once again, i dont understand most of u | Page 3 | The Boneyard

once again, i dont understand most of u

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Sep 18, 2011
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Here is the good news - there can't possibly be anymore bad news.

I hope.

Not that I am hoping for it, but it can get worse! We could drop football and the Big East won't accept us as a member even though we Beg Harder.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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do u consider cincy announcing a acc invite before us saying anything bad news?
do u consider the big east bball schools announcing xav/but/day/stl and siena or another to join = 12 teams even bad news before uconn goes some where?
do u consider the acc getting ripped apart by the other confs bad news?
if so then more to come...

Here is what I would consider to be bad news - and, actually, I think there is a decent chance of it happening:

After the actual demise of the Big East, the spectacle of it all generates some sort of expansion backlash and all the other conferences announced that all this is crazy and that peace should now rule the land.

And we die in the desert while they lock arms and sing happy songs.
Aug 26, 2011
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So Geno really had no chance to build a successful program playing in the woeful Big East, then. He must have cheated.

Perno should have had the cupboard stocked with blue chips.

DePaul should be in the final four every few years. Big market, great RPI, good schedule...

Providence wins 20 every year - see above.

I just re-read my post and I don't see where I made the statement that "the breakup make us more attractive". Again, you take half a comment, add to it by making assumptions, and draw conclusions that are unwarranted. Same thing all the reporters are doing.

Frankly, it's intellectually lazy.

Your original comment was: "Instability in our own conference does nothing to get us into a better conference, it only makes our current home worse."

Just for the record, I could argue that instability in our own conference may very well make us more attractive to other conferences. I'm not going to do that because I don't happen to believe it, but I could easily argue the point with you. THAT was my point.

And I still don't see how getting rid of the CYO's to play with likeminded, though currently inferior athletic departments is inherently worse than staying with the CYO's. It remains to be seen how this all plays out (if we are stuck here).

There are very few black & white statements that can be made with respect to conference realignment. Up is down, black is white, etc. Nothing makes sense, and none of us knows for sure what is going on behind the scenes.

I remember people arguing with me that UConn would never, ever be successful in the Big East. Some were advocating a return to the Yankee Conference.

I think quite a few of those people are on this board.
You said, "How do you know that a BE breakup doesn't make us more attractive to other conferences? By taking us now, they can't be accused of being the one that finally killed the Big East."

I took you at your word that when you suggest something, you imply there is some veracity to it. Even when you phrase it like a question, you only do that when there is some reasonable expectation that there is truth behind it. I'm not sure what I added to it, other than saying "Why would the breakup make us more attractive? That's opinion, and only really super-wishful thinking." Hardly damning. Certainly not intellectually lazy to suggest it. From this response, you suggest you could say it again, but won't. Isn't that all I did? Except that you're phrasing it so that even though you don't believe it, someone else can. Very Glen Beckian of you there.

And as to conference realignment making UConn more attractive: whether you believe it or not--and you say you don't--it is wishful, and it is opinion. Is it right? Maybe, but I doubt it.

As for Geno: really? You're going to compare women's basketball with men's basketball? The women still routinely beat non-Top 5 opponents by 20 or 30. The gap between UConn-ND-Baylor-Stanford and the rest is pretty big (I'm not a women's basketball affectionado, so maybe there's another good team out there--but they just beat Maryland, a Top 10 team, but a bunch recently).

Geno was hired in 1985. Do you know when the NCAA women's basketball tournament started? 1982! He was around right from the beginning. When there's no competition, and you're in from the ground floor, that's not a big deal. Who cares if you have a great schedule--except for one or two games, you going to kill everyone anyway. It's not as big of a deal. There's no competition in WBB, whereas men's basketball thrives on it. And in Women's Basketball, UConn is UCLA back in their heyday. They can get whomever they please. Even with Calhoun, that wasn't the case. If we were cheating, and getting top rated players, we'd be fine. But we don't. And it's hard to recruit top level talent to play in a crappy conference.

Also, you make the mother-of-all leaps in straw-manning my argument. Where did I suggest that a good conference and good schedule was all that was needed? Obviously a coach plays a great role in this. Hence, goodbye your DePaul/PC suggestions. There are other obvious flaws with your logic here, but I'll just point out that you attempted to simply strawman my point away.

Lastly, you completely side-stepped my point. The initial comment was that the only way instability helps us is if conferences ahead of us are poached, which I said as a corrective to and earlier post. You're right to suggest we don't know where things will end up: but we have to use the facts we have to judge things. And right now, we're in a conference with no immediate signs that any other conference wants to pick us up. Beating up on a bunch of crappy institutions for a short period of time, provided there is a life-raft coming, is just fine. Without it, it's the death of the program.

You cited UNLV. You could cite Memphis or UMass. They win by attracting the best players, and they did so largely by cheating. And other than a blip here or there, since their cheating coach left, they've been not very good. UNLV may turn things around with their coach, but that remains to be seen.
Sep 15, 2011
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Here is what I would consider to be bad news - and, actually, I think there is a decent chance of it happening:

After the actual demise of the Big East, the spectacle of it all generates some sort of expansion backlash and all the other conferences announced that all this is crazy and that peace should now rule the land.

And we die in the desert while they lock arms and sing happy songs.

No expansion for a couple of years has a high probability from what I have heard. The SEC wants to get its network up and working before moving and the B!G wants to see how well they penetrate NY/NJ/MD and northern VA before the next move.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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No expansion for a couple of years has a high probability from what I have heard. The SEC wants to get its network up and working before moving and the B!G wants to see how well they penetrate NY/NJ/MD and northern VA before the next move.

Yes, I think the SEC and B1G will pause.

The ACC eventually needs one more. The Big 12 won't leave conference championship game money on the table much longer. Or the disadvantage it may bring in the playoff format.

Unfortunately, the latter point already worked against us with Louisville. We are geographically unsuitable for the one conference that will expand near term.

So we can sweat it out and pray that the Big 12 wants to come east. Not for us, for an ACC school. I'm sure they have Cinci ahead of us anyway. But if I'm the Big 12, I'd go west. Away from the SEC.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2


Aug 26, 2011
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Don't give up. Don't ever give up...

I ducking love this speech.

And because I have a habit of posting clips/pics that pertain to our situation (and because I'm watching this right now, and it's at this point in the movie) :



Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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wtf have some here been talking about for over a year now? surely not this topic....
wtf did we lose today?
-bball games vs gtown, nova and marq? thats 3 ****ing bball games a year.
-all of those schools sucked at girls bball
-besides sju they sucked at baseball, soccer etc was ok at best and surely other sports shouldnt register on your dam radars overall.


do u honestly think uconn couldnt schedule a bball series with any of those 7 if we wanted to. your ****ing nuts and should have a helmet and knee pads on if u dont. letting them walk does not in any way hurt us. oh but our contract for tv in the NBE will be 2mil less. true, but we can schedule those schools ooc and the games can be picked up by sny or w/e and we will get that $ back becuase our bball is top notch and drives prices/audiences.

i swear that all the things i talk about are wacky, slick, con theorys and so on but atleast i know wtf is going on .

think about what u are all going nuts about. a basketball game vs providence and a softball game vs depaul. think about that. you guys are ****ing nutz. just a phone call to any of those schools gets uconn what ever it wants. its like michigan state calling detriot to do a 2-1 bball deal or rutgers calling shu. accept were ****ing uconn. those schools need to fill arenas and sell tickets. you telling me any of nova, gtown, sju, shu or prov would for a ssecond think to ay no? i bet susan did a good job relationship wise with them so that no matter where uconn goes in the future, we have good relationships and can schedule schools for historic ooc games. unlike other schools, uconn hung in here to the end as much by choice as u can not believe. that will go a long way for us in the future. when u see cuse beating up colgate and getting bad sos/rpi numbers and empty arenas just remember were playing a midmajo sju or prov etc and its ****ing great from many aspets from filling arenas to history.

do any of u realize that we could call marq right now and say we ant a girls bball 1-1 and they would give us home games for every other smaller sport just to make that happen? we are that powerful in the bball world. there are only 3 schools that carry that type of weight and we are 1 of them. i have no clue why ppl here are so misinformerd or just misunderstanding everything said the past year....

xavier, dayton, stl, butler, and siena. imho thats the best way for the bball schools to go right now and i hope they do. then get a contract with espn for 2 or 3 mil a team and have it reopn at 16, 18 and 20. now go on a search to find more. you have all the time in the world becuase no one else is this type of league and the smaller ones who are can't touch you. my guess is vcu, a boston school, a ct school(), drake, wsu, crei for starters get looks.

in the end it was a wild ride with these schools. they need to make that first add asap as it reups its strenght quickly both in recent sucess and perception. espn will help them with the later half i bet...
so to the bball schools, **** all your asses until we are fianlly all set, imho we will be seeing some of you at the xl soon in the future and prob 1 or 2 of u in the ncaas at some point.

HFD obviously gets off on making himself an easy target. But most of his theories are actually relatively rational.

How 96% of the Boneyard really believes that all of the SEC, B1G and acc will actually stay at 14, or the B12 at 10 is shocking...

Stop feeling sorry for yourselves and wake up.
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