I hear it can be passed downMy father had it. He has to stay away from anything acidic- tomatos, orange juice, beer etc. As long he does that, he's OK.
I hear it can be passed down
I am both a gout suffer and get an occasional kidney stone. They are related because both can be formed from uric acid. Much of what was said and recommended above is true. Allopurinol for daily treatment and Indiomethacine for the attacks, which knocks it right out. Gout is nothing compared to a kidney stone, when the nurse walked in and told me she has had both a kidney stone and a baby and she would prefer the a babies birth I said shot me up and she did. Both are caused by crystallization of uric acid although stones can be formed by several minerals other than uric acid. The best cure I was offered was drink a lot of water.
Yep. I've had gout and kidney stones. You'd think pain from gout couldn't be worse, until a kidney stone.
Beat me to it---but i guess it's worth voting for.I'm against it.
Uric acid---shrimp, shell fish, avoidany expeiences, any cures, remedies?
what to eat, drink etc. or NOT to eat, drink, etc.?
For centuries really really poor families lived on what they caught. Fish and shell fish is what the very poor et.living too well... ask Kib said "rich man's disease" seemed to be fact until a few broke men got it.
I guess eating fish seems to make people think theyre rich
any expeiences, any cures, remedies?
what to eat, drink etc. or NOT to eat, drink, etc.?
Deepster made this jump as well. And if you listen to Dee or Maya, they credit eliminating meat and dairy from diet as a big plus to their health. I'm not sure that I'm ready to make that jump (especially smack dab in the middle of the barbeque season) but I do think about it. I'm going to start by rotating in some vegan meals and see where it goes. If you post any favorite recipes, I'll try them.I had my first kidney stone seven years ago - uric acid based - which means I'm sort of half-way to having gout. I passed 5 or 6 more stones in the following two years. In 2012 I decided to go for three months eating foods with no added sugar, and nothing from an animal....I am now a virtual vegan, and have not passed any noticeable stones since 2012. Kidney stones can have a way of redefining pain, and giving strength to make lifestyle changes that might not otherwise be there.
I once believed them God like--as in all professions there are a few in the job for only the money--some surgeons--for the most part, local men/women (yes half of my Md's are women, make some mistakes but are usually accurate.DC, I'm not a doctor but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once. I was prescribed Allopurinol based solely on a blood test showing elevated uric acid levels. Never had a gout attack or had big toe problems. I continue to take one pill a day, as prescribed, cause doctors are infallible. Right?
One of mine is a Vegan and constantly trying to get me to change--I tried--but I like good ethnic foods--. Man began by eating grains, fish and red meat and have survived and excelled for eonsDeepster made this jump as well. And if you listen to Dee or Maya, they credit eliminating meat and dairy from diet as a big plus to their health. I'm not sure that I'm ready to make that jump (especially smack dab in the middle of the barbeque season) but I do think about it. I'm going to start by rotating in some vegan meals and see where it goes. If you post any favorite recipes, I'll try them.
I had my first kidney stone seven years ago - uric acid based - which means I'm sort of half-way to having gout. I passed 5 or 6 more stones in the following two years. In 2012 I decided to go for three months eating foods with no added sugar, and nothing from an animal....I am now a virtual vegan, and have not passed any noticeable stones since 2012. Kidney stones can have a way of redefining pain, and giving strength to make lifestyle changes that might not otherwise be there.
My son in law had STONES and had them bombarded with ultrasonic and sonic frequencies to break them up--it was that or his wife using a hammer.A guy at work had chronic kidney stones, said he pretty much had to tough 'em out. "This was my favorite" as he pulled a small vial from his briefcase. It looked like a tiny ninja throwing star. "You passed that!" Yup.
One of mine is a Vegan and constantly trying to get me to change--I tried--but I like good ethnic foods--. Man began by eating grains, fish and red meat and have survived and excelled for eons
I've walked 4 miles a day for 40 years or more --I eat well--moderate by many standards--I walked because if I didn't I'd put on excessive weight--and most recently to keep my life time knee issue from becoming stiff knees but not at 24 mi per week. My dogs really liked the walks.And they walked miles each day to get their food. My guess is I'd be better off walking five miles to get a steak, than stay home and eat a salad.