OT: How do you feel about Peyton Manning? | Page 3 | The Boneyard

OT: How do you feel about Peyton Manning?

How do you feel about Peyton Manning?

  • Love him

    Votes: 21 32.3%
  • Hate the guy

    Votes: 14 21.5%
  • No strong feeling

    Votes: 30 46.2%

  • Total voters
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Sep 5, 2011
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It's hard not to like the whole Manning clan. They have acquitted themselves with class. We never read about them getting arrested or even acting obnoxious. And their excellence on the field as a family of QB is simply extraordinary.

Agree whole heartedly. Had the opportunity to enjoy some commentary from Archie Manning when he was a keynote speaker at one of my professional conventions in the early 2000's. It was a few days before Peyton and Eli competed against each other in a Monday night football game as QB's for the Colts and Giants respectively.

He was quite comical when he spoke of his NFL career in which he spent most of his career and time running for his life with the New Orleans "aint's". He added he did manage to have one exceptional season when he was able to stand in the pocket and pass for over 4000 yards. He said he was pretty proud about that but "heck, Peyton has done that 3 times already, and he is just getting started".

We all have favorite teams, but I can never bring myself to hate an accomplished player on any opposing team. Peyton, in his prime, was very good, but now he is at the back end of his career and he is struggling. That can be true of anyone that has been banged around for many years and had some injuries. I personally felt he made a bad decision in returning from a neck injury......he had nothing to prove, and much to loose if he was severely injured again.

Outside of the gridiron, both Mannings take the lead of their Dad and live respectful lives.

I'm thinking this could be it for Peyton, and wish him well in future.......he has much to live for and offer outside the realm of football.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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And yet the biggest cheaters in NFL history or at least the ones who got caught the most are freaking over Manning's alleged PED use. Patriots fans are a special breed.
What makes them special is they have two scents.
Oct 13, 2012
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I'm a lifelong Broncos fan, and when Manning first got to Denver I couldn't wait for Sunday every week. The numbers he was putting up were gaudy, we blew everyone out by 2-3 touchdowns at least, and he attracted a lot of quality free agents. Then we got to the playoffs.

And we lost to the Ravens in what I still think was our best chance to win a Super Bowl.
And then the next year it was satisfying to beat the Patriots, but the Seahawks wiped the floor with us.
Then last year we lose in the divisional round to the Colts of all teams. And that was when I wanted the Manning era to end.

He's not a good quarterback anymore. Osweiler is the future, and Manning is getting in the way. After that display yesterday, I know the Pats are going to kill Denver next weekend.

He's the greatest regular season QB in the history of the NFL. And now he needs to just take that title and go away
Never been so happy to be wrong :)

Defense carried the team, but Manning played way better than I expected him to, and didn't turn the ball over. I'll make the same prediction for the SB (Broncos lose by a bunch to the Panthers) and hope to be wrong again
Aug 26, 2011
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Most of the people I hang out with are pretty balanced. We don't really dislike nice, funny people because they wear the wrong jersey. Everyone I ever watch football with thinks Peyton is hilarious.
I heard an interview with Gary Meyers (writer for the Daily News). He talked about meeting Manning. He said after watching all the Manning commercials he was expecting a funny light hearted guy. He said he was the complete opposite. He was real intense and kind of stand offish.
Aug 26, 2011
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Redding Husky

UConn & SMU alum
Mar 12, 2015
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Peyton was just chucking up some wounded ducks yesterday and got lucky. In the first half, it looked like the Pats defense had their head up their . Maybe it was the broken tablets.
Aug 26, 2011
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Agree whole heartedly. Had the opportunity to enjoy some commentary from Archie Manning when he was a keynote speaker at one of my professional conventions in the early 2000's. It was a few days before Peyton and Eli competed against each other in a Monday night football game as QB's for the Colts and Giants respectively.

He was quite comical when he spoke of his NFL career in which he spent most of his career and time running for his life with the New Orleans "aint's". He added he did manage to have one exceptional season when he was able to stand in the pocket and pass for over 4000 yards. He said he was pretty proud about that but "heck, Peyton has done that 3 times already, and he is just getting started".

We all have favorite teams, but I can never bring myself to hate an accomplished player on any opposing team. Peyton, in his prime, was very good, but now he is at the back end of his career and he is struggling. That can be true of anyone that has been banged around for many years and had some injuries. I personally felt he made a bad decision in returning from a neck injury.he had nothing to prove, and much to loose if he was severely injured again.

Outside of the gridiron, both Mannings take the lead of their Dad and live respectful lives.

I'm thinking this could be it for Peyton, and wish him well in future..he has much to live for and offer outside the realm of football.
Archie is funny. He never misses an opportunity to tell you how good he was and how bad his teammates were. Having seen him play he wasn't as good as he says he was. He seems like a real controlling person pretty much running his kids careers telling teams before the draft which teams he would go to and which ones they won't. When Eric Dickerson or John Elway did that they were seen as arrogant. But the Manning family appears to be teflon. Now Archie is always quick to point out how his sons teams win without talent around them (again throwing teammates under the bus). If Archie was so good why couldn't he do the same?


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Archie is funny. He never misses an opportunity to tell you how good he was and how bad his teammates were.

And his bar in NOLA sucks.


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Aug 25, 2011
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And yet the biggest cheaters in NFL history or at least the ones who got caught the most are freaking over Manning's alleged PED use. Patriots fans are a special breed.
You sure about that? I live in the Boston burbs and while there was definitely coverage, there was no freakout. It was interesting to see how this was a "non-issue" versus deflategate, but honestly didn't move the needle much. If anything, Pats fans still freak out over the inherent ESPN bias, which this board generally does as well.
Mar 30, 2012
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Pats fan: Glad his career didn't end with the neck injury, not happy he's kept us out of two additional super bowls. Respect the hell out of him (but not when he plays the pats ;)).

Also, the United Way commercial sketch on SNL might be the best moment of his career.

(couldn't find a link with the whole video, sorry everyone)
Aug 26, 2011
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Sounding like this is going to be Manning's last game.
Aug 26, 2011
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Of course they are--that's why absolutely no NFL investigation of any real import came about after the Manning allegations. There's no way that at least 50% of the league isn't on HGH, and any bit of attention and/or digging would bring that to the surface. The worst thing the MLB ever did was confront steroid issues--10 years later you've got a dying sport. I'll never be interested in baseball after growing up watching players routinely hit 55-60 bombs and now having to settle for pitcher's duels and small ball. Likewise, the NFL knows that a) performance enhancers will do just that--create a better on-field product and b) any sort of performance related scandal is massively damaging to a sport's appeal. That's just my two sense, I'm sure there are some people who would hugely disagree with me, but I see the NFL as looking back at baseball's recent history and downfall and making sure that they don't face the same fate.
But Manning is under investigation by the NFL.
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