This all may be true, but you are effectively saying LaVar is using his kids as pure economic chess pieces. I guess if their only goal is to make money, this is one way to do it.
What he is NOT doing is:
1. Trying to have his kids become the best basketball players they can be. If he was, he'd play his kids against and with the highest level of competition as possible
2. Giving them a real college and developmental experience. Especially a kid like LiAngelo (never playing in the League). Who would do 4 years, and likely get a ton out of it, on and just as importantly, off the court.
3. Not offering (it appears) them a traditional education.
Honestly, just dying laughing at adjectives like “calculating” applied to this buffoon who has done little more than run his mouth and run away when he doesn’t get what he wants.
Can’t get what he wants in Vegas? Pulls his whole team. In the middle of a game.
Couldn’t control Melo in HS ball regarding his play and shot volume? Nah don’t send him to Florida at IMG or something, don’t send him to an academy, pull him out of high school and “home school” him.
Couldn’t control UCLA’s punishment for dickforbrains Gelo? Pull him out of college.
Then ship them off to the minor league in Lithuania. It was cute when he said he could beat MJ, even when he said Zo would be better than Steph. But now he is fairly obviously (to any objective observer) doing nothing but put his kids further and further behind. And he doesn’t even have the sack to live there over with them. People compare the Ball family to the Kardashians, but Lavar is basically Trump.
Seriously, you Lavar lovers, you are gonna need to delineate the “calculating” nature of Lavar’s actions for us; we really aren’t seeing it. And do better than call him a master troll. Explain this most recent calculation, and why money and fame suddenly seem to be out of the equation for said calculation
And then, what’s next when this new plan blows up in their face? Or better yet, instead of answering that question, describe how this move ends well. Explain the outcome you envision.