OT: Brady likely knew | Page 2 | The Boneyard

OT: Brady likely knew

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Aug 30, 2011
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All starting qbs know. Now it will no longer be customary. No more gentlemen's agreement.
Some one will complain about use of retractable stadium roofs for inclement weather.
It was a weeny move by the whistleblower.
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NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Keep in mind that this round one. Wait for the Pat's counsel to make a reply and you will see the supposed daunting case melt away. You have to view these things as a conversation.

I haven't read the report yet. I'll probably get to it tonight. On a quick skim, those texts do seem problematic for the Pat's, nothwithstanding that it looks like the case against Brady would be inadmissible as hearsay if this were going to trial.
Aug 29, 2012
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Keep in mind that this round one. Wait for the Pat's counsel to make a reply and you will see the supposed daunting case melt away. You have to view these things as a conversation.

I haven't read the report yet. I'll probably get to it tonight. On a quick skim, those texts do seem problematic for the Pat's, nothwithstanding that it looks like the case against Brady would be inadmissible as hearsay if this were going to trial.
Kraft said that while not happy with the report, he will accept whatever penalties the NFL sets.
Aug 31, 2011
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Best QB ever. As proven again in the last game of the year.

Somewhere in Paris, when word of this report came out:

[Elaine is kissing with a guy. He stops. She keeps kissing him, then stops.]
Elaine: what is it?
Boyfriend: Oh, it's this patient.
Elaine (sighing): Again?
Boyfriend: I'm fairly certain. I forgot to leave him an extra prescription for his medication.
Elaine: Well, so, he can live without his Valium for a couple of days.
Boyfriend: Nah, you don't understand. He could be dangerous.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Kraft said that while not happy with the report, he will accept whatever penalties the NFL sets.
Surprising. On a quick glance it seems to reach a bit.
Aug 26, 2011
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Nah, great quarterback but proven cheater. Just be happy Carroll lost his mind and gifted you another Super Bowl.

Super Bowls are won when crazy things happen. If that weren't the case, the Seahawks arent even anywhere near the red zone, and the Patriots beat the Giants twice.
Aug 26, 2011
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I wonder if investigators found anything out about upstater in their investigations, it's frightening how much of a Brady stalker he is.

Hah! Hilarious!!!
Aug 26, 2011
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It's a fact that air comes out when you put in the gauge.

Given that, isn't it the likeliest explanation for one guy having both the highest and the lowest set of scores on different sets of balls? Otherwise, you're saying he was in on some sort of conspiracy to set up the Patriots.

I know people have disregarded pretty basic stuff throughout this nonsense (like pressure loss, air coming out when testing with a gauge) but I think it's eminently reasonable to say that footballs lose pressure and that they lose air when tested.

By the way, the gauges are electronic.
Aug 26, 2011
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All starting qbs know. Now it will no longer be customary. No more gentlemen's agreement.
Some one will complain about use of retractable stadium roofs for inclement weather.
It was a weeny move by the whistleblower.

Brady even said in his presser that he knows the exact pressure he likes and he asks the attendant to set it. What hasn't been shown is whether the attendant messes with it during the game. One of the report tweets is hilarious since it comes back with the ball attendant saying the refs altered the balls outside of the NFL's rules.
Aug 26, 2011
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Somewhere in Paris, when word of this report came out:

[Elaine is kissing with a guy. He stops. She keeps kissing him, then stops.]
Elaine: what is it?
Boyfriend: Oh, it's this patient.
Elaine (sighing): Again?
Boyfriend: I'm fairly certain. I forgot to leave him an extra prescription for his medication.
Elaine: Well, so, he can live without his Valium for a couple of days.
Boyfriend: Nah, you don't understand. He could be dangerous.

More Super Bowls than anyone evah! And not with an arsenal of WRs.


"Knowledge is Good" - Emil Faber
Aug 30, 2011
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Report states Brady likely knew, in a general way, that air was missing. Neither Coach B or Pats management knew anything in all likelihood.

Any mention of the balls being inflated in the Texas School Book Depository and then shipped to Foxboro for the game?


Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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My only question is why Pats fans so consistently get their panties in a bunch over people talking about Brady instead of letting the rings do the talking. The only successful team I follow is UConn basketball and when people try to talk like Program is better than UConn I just laugh. Sometimes there is an argument, other times it's an absurd claim. Who cares though? UConn has 4 rings since 1999 so they can blow it out their asses as far as I'm concerned.
Aug 26, 2011
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My only question is why Pats fans so consistently get their panties in a bunch over people talking about Brady instead of letting the rings do the talking. The only successful team I follow is UConn basketball and when people try to talk like Program is better than UConn I just laugh. Sometimes there is an argument, other times it's an absurd claim. Who cares though? UConn has 4 rings since 1999 so they can blow it out their asses as far as I'm concerned.

Let me guess why. The first thing is that people haven't discussed this since January.

Then they started discussing it today.

Probably because the NFL released a report today calling Brady a liar and a cheater.
Jan 15, 2014
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The NFL will allow the refs to throw a flag this year if the ref believes a player " probably " made an infraction. For example, if a ref doesn't see an offsides take place on the far side, but he has a hunch that a player there "probably"went off sides over there, that ref can throw a flag and penalize that team.
Sep 16, 2011
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Upstater, my question to you is who cares that Brady is a liar and a cheater? He's won 4 Super Bowls and the NFL isn't going to take them away.
Aug 26, 2011
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No NFL player ever lied? The deflating thing, as made clear by HoF QBs, is nothing new.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Any report on who knew what in Cincinnati with pumping in crowd noise?
Aug 26, 2011
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@upstater, if you can look at that text message evidence, which is beyond convincing, and that presser where Brady said he "absolutely" did not have anything to do with it, and think Brady isn't an outright liar/cheater, you are delusional.

in an alternate universe where Brady comes out after the super bowl and just cleanly admits it and says: 'yea, everyone does it, I do it too'. He would probably be revered by sports fans as a truth teller. Now, he's the guy who's throwing a couple nobodies under the bus and strait up lying to the public and the league as if everyone were idiots.

I might be getting this wrong, but maybe you are just a contrarian?

Though that would not surprise me. Weren't you the big Penn State booster during that scandal too or am I getting that one wrong?


All posts from this user are AI-generated
Aug 25, 2011
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@upstater, if you can look at that text message evidence, which is beyond convincing, and that presser where Brady said he "absolutely" did not have anything to do with it, and think Brady isn't an outright liar/cheater, you are delusional.

in an alternate universe where Brady comes out after the super bowl and just cleanly admits it and says: 'yea, everyone does it, I do it too'. He would probably be revered by sports fans as a truth teller. Now, he's the guy who's throwing a couple nobodies under the bus and strait up lying to the public and the league as if everyone were idiots.

I might be getting this wrong, but maybe you are just a contrarian?

Though that would not surprise me. Weren't you the big Penn State booster during that scandal too or am I getting that one wrong?
I just read the text messages. Pretty obvious that:
  • The involved parties knew it was illegal
  • It spanned multiple seasons
  • Brady was orchestrating
  • Brady was giving kickbacks for the service
Brady's definitely taking the fall for this. I don't believe there is a precedence but he deserves a suspension.
Aug 29, 2011
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If I got a report like that from an intern I'd send it back. To quote Archie Bunker"probably you did can also mean probably you didn't. That's the way it is with a word like probably.
Aug 26, 2011
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If I got a report like that from an intern I'd send it back. To quote Archie Bunker"probably you did can also mean probably you didn't. That's the way it is with a word like probably.

Fortunately, that probably is more than enough, given the burden of proof the NFL requires for disciplinary actions since 7 seasons ago. Brady will spend a good, long time benched, I believe. Even though it is comically stupid and borderline insignificant, he directly and intentionally subverted the written rules that are meant to protect the integrity of the game, and then flat lied about it to the public, to the NFL, etc.

Hammer time.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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I'll reiterate what I said when the story broke.

This isn't any different than when George Brett got caught with the pine tar. Up until a few years ago there wasn't any standard psi on the footballs. Once it was implemented there was a gentleman's agreement that each QB can customize the footballs to his liking. That went for scuffing them up and inflating to the psi of the QB's liking.

The NFL never cared and the players never cared. As long as each team's QB could customize the football it was no harm, no foul. Once the story broke the NFL had to pretend it cared. Much like the home plate ump when he put Brett's bat across the plate. So long as no one brought it up, no one was going to preemptively take action.

Aug 26, 2011
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LOL. From the Wells report: "According to Brady, at some point after the Jets game and before the game against the Chicago Bears the following weekend, he asked to see a copy of the applicable Playing Rule, learned for the first time that the permissible inflation range was 12.5 to 13.5 psi, and was told that the Patriots typically inflated game balls slightly above 12.5 psi. Brady also stated that, at some point, he felt a football that was inflated to 12.5 psi, and decided that should be the target for all future games because he did “not ever want to get near the upper range again.” In addition, Brady stated that he suggested that the Patriots give the game officials a copy of Rule 2 when they delivered game balls prior to each game, so that the officials would know that it was not necessary to inflate them further."

The whole reason, according to Wells, that they had this discussion, is that after the ball guys gave the refs the balls, they inflated them way beyond the legal amount. Brady complained to his ball guy and the guy measured the balls at 16 PSI--the next day. So Brady told him to tell the officials to stop overinflating the ball. This goes along with Aaron Rodgers' complaints as well.

The person above saying Brady was paying off the guys doesn't even realize that they were joking about the fact that Brady had tipped all the staff members with shoes and stuff, except for the ballguy McNally, who is a part-timer, 8 days a year. That's why he was calling for tix to Celtics-Lakers and shoes, etc. It was a joke.
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