1 - Nice par 5 to start Agree
2 - Par 4 a little whacked but not bad…. Need to draw the ball
3 - short 3 but with that green challenging to make bird for sure……. Very difficult with front pin
4 - Good blind par 4 short Need to cut the ball
5 - Mirror 2 almost Need to draw, again, but also need to find a flat lie, distance key
6 - 8 iron, PW - weird but fun Maybe for you... 5-6, then 6-7 for me.
7 - challenging par 5 2 hammers to get home Need a little fade off the tee to get a clean look.
8 - fun down hill par 3 again, front pin is difficult, hard to stop it
9 - challenging par 4, 2 accurate shots to a large green very difficult for shorter hitter to even get there in regulation
10 - fun par 3, accurate 7,8 iron in with trees surrounding 5i-7w for me
11 - good par 4 blind tee need to keep it left for better look in tight for a driver, need a baby draw.
12 - although it's screwed up par 5 kind of, always fun and reachable with a solid tee ball……great view starting at the mountain
a 3-shot hole for mortals and old people
13 - Worst hole, 8 iron 4,5 iron 2nd shot……….unless you can cut the crap out of the ball agree, plays very long for me, 5w-5w
14 - it's better than it was, nice look over the pond used to have a huge tree guarding the front right side of the green... weird
15 - Best par 3 pn the course, nice hole HUGE green, 3-4 clubs difference, easy
16 - fun par 5 reachable nice hole, tight approach
17 - good par 4 down hill, accuracy for approach needed need to be on the left off the tee, otherwise can be blocked out
18 - uphill Par 3 weirds finish always played this in the dark in our late-starting league.
Excalibur is right the front is a lot better!