display yesterday, I know the Pats are going to kill Denver next weekend.

He's the greatest regular season QB in the history of the NFL. And now he needs to just take that title and go away

As a Broncos fan since the days of Craig Morton and Norris Weese, I hated the day the Broncos signed Manning - I could see this coming a mile away as they were courting him it was fool's gold. I've also been a Tennessee football fan for a very long time and I had seen the Peyton show from Knoxville - let me tell you Tee Martin wasn't a better QB than Manning, but he got the Big Orange a national title.

Peyton is an all-time great no doubt, but I do think his performance in many big moments is lacking - it's a team game so it's not all on him, but goodness it runs against any common sense and data points to have ever expected anything different from him in Denver - I just figured that the Donkeys should go with the kid his rookie year - that was probably flawed thinking.

I figured most franchises take their lumps at some point and perhaps it was the worth it to put the kid in there his rookie year and let him give it a go - he's certainly got a lot of the physical tools - height, arm strength, etc. - I also understand after Orton/Tebow saying let's give this kid a shot would have been a hard pill to swallow for most fans and Elway had to go this route.

Peyton's been pretty much what I had expected, good regular season some post season success and never getting the big one and that's more frustrating than being mediocre in some respects.

God I dislike Brady, but I'd take him as a QB every time over Peyton. I still remember sitting in Pro Player solo watching the 2000 Orange Bowl - Brady against the Tide's Shaun Alexander - hell of a game.
Apr 24, 2012
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well...Lets see. I am a Giant fan.....I wouldn't mind seeing Peyton finally get what Eli has accomplished in two games with the Pats. I don't think it will happen though because if the temp is below freezing we will see many dying ducks come out of Peytons hand. Against Pittsburgh, he was throwing floaters all day. the wind was a problem, b ut what is to say it won't be again. Obviously, it won't be the Super Bowl, but a win would be nice for him.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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"To recap: College kids have always done really stupid things, and will continue to. In the past, some (many?) got away with things that they’d be crucified for in 2014."

Eh, not exactly if you were reading closely. He didn't just make a mistake as a college kid, but continually refuted/covered up that mistake, to the extent of slandering an athletic trainer and in the process ruining her career, for the purpose of maintaining his positive image. I don't see that as a 'mistake.' Everyone makes mistakes, but it takes a special level of egoism to bring someone else's career and reputation down just to preserve your own.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Rumor is he and his wife have an open marriage. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aug 28, 2011
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It's hard not to like the whole Manning clan. They have acquitted themselves with class. We never read about them getting arrested or even acting obnoxious. And their excellence on the field as a family of QB is simply extraordinary.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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It's hard not to like the whole Manning clan. They have acquitted themselves with class. We never read about them getting arrested or even acting obnoxious. And their excellence on the field as a family of QB is simply extraordinary.
If one of the Manning clan acted obnoxious I don't know what I would do with myself. I can't even bear the thought. It's like, does my life even have any meaning if this paragon of moral superiority has fallen from grace? Lord help us all.

But the open marriage thing, that's cool.
Aug 26, 2011
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As a Patriots fan, I literally can't stand the guy. Plays the average joe/aw schmucks card but is such a freakin fraud. Also sucks at football at this point in his career. Getting revved up to see TB12 send him into retirement, so wanted to know if the rest of the BY feels as I do or if you guys love Peyton

This is beautiful. Why would you even start this thread with your hatred of the guy - really why? Oh I know, because you are the typical Pats fan.

Well in that case WELL DONE:rolleyes:


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Should we make this thread about Brady now?

Yes, let's.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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He's the greatest regular season QB in the history of the NFL. And now he needs to just take that title and go away

I know this is supposed to be a compliment, but it always makes me chuckle. What an ignominious title.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Peyton is funny as hell and seems like a good guy. I pull for him to succeed and I'm a Pats fan. I think you can tell he's done a good job with being a role model when the majority of Brady fans like him. Maybe it's because he hasn't been much of a threat. Eli seems like a good guy too and he's given us big problems, yet I still like him. I think they were raised right.

Jeez, which Patriots fans do you hang out with, the vast majority I know look at Manning with some combination of disdain and disgust, and yes, grudging respect.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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His commercials are much better than his level of play at this point. He does have fabulous comedic timing - best/most natural actor of any NFL player I've seen.

Clearly you are not familiar with Police Academy. Bubba Smith with a tour de force performance:



Exiled in Pittsburgh
Mar 23, 2012
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Baloney, he plays second fiddle to Papa John.

Nah, Peyton gets the best lines there. Although he does play second banana to Montana when Joe shows up.
Aug 26, 2011
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intlzncster said:
Jeez, which Patriots fans do you hang out with, the vast majority I know look at Manning with some combination of disdain and disgust, and yes, grudging respect.

Most of the people I hang out with are pretty balanced. We don't really dislike nice, funny people because they wear the wrong jersey. Everyone I ever watch football with thinks Peyton is hilarious.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Most of the people I hang out with are pretty balanced. We don't really dislike nice, funny people because they wear the wrong jersey. Everyone I ever watch football with thinks Peyton is hilarious.
He's funny for an athlete, which isn't saying much. If they remake Ace Ventura he might get a cameo. But the target audience for his commercials is your Aunt Karen and Uncle Doug from Cedar Rapids, who are the kind of people who buy Papa John's every weekend because it's "pretty good pizza - ya know he said they have better ingredients". They think he's hilarious. "Oh, that Peyton Manning, he's such a card doncha know!"
Aug 27, 2011
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Nah, Peyton gets the best lines there. Although he does play second banana to Montana when Joe shows up.

For a guy with such on field charisma, Montana may be the worst TV guy ever. He's an awkward actor and an uninspiring commentator.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Most of the people I hang out with are pretty balanced. We don't really dislike nice, funny people because they wear the wrong jersey. Everyone I ever watch football with thinks Peyton is hilarious.

I'm talking about football, on the field, not his commercial interests. These sound like Celtics fans who like the Lakers, Bruins fans who like Montreal, UCONN fans who like Syracuse, etc etc. Half the fun of sports is disliking the other team and it's players. It's enjoyable to despise Syracuse and their players.

It's weird because I don't even think he's that funny, and I definitely have one fo the best senses of humor in professional football. He's amusing at best. His funniest bit is not even his:

Aug 26, 2011
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It's so funny that people don't think that the rest of the nfl isn't juicing as well. I guess humans can get that big and recover every week naturally.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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It's so funny that people don't think that the rest of the nfl isn't juicing as well. I guess humans can get that big and recover every week naturally.

Of course they are--that's why absolutely no NFL investigation of any real import came about after the Manning allegations. There's no way that at least 50% of the league isn't on HGH, and any bit of attention and/or digging would bring that to the surface. The worst thing the MLB ever did was confront steroid issues--10 years later you've got a dying sport. I'll never be interested in baseball after growing up watching players routinely hit 55-60 bombs and now having to settle for pitcher's duels and small ball. Likewise, the NFL knows that a) performance enhancers will do just that--create a better on-field product and b) any sort of performance related scandal is massively damaging to a sport's appeal. That's just my two sense, I'm sure there are some people who would hugely disagree with me, but I see the NFL as looking back at baseball's recent history and downfall and making sure that they don't face the same fate.
Aug 26, 2011
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Of course they are--that's why absolutely no NFL investigation of any real import came about after the Manning allegations. There's no way that at least 50% of the league isn't on HGH, and any bit of attention and/or digging would bring that to the surface. The worst thing the MLB ever did was confront steroid issues--10 years later you've got a dying sport. I'll never be interested in baseball after growing up watching players routinely hit 55-60 bombs and now having to settle for pitcher's duels and small ball. Likewise, the NFL knows that a) performance enhancers will do just that--create a better on-field product and b) any sort of performance related scandal is massively damaging to a sport's appeal. That's just my two sense, I'm sure there are some people who would hugely disagree with me, but I see the NFL as looking back at baseball's recent history and downfall and making sure that they don't face the same fate.

And yet the biggest cheaters in NFL history or at least the ones who got caught the most are freaking over Manning's alleged PED use. Patriots fans are a special breed.
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