At the J-G Center, the young agent was working to increase his talent base. Moore was there recruiting Miles.
"I told Josh who Nate was, and that Sean Patterson was probably back in Toledo, and that Jerry [Easter] was his uncle and probably was one of the key people in his recruitment," Moore said.
By that evening, Miles said he had met Nochimson. That interaction was the first of what appear to be numerous NCAA violations.
As an alumnus and former part of the men's basketball program, Nochimson is defined by the NCAA as a representative of UConn's "athletic interests." As such, NCAA rules say he could "not be involved in the recruiting process" and could "not make any contact, including telephone calls and letters, to a prospect or the prospect's family, on or off campus."
The fact that Moore knew Nochimson and Miles were talking was a violation. When asked if he had lost sight of the fact that Nochimson wasn't just an NBA agent, but a representative of athletic interests, Moore said: "Probably. I looked at him as a young professional working as an agent, doing what he does in his career."[/QUOTE]