OT: Any lawn nuts here? | Page 5 | The Boneyard

OT: Any lawn nuts here?

Aug 27, 2011
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Did it brown up over the winter?
It did not germinate well and it’s high priced. I think after years of turf wars in my yard it’s all about having good thick organic soil and plenty of water all the time. Those sound easy but they are not actually.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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I'm going start from scratch in the fall, but I'll be putting in a sprinkler system.

Seems as though any time I have work done, their trucks tear up my lawn. Their cosmetic repair look ok for a while, but the damage seems to be premature. Really starting to tick me off.
Tell them to put down plywood to drive over next time.
Mar 24, 2013
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Here's mine from last week.
Aug 26, 2011
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Bonide Ultra Weed Beater kills almost everything in the lawn - except the grass. Works for me.

I advocated Pearls Premium 2-3 years ago. It took hold, and the grass actually grew for the first time in years!!

Also had soil tested by Rutgers Agric. They rcmd a ton of lime since the soil was very acid. So put a s-load on grass, but spaced in time. Lawn took! This year delivered a LOT of rain, and the dead-lawn-by July-4th syndrome didn't hit this year. So who knows which contribution worked? But it's August, and the lawn is thick and wonderful. First time in years.

Bonide Ultra or Round-up Lawn (??) work well as above. If you don't have many 'crabs', carefully pull them out instead. Aug is crab month, although the Zodiac says it's late June to late July.
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Aug 26, 2011
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Any advice for white clover? I let my lawn grow out for two weeks to keep from watering it as much and had too many damn bees after those little white flowers.


Got 6hat too, much to the delight of 3 rabbits and 2 woodchucks who my wife adores, Go figure. However, Bonide Ultra, or equiv, will take care of the clover. But hurry as the fall seeding, which you may need, season is approaching.

Interesting on clover. A 'Yellowstone' episode a few weeks ago showed Yellowstone cattle dying from eating clover that was secretly dumped on the ranch. So I wondered, why are the Yellowstone cattle dying, but the rabbits and chucks thriving eating that stuff?? Turns out that flowering clover is sweet, etc, but dead clover produces blood thinner coumadin / warfarin in the decay process. The cattle bled out!


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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Here's mine from last week. View attachment 45721
can't tell whats under the trees from the pic. I recently learned here, that there is something called 'exploding mulch,' so if that's mulch, you gonna need some flack jackets and helmets just to admire that purdy lawn up close and personal. or so I've been told.
Aug 26, 2011
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Got 6hat too, much to the delight of 3 rabbits and 2 woodchucks who my wife adores, Go figure. However, Bonide Ultra, or equiv, will take care of the clover. But hurry as the fall seeding, which you may need, season is approaching.

Interesting on clover. A 'Yellowstone' episode a few weeks ago showed Yellowstone cattle dying from eating clover that was secretly dumped on the ranch. So I wondered, why are the Yellowstone cattle dying, but the rabbits and chucks thriving eating that stuff?? Turns out that flowering clover is sweet, etc, but dead clover produces blood thinner coumadin / warfarin in the decay process. The cattle bled out!
That post was 3 years old. I conquered the white clover in the front yard which is what i cared about but i do have rabits and chucks in the backyard. The chucks are multiplying and becoming a nuisance. Thinking of getting varmint riffle since nothing else has worked. Pop a couple caps in their butt and see if they bounce. Do you think it will work?


Aug 14, 2011
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Damn @temery your lawn looks great. Mine looks like poop. Loads of crabgrass and areas of dry hard soil.

Speaking of poop: On any given day I have a dozen or two turkeys in my yard. I swear their droppings are helping more than anything I've done.
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Aug 26, 2011
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I love my new pond, but those who delivered the rocks and stones tore the hell out of my lawn. They filled and reseeded, but nothing but crabgrass is growing.

Can crabgrass be killed this time of year (without killing the actual lawn)?
I've always been told by landscape guys that fall is the time to attack your lawn. Crabgrass doesn't do well in cooler weather. Kill it with a chemical along with other weeds and rake it away. Then over seed.
This is what they tell me but over half my lawn is crabgrass and I've come to accept it.


Resident TV nerd
Aug 26, 2011
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Never underestimate the power of feces.

On that note - anyone else use milorganite? I discovered it this year, and it’s seemed to have helped my soil. I’m most interested in how it might help overseeding this fall.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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On that note - anyone else use milorganite? I discovered it this year, and it’s seemed to have helped my soil. I’m most interested in how it might help overseeding this fall.

Yes. It's good stuff. I think I need to go back to organic. Over time it leads to healthier soil. Don't expect miracles in the short term. For overseeding a compost tea, soil amendment or aeration often helps.

@Danzz Crabgrass is an annual. The first frost will kill it all. That's why my lawn fills in and looks spectacular in October. Plus bluegrass and fine fescues that we have here in New England are cool weather grasses. Crabgrass leaves seeds when and then those don't germinate in spring until the soil temp reaches 55 degrees for a few days in a row.
Aug 29, 2011
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You northerners are so damn lucky that you don't battle bermuda grass. I strive mightily to keep a fescue lawn going in Tennessee. The neighbors have given up and are just letting the Bermuda take over. Fescue is great from March to June. It struggles in July and August as the Bermuda tries to take over the lawn. Aerate and re-seed in October to prepare for another battle next year. The beauty is a green lawn throughout the winter vs. the brown of Bermuda grass.
Nov 2, 2015
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I am looking for recommendations for a company that does lawn aerations in the Manchester area.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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full on grass nut here. not in a fertilize and obsess way, but in an experimental and hobby way. on that journey and completely by accident, I passively encouraged a small patch of zoysia to 'run free' over the past 1/2 dozen or so years, and now it's up to about a half acre, starting from around a couple hundred square feet. nothing done to it ever, I just let it continue to expand. the stuff is amazing. dense, soft, impervious to weeds, it's either a beautiful green or a 'sleeping yellowish.' it also grows slowly and definitely requires less mowing. it's recent success here feels like a reflection of the climate change, but i'm not certain that's the reason. whatever, the stuff is fantastic.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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full on grass nut here. not in a fertilize and obsess way, but in an experimental and hobby way. on that journey and completely by accident, I passively encouraged a small patch of zoysia to 'run free' over the past 1/2 dozen or so years, and now it's up to about a half acre, starting from around a couple hundred square feet. nothing done to it ever, I just let it continue to expand. the stuff is amazing. dense, soft, impervious to weeds, it's either a beautiful green or a 'sleeping yellowish.' it also grows slowly and definitely requires less mowing. it's recent success here feels like a reflection of the climate change, but i'm not certain that's the reason. whatever, the stuff is fantastic.

You're growing Zoysia in New England? I mean, it will handle summer, but should be the opposite of Bluegrass/Fine Fescue/Rye in greening up really late and turning brownish in the fall.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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You northerners are so damn lucky that you don't battle bermuda grass. I strive mightily to keep a fescue lawn going in Tennessee. The neighbors have given up and are just letting the Bermuda take over. Fescue is great from March to June. It struggles in July and August as the Bermuda tries to take over the lawn. Aerate and re-seed in October to prepare for another battle next year. The beauty is a green lawn throughout the winter vs. the brown of Bermuda grass.

I have a patch of that crap in my yard. Can't get rid of it without basically roundup the area and resod


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I love my new pond, but those who delivered the rocks and stones tore the hell out of my lawn. They filled and reseeded, but nothing but crabgrass is growing.

Can crabgrass be killed this time of year (without killing the actual lawn)?
I had copious amounts of mushrooms popping up last year. This year, I had none and the guy in this video showed me how to get rid of them.

The video is a step by step guide on how to handle crab grass. I need to find my sprayer and take care of the crab grass in my front lawn lawn in the coming weeks as well. Then I'm going to have my lawn core aerated and over seeded...at least in the front.

Feb 22, 2012
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I am looking for recommendations for a company that does lawn aerations in the Manchester area.

Just started using The Lawn Doctor. So far so good, they know their stuff. They are doing a core aeration & overseeding for us in a couple weeks.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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I had copious amounts of mushrooms popping up last year. This year, I had none and the guy in this video showed me how to get rid of them.

The video is a step by step guide on how to handle crab grass. I need to find my sprayer and take care of the crab grass in my front lawn lawn in the coming weeks as well. Then I'm going to have my lawn core aerated and over seeded...at least in the front.

don't kid urself. it's not a mushroom year. at least not yet so far. most likely because 'no snow, no ____ (fill in the blank).


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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You're growing Zoysia in New England? I mean, it will handle summer, but should be the opposite of Bluegrass/Fine Fescue/Rye in greening up really late and turning brownish in the fall.
there is a 'hard' climate line in southern new england, running from approximately new haven area up to approximately plymouth, massachusetts, and sliding ever so noticeably wnw. I call it the 'blizzard line,' with most of the epic dumps around or near it. im ese of it, in a coastal town with elevation between 90 and 230, so I get tastes of both the predominant salt water and then upland climates. literally. eg. 'it's snowing buckets at chez clif, but the sun is screaming at route one!' is not an unusual event. new london's climate has been steadily sliding towards something more like baltimore. check the data, its obvious. to that end, it kinda makes sense that the zoysia patch is so vibrant. ol' sam Clemens had it right about the weather around Connecticut, 'if you don't like it, just wait five minutes.' now more than ever. I've got a five year patch of brown turkey figs in the ground with no care, protection, or maintenance whatsover, that dies back every year, regrows, and gave its first figs last year. up next? palm trees, proally the kind that grows in england. heck, uvm is growing experimental rice up there, so why not?
Aug 29, 2011
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I have a patch of that crap in my yard. Can't get rid of it without basically roundup the area and resod
I use Turflon Ester, go a little over the recommended amount and it will control and sometimes kill bermuda. Need to be patient and space applications every 3 weeks for a couple of months and it does the job.
Jan 11, 2013
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My backyard abuts the neighbor’s front yard (corner lot). Before we bought the house 5 years ago they must’ve laid down zoysia in their yard. It is slowly taking over my backyard. It chokes out all the other grass, weeds, fills in any grassless spots, and looks beautiful doing it. Other than staying yellow a little late into spring, it’s incredible. I wish the rest of my lawn were the same.

- Soft and thick in Wethersfield.

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